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Surfing Alien

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Everything posted by Surfing Alien

  1. Nice picks - I saw those others but not "Raging Passions" or it would have been a duel
  2. Had a great chat with Terry and found a few things to buy. He shared some of his beer on the down-low, which, if you're from Brooklyn like me, means you're friends for life He showed me some incredible commissions he's had done over the years by Frank Brunner, Pablo Marcos and Mike Ploog - just wow kind of stuff Dug these high grade digests out of his boxes Very different from each other but both my kind of stuff
  3. Wish I knew, I would have sought you out - it was great show by all the vendors comments. Lot's of $ changing hands & it was not all middle aged men. I spotted a fair number of 20's-40's younger men and women! buying lots of horror and sci-fi. I had to elbow battle a few of them for Lesbian themed pb's with the painted covers, which is a collecting focus
  4. Man you are bringing out the guns tonight! Falcon digests are so tough. I just recently got one of these after 7 years of looking
  5. Taking a lunch break so will kick up a few photos and give a bit more splainin' later There were probably 50 people lined up at 9AM when the doors opened. Mostly middle aged men but there were some women and younger men as well. As the show went on, I was pleasantly surprised to see a fair amount of 20 and 30 somethings and more women throughout the day. The dealers I spoke with all are saying it's a good crowd for this show
  6. Many good points, but it's too easy to slosh the years around. From what age are the books you've hauled around? Boomers were born in the late 1940's - 60's. They weren't buying 1940's or even 1950's pbs. Those were bought by folks born in the 1920's and 30's, who are 99% not of this earth any longer. Those estate sales are mostly long past and the paperbacks associated with them deemed low value at the time. I suspect there's very few copies of golden age paperbacks in Boomer attics. Maybe there's 1960's & 70's pb's since that's what Boomers bought but even those, again, were only sentimentally valued, unlike (maybe) hardbacks, which were considered to have prestige.
  7. That's a proud copy. Any copy without a lot of creasing is tough
  8. All Love Jim I know you weren't knocking anything as common. I just think your reasoning is a little skewed because you see lots of vintage pbs out there: "What I meant was that I have seen many yard sales and estate auctions and they almost always have paperbacks and other books, while comics are typically non existent." - this is because every grandma knows her Dippity Duck #392 in VG is worth $55 and she pulls it and puts it in a mylar, it doesn't make it to the estate sale. Old paperbacks are junk thrown in a box. I remember back in the early 1990's hanging around in my LCS and fathers buying multiples of Valiants and saying they were putting them away for their kids college fund. "Used paperbacks were plentiful enough that an entire industry based on buy/sell/trade emerged in almost all decent size cities." - so were comics and comic book shops, including many hybrid pb/comic shops. PB's were 50 cents loose and getting beat up on shelves and comics were in bags and boards and $1 > the moon and the proprietor would throw you out the store if you were bending them (and kept the good ones behind the counter) "My point was mostly that PB's targeted adults who often keep and care for things, while vintage comics(before 1969) are less represented. Judy still has tons of her paperbacks from her whole life, mostly well read, and she even introduced me to some of my favorite authors with those very same well loved copies." - think about what you said there - adults keep things better but Judy's are well read. Not knocking Judy I have the same books from my life of reading, but adults didn't care for pbs, they were stuck in jacket pockets and purses, they were worth the words and paper printed on. I think what is happening is that you have a perception that vintage pb's are more common because you can still find them relatively inexpensively, while the truth is that there just hasn't been, and there isn't anywhere near the demand, especially from condition conscious collectors, so they are not all scooped up into collections or sitting in high end comic shops so you can still find some in the wild or on the web at decent prices and even find awesome classics at cheap prices if the seller has no clue. We've had this discussion on the main thread a few times in the past - that it would only take a very small increase in demand to dry up the supply of really good vintage pbs. I hope it doesn't happen until I find the rest of the stuff I'm looking for
