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Everything posted by VintageComics

  1. X-men #71 CGC 9.8 White - one of the tougher reprints in 9.8 Asking $3000 (shipping included)
  2. Nick Fury Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. #1 CGC 9.8 OWW - only the 2nd copy I've owned in 20 years. Asking $4000 (shipping included)
  3. Iron Man #55 CGC 9.6 OWW - 1st Thanos Asking $3500 (shipping included)
  4. Fantastic Four #74 CGC 9.4 OWW - Surfer / Galactus cover / app Asking $1300 (shipping included)
  5. Fantastic Four #58 CGC 9.6 OWW - Doctor Doom and Silver Surfer appear. One of the best FF storylines of all time when Doom steals the Surfer's powers. Asking $1200 (shipping included)
  6. Payment: Check / Bank wire preferred. Other payment terms available. Shipping: Certified books, shipping is included FREE within North America, ROW we split it. Raw books, include $10 for shipping within North America. ROW I will split with interested parties.  Who wins: Time stamp seals the deal as to who wins regardless of the form of communication (including PM, in the thread, text or phone conversation). A negotiation is not a deal until both sides have agreed on terms. If there is an unconditional posted (or communicated) it will trump all negotiations unless we have already both agreed to terms before the was posted. In that case, the will have been in vain. Except that it will give you street cred and look cool to passers by. No House Of Shame or Probationary members or any others of ill repute. I reserve the right to choose who I sell to. Returns: I am considered a very good grader among my peers ( Here is a link to my kudos thread ) but since even CGC is inconsistent I will not guarantee a CGC grade. I will guarantee to be within one grade increment in either direction - so if I am calling the book a 9.4 it could go 9.2 or 9.6. If it falls outside of those parameters (and it does happen that they go in both directions), I will offer a refund. But I don't expect anyone to complain if I undergraded it. I will accept returns if item is otherwise not as described or shown. Consider all books pressed. Pricing: I try to price books close to fair market value. I am open to offers but it's not very likely I'm going to be accepting offers at 30% off fair market value.
  7. I think the market has reached a new level of nutso when people are arguing over one single data point on the most commonly traded CGC book in certification history. I'm even getting PMs trying to verify if it's a real sale. People, I think you all need to get a grip and step back a bit.
  8. It's $8795 w/BP and yes, that's right smack in the ballpark. I just had a nicer copy for $8500 in the Forum marketplace. And frankly the forums have been slow but my stuff has sold pretty well and sometimes for more at auction. Oops. Sorry about that. I saw the price without being signed in to Heritage. It showed the new BIN price. I now see the actual sale price was $6900 w/BP after signing into Heritage. That sounds about average for an off center copy with OWW pages. Centering and page quality affect BA books greatly. I'm actually not a fan of such disparity but that's the reality.
  9. No. I'm comparing the recent GPA average, which the Sucha News fell into with the Sig Series sale. The last 3 copies since June sold for $18K, $15.6K and $17K. The Sig Series 9.4 sold for 30% less, which may be accounted for by the fact that most Vintage higher end buyers gloss over Sig Series books, as testified by several people on here who are active in the market. Dork.
  10. Imma take us back a few weeks to the discussion we were having about Hulk #181 auction results in 9.8 There were some people who thought that the two Sig Series copies of #181, which went extremely cheap and were sold under unusual circumstances (two 9.8 Sig Series copies sold by the same low volume seller within an hour of each other) were representative of the general market. I argued they weren't. In fact, many argued that the Sig Series books are not representative of the actual market, especially at auction. I was watching the Marvel Spotlight #5 CGC 9.4 issues in the current Clink auction and the blue label went for over $17.2K while the Sig Series copy went for $11.9K, further supporting the argument that Sig Series books do not have the same bidder pool that blue labels have. The blue label sold right at market. The yellow label sold for 30% less. https://www.comiclink.com/auctions/item.asp?back=%2FAUCTIONS%2FSEARCH.ASP%3FPreviewCode%3D2022nov%26where%3Dauctions%26title%3Dmarvel%2Bspotlight%2B5%26GO%3DGO%26ItemType%3DCB%23Item_1614486&id=1614486&itemType=0 https://www.comiclink.com/auctions/item.asp?back=%2FAUCTIONS%2FSEARCH.ASP%3FPreviewCode%3D2022nov%26where%3Dauctions%26title%3Dmarvel%2Bspotlight%2B5%26GO%3DGO%26ItemType%3DCB%23Item_1630548&id=1630548&itemType=0
  11. No. When you do something across borders the same rules DO NOT apply as doing the same within your own borders. Whether you're shopping, travelling or doing anything else, that's adulting 101. Buyer beware. Remember, being Canadian I'm speaking from personal experience as I have been on the wrong side of this topic more than once myself. So while it's an unfortunate thing, I have always believed that there is ZERO obligation on the part of the seller to be responsible for fluctuating foreign exchange of the buyer's home country in regards to refunds and to think otherwise is ridiculous. Let's flip the tables and say that rather than having a net loss on his refund due to foreign exchange, that the buyer had a net gain through some freak of nature. This opens an entire can of worms. Who then gets the windfall? Does the seller keep the extra money? Or does he return the extra to the buyer? Your logic creates an infinite new set of variables to account for with no clear solution. It's not reasonable or logical. It's emotional, and using emotion to determine the solution doesn't hold up under scrutiny. The only reasonable solution is for a buyer to deal in funds that are the same denomination as the seller. And if you STILL disagree, feel free to find a list of businesses out there anywhere that disagree with me and agree with you. I don't think you'll find any.