  9. Thanks I got my set of Army Romances in other places. I NEED an upgrade of No. 3, mine has a sub crease but it's just rare as hell. One of the type things I flew to the LA show to look for. When no copies show up anywhere, for years, you know you gotta get what you can get when you can get it LoTR sets are fairly plentiful, but they are very high demand. I consider them a bell-weather set for the hobby, kind of like AF15 for Silver Age comics. Plenty of them out there, but everyone needs a set and the higher the grade the price keeps inching up. The set pictured is my 4th set, always upgrading each individual book. I don't think a higher grade set could exist but I could be wrong, there's virtually no flaws and they are very thick books and were highly read so very difficult to get (and keep) nice. I sold my undercopies to these recently for $650 on the bay. They only lasted a couple of days on there. That's nothing $-wise in comic world but I remember when you could get a real nice set for $100. I probably shouldn't have sold them but I keep telling myself I can't keep everything and will use the money to fill other holes. The Hobbit is the Ballantine file copy. The centering is so tough on that book, my heir will have to sell that one
  10. I wouldn't advise anyone to "bet the farm" on any collectible, you might wind up the proud owner of crates full of Beanie Babies and no food As James mentioned, I don't see any chance of a meteoric rise in prices for pbs, but there has been a steady uptick since I started buying again 7 years ago, moreso recently. As with most things, it's the higher grades and better books for the most part. I don't agree that pbs were saved more than comics were though. They were passed around and were throwaways when printed as well and, unlike comics, never had word out in the non-collector world whereas comics have been hoarded by condition conscious collectors at least since the 1960's and by the 1980's, as my friend RD says, (paraphrasing here) every grandma in an antique stall in Podunk had her VG copy of Dippity Duck #392 in a Mylar and priced at $55. Whereas old paperbacks were just that. Junk, thrown in a corner of the stall where the brittle spine glue dried up further until it cracks when you open the cover and the pages flutter unfettered about the stall Not saying there haven't been plenty of die hard collectors all along. Just nowhere near the preservation base due to lack of value and knowledge. I've only ever bought pbs with side money, steadily though, and over the years you can put together some nice runs of things.
  11. They're in Bookscans, but tucked away along with other Pocket side projects https://bookscans.com/Publishers/pb/pbASE.htm I think there's something about them in the early pb history books I have back home but were always known as Pocket produced. Reader's League was a hardcover book club so this was likely some collaboration with them that didn't last too long. I'll look in those books when I get back to see if there's any back story mentioned.
  12. So I get to my hotel in Glendale and on the wall behind the Customer Rep is a sign for "The Paperback Brewing Company" which is down the road from the hotel https://paperback.la/ Doesn't seem any relationship to the show but I may have to go down a can of "Hollywood Hellcats"
  13. I think the small cadre nature of these little board threads blinds some folks to who is out there buying. Having been going after high level books for several years now, there's a lot more competition for nice books everywhere I look in the last couple of years. Very few bargains slip through the cracks unnoticed and I think it has to be the thousands of people on FB and Instagram groups that have crowded the doorways.
  14. To supplement what has already been said here, I am going to be asking the dealers at the LA Vintage Paperback show the title question and will report back with their answers
  15. Some Friday Fun with two of my favorite vintage PB series... The Kings Mistress by Jean Plaidy Pyramid Giant G42 Topless GGA cover art is uncredited. My Gun, Her Body by Jeff Bogar Lion Books No. 79 An early cover by Robert Maguire. Now that is a hard-boiled title!