  12. If you are talking about reimbursing people for foreign exchange losses, it is completely unreasonable as is the ideology that supports it. It goes against every capitalist business principle of free market enterprise. You have to draw a line somewhere otherwise your line of thinking here opens up a Pandora's Box of slippery slopes. If someone wants to avoid cross border, foreign exchange variations they should be dealing in the denomination of the seller. A business is only responsible in refunding a person the funds they were out in the denomination the purchase was made. They are NOT responsible for keep track of foreign exchange, which country the person a resident of and how much they should compensate them to make them whole in their own denomination. Your insistence implies a huge sense of self entitlement and quite frankly is ridiculous. Good luck finding many if any businesses that agree with you.
  13. This is a list what's available in this thread. Scans are in the thread. Shipping is included for all books. I'm open to offers. Message me with any questions or concerns. ------------------------------------- Amazing Spider-man #1 CGC 9.8 OWW - Golden Record Reprint (1966) - Asking $10,000 Amazing Spider-man #129 CGC 9.8 OWW - Asking $38,000 Amazing Spider-man #149 CGC 9.6 OWW - Asking $1000 Amazing Spider-man Annual #16 CGC 9.8 White - Asking $1000 DC Comics Presents #26 CGC 9.8 White - newsstand -Asking $1850 Giant-Size X-men #1 CGC 9.8 OWW - Asking $35,000 X-men #104 CGC 9.8 White - Asking $2200 X-men #121 CGC 9.8 White - Asking $1450 X-men #130 CGC 9.8 White - Asking $1200 X-men #141 CGC 9.8 White - Asking $1000
  14. Adding a book. X-men #104 CGC 9.8 White pages Asking $2200 (shipping included)
  15. There's a difference between being OWED something and just being given something out of goodwill. Good businesses often go above and beyond when they don't have to. I see now that MCS responded along those lines.
  16. There is no rationale defense of a creation like Twitter. Is there a rationale reason for people collection 4, 5 and 6 figure comics they're never read, locked in plastic? Twitter is a headline machine meant for spreading information around the world faster than any other mechanism and for that, it's phenomenal when used properly. It can notify people of things that are useful quickly and that's it's main purpose. Like anything "useless" it has it's uses and drawbacks, but you don't stop using something just because it has drawbacks. That's throwing out the baby with the bathwater. You run a restaurant, or something along those lines don't you? Sorry if I'm misremembering. So something like Twitter may not be useful for you but it doesn't mean it's an indefensible product. Anyway, appreciate the convo.
  17. Until you're capable of reading minds, all you're doing is guessing and feeding the exact thing about social media that you despise so much. You have no way of knowing what anyone's motivations are unless they tell you. And he has repeatedly stated that he wants an open, more unbiased exchange of ideas. More importantly, couldn't / wouldn't ANYONE who tried to improve on a product be accused of the same thing of being vain? So, why does one person's motivation or venture meet disdain and criticism while another's is met with praise? And most importantly, how doe someone who was endlessly praised for all the 'good' they did all of a sudden become worthy of non-stop scorn? I think people confuse how they feel with what is true and don't realize it. The two seem to be interchangeable to most.
  18. Lack of contact should always be a concern, but when someone sends 15 or 18 emails but doesn't take the time to pick up a phone they need to reevaluate how they communicate. This is an instance where someone's avoidance of picking up the phone created an entirely new set of problems. Anyone in customer service knows that it would depend on the conversation and the demands being made. If the customer is reasonable you offer them a lot more rope than an unreasonable customer. And there are some VERY unreasonable people out there. I would say that they learned a valuable lesson about the pitfalls of doing business cross border and had their expectations adjusted for the better moving forward. But that lesson was obvious to most people on here because most people's expectations are reasonable and foreign exchange differences are the cost of doing business. As someone who lives in Canada I've been dealing with this since the start of eCommerce and the internet and I would NEVER expect someone to reimburse me for foreign exchange fees. In fact, I once lost $100s in foreign exchange fees for a transaction. Well over the total invoice cost of the OP. Not once did I think to myself "damn, someone owes me for that" The OP not only had unreasonable expectations, they neglected to pick up a phone and make a simple call about their concern just in case emails weren't getting through and then they started a public thread to complain about it. That doesn't sound very reasonable to me.
  19. The primary complaint was that he wanted to be refunded his foreign exchange loss. An unreasonable expectation by any stretch of the imagination, as all the replies here agreed. The technical glitch (or whatever it was) that stopped registering his emails on MCS' end is what was being addressed in that reply. But frankly, after an email or two if I don't get a response, I generally pick up a phone or pay a visit if they're local. Emails end up in spam or get overlooked often in eCommerce. If someone sent me nearly 20 emails and those emails were based on an unreasonable expectation, I'd be questioning whether I'd do business with them moving forward.
  20. Deleted, because I don't want to be the one responsible for locking the thread. I read your reply (but couldn't reply at the time) and disagree I also have NO idea why your post would lock the thread except if a bunch of button humpers feel the need to try to make it happen out of spite. To your point, if someone made a concerted effort to shine a flood light into YOUR life you would lose your mystique as well and people could pick you apart making you look bad where you previously were respected or at least didn't stand out in a crowd. That's the entire point of a smear campaign. The same would be true for anyone on here with no exceptions. This thread is the perfect model example of what we're talking about and it's relevant to this discussion. Someone came on trying to disparage a dealer. The dealer was allowed to respond showing that the OP didn't really have much of a leg to stand on in regards to his primary concern. Without the ability to respond and bring that floodlight back to neutral ground the dealer would have been left looking in a bad light. Any respectable organization or person can be made to look bad even if they aren't.