  16. Of course, now I'll be looking for a 2nd print of No. 43. I gotta know that HRN
  17. It's real pretty and fresh. I got it recently and when I looked I saw the printing info and thought of your question again and realized I had all 3 So figured I'd share
  18. Some Print-run Fun The Avon Merritt "Burn Witch Burn" trifecta. Avon Murder Mystery Monthly No.5, Avon No. 43, Avon No. 392. Cover art by William Forrest Inside No. 392, it gives the printing info that MMM No. 5 was printed in December 1942 with a 100,000 print run, No. 43 was January 1944 with a 100,000 print run, there was a second print run of No. 43 in April 1946 with a 50,000 print run (HRN probably around no. 80-100, I don't have one to compare, this one is the 1st print) and finally No. 392 in October 1951 with another 200,000 for a total of 450,000 copies
  19. We call 'em "Fridge Magnet" covers https://www.ebay.com/itm/325928279967?itmmeta=01HRWM9JFJ0P407FN0PVMTJS2P&hash=item4be2d6df9f:g:GaEAAOSwLYhleuM6&itmprp=enc%3AAQAIAAAAwFJq3Yqvb8snBpHUM47uISstVrE5tc58f0z0pMIxbJJdPlb%2FIzgShiWZb85lcP7U89CPxRWsjr0PVGuSWY4vqaz%2BsTmeYqbKBXq4Pevncd%2F8q2jUWWnikOC4axbQmIpSmsy%2BKH7HQFc7uKbSDhR7NyffMmZZYLleSWBF3gKDSGNACTKjAzPivh%2FyndKSQ8PKcte%2FSzZqCtBvcK1%2F8nHR%2F9hwDRJ5ncADFfMTUD460sacXw8v7WaxCAffM3LLBOALkA%3D%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR_KnppTHYw https://www.ebay.com/itm/224997718935?itmmeta=01HRWM9JFJS29H2J01JDYMYCSZ&hash=item3462e8bb97:g:7bIAAOSwpk5iilm7&itmprp=enc%3AAQAIAAAA8EBJiuV1xt7VtDlRX5qNt5lpBigPEvcmOKEyzu8Vf7yuiayXndumcZT9MVl4j5QqAFn3z8FU5uga%2FV9Wd1omlUVTHYaqwsK%2FtlcK3BhrGUdlzCjASYlQmGO%2F7zNKbKTSePJ2Xgzb4%2F7Ibp%2BVSjGEBIPyfejDG2irOBbmjboY8z%2F2afx49JZ3z8bDT%2FtDswKszn6zghZw2ZLG090QBd2Wg3l0EdOyDrtTwHrOY4sMd%2B68wQ3dzw%2FKBi96bctYTXNTUHn%2FJSaw7BM2I1YUQ7dIjCgyZWL5vg34PKvLP6wvMNbLiwMfgLxonkpgz6ZJjUGYuA%3D%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR_KnppTHYw But they're available in Metal signs as well, I've seen a few https://fineartamerica.com/featured/tv-tramps-vintage-pulp-fiction-paperback-big-88-artworks.html?product=metal-print Tons of regular posters though https://www.ebay.com/itm/204412320613?_trkparms=amclksrc%3DITM%26aid%3D1110006%26algo%3DHOMESPLICE.SIM%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D259212%26meid%3D911f4e73b65a42489410958718fc52cb%26pid%3D101875%26rk%3D4%26rkt%3D4%26sd%3D364370174563%26itm%3D204412320613%26pmt%3D1%26noa%3D0%26pg%3D4429486%26algv%3DSimplAMLv11WebTrimmedV3MskuWithLambda85KnnRecallV1V2V4ItemNrtInQueryAndCassiniVisualRankerAndBertRecallWithVMEV3CPCAutoWithCassiniEmbRecallManual%26brand%3DUnbranded&_trksid=p4429486.c101875.m1851&itmprp=cksum%3A204412320613911f4e73b65a42489410958718fc52cb|enc%3AAQAJAAABcLSVkHmTL63bebovD9RfpraPWbY9f4anjbziTIaEIOVXg2DWhVLks3Lfqff9vxxfjIh4XEXusIehlT2iEH8%2BCxXNySMxlDIQJ3g86%2Bx3AAIAq9gznqdGSR72ksP41kjzPN1reUbVsJuld0S4i4qXlQfTmkMeIJTCXTM8mLpr7ju2fMvruDu87ZX%2B4bShOvD%2B4iLPsuBo11OGQSn5b7Y6RRbVlyVtYdbjBpCIzjBsOAUm5wzJYCLVQ%2FcEivYnMx9Ds1%2B7PC12X1aXz%2B4CwzRoU04bumXTD2b9IeyA7uM90tfiAcmT94%2FG6zuZLs%2B02UC4TmdCbRsCgIwRI6qETQCn7uhTa1vKvI%2BFDNyXV5e9%2BVXpqcPce6%2FaUqNjoFt09hRdXxmRK07fxLfr5kPI2JwFP8P8uqXPBmb%2Bn03AgGcsgJuk5AFmZN22AcGZxy8aeyD0Rc%2FtWA1jTtz87Fw12zDqvkgeZsOeTHmkV4LP6Od%2BAgyj|ampid%3APL_CLK|clp%3A4429486&itmmeta=01HRWN0B5EQD1XTFV0WN3XM9GB