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Surfing Alien

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Everything posted by Surfing Alien

  1. Pretty sure I posted this one waaay back but none of the keywords are coming up ... but "Hell Yeah"
  2. Such a classic. I don't feel bad for forcing you to acquire it I'd say a step above a beater - the kind of book that, if vintage pbs keep getting collected, could be like lower grade golden age key comics - nice things to have in the long run
  3. Gotta give OtherEric his due, he's a run collector of many things, old school. Ace's and Avons for the most part in the pb world. That's a lot of books to go for but considering you completed the Warren mags, I'm sure you'll take them down in your quietly determined way
  4. Here's a little pre-Friday fun. This white paged beauty should appeal to Avon collectors and Girlie collectors Avon No. 815, 1958
  5. You all are too kind - of course Pat is the OG of this thread - posting on the very first page waaaaay back in 2014 - As I was perusing that page the other day, I did notice that jimjum12 stopped by and commented way back then, so it looks like you had some curiosity but the pb bug sat dormant in you until more recently James . It's a lot of fun to go back and see that folks were talking about the very same things we do today, including CGC grading pulps Mostly though there's lots of great pics that started this muthalode of pb goodness going. I think I started posting around 2017, which is when I was getting my toe wet with some buying again after quite a long hiatus. I'm pretty sure I started out going after Juvenile Delinquency/Gang books because that was always my first love, having acquired some of the big grails in the wild back in the 80's in my first collection. While it's true that you can still find great books for 10's and 20's the increase in competition is palpable and better books get a lot of bids - I see far more 3 figure sales than ever. My advice for anyone has always been to buy stuff you love and you'll never go broke. Prices still vary so widely, you still might find a $100 book in a lot full of drek by an unknowing seller (The only problem with those finds is, then you gotta deal with the drek ) But those finds are fewer and fewer - so my new advice is, go away, nothing to see here
  6. From what I can tell, there will be comics and pulps there as well, although paperbacks are the headliner.
  7. More like a marriage between Popular Library and Charlton, as their execs combined forces to start the line. However, unlike Charlton, they hired some of the best Golden Age PB artists, Maguire, DeSoto, Johnson, Marchetti etc. to paint big Good Girl covers. They also hired quite a few good writers like Gil Brewer, William Ard, Robert Silverberg, Marion Zimmer Bradley to write original material.
  8. Thanks Jeff, you've landed in the right place to see cool vintage pb's talked about
  9. Love Johnson's sense of humor on that one. On this one, not so much humorous but his cartooning background comes out a bit, like on "Suburbia"
  10. Beautiful books I don't think most vintage pb collectors really consider Monarchs as sleaze. Definitely not Popular Library, which was a very mainstream publisher. They did have a lot of sexy covers though. This is sleaze 🙂 Bill Ward cover art
  11. Thanks Jim, I'm going clear from Tampa Hope to find a few vintage paperback grails
  12. Hope to see you there and any other boardies who make the trip
  13. Thanks Jim, I was gonna do that too since you had suggested it so thanks for taking action
  14. I finished this in a sitting and a half last night and this morning. A pretty beautiful work. Terse is the word, rather than short. A real quick grimoire on human nature. I've seen the awesome movie a couple of times but the book is even bleaker in a good way.
  15. Qualified is fairly straightforward as I understand it. It's a book that looks really nice but has some major flaw, usually inside, but could be like a back cover tear or coupon cut, that would knock it down to a grade much lower if not qualified. Since the qualification is clearly on the label, I don't see any problem. There's collectors who would rather have a gorgeous looking book with an ad page out inside than a rag as a filler and CGC made the decision to give those books their own category. I assume the resto label on the Strange Tales is due to the sealed spluts. I think they were clear that trimming would be allowed on blue labels but would preclude the book being graded above 4.0 I guess it will become apparent over time how crappy or deep the trim would have to be to trigger a purple on its own without other resto ( or if it will just hammer the blue grade further and further down the same way any other degree of missing pieces would)
  16. Congrats. My favorite Spider cover, one I'm glad I went after a couple of years ago
  17. Ok, this thread is closed. I sincerely appreciate all the participation here that made this my most active sale thread yet. It's a little sad seeing so many "Stone Cold Classics" leaving the fold but they're going to great homes and, although this made a nice dent, I still have a ton of vintage paperbacks, I can't seem to shake them, they keep showing up in my mailbox Since this did do the job of making some room, I'll be going through my digest-sized pbs and other miscellaneous books for the next sales. Feel free to contact me and let me know what you're looking for and visit my ebay store, I'm buddha63 on there, I'll give nice discounts to boardies if you identify yourself as such. In the meantime, I'll be slogging through the thread and getting invoices out today
  18. Figured I'd start a thread to a) see if any other boardies were thinking about going and b) to post a bit about the show when I get there. I've already booked flights and hotel so it's a definite for me. I've been back collecting for years now and have never been to what is said to be the biggest show centered on paperbacks. It's a lot to travel across the continent to look at pb's but I guess I'm crazy like that With 80 dealer tables, I'm hoping to find a grail or two
  19. Based on a few of Pat's recent posts I took down these two beauties... Tony Varady cover on this one. It's just worn enough that I'll carefully read this copy as I just finished another book and need my next fix. This one fills one of the few holes in my early Pyramid run. It is mint like the day it was printed Cover artist unknown but it's a beauty.
  20. Yeah, he did quite a few of what I call these "full-length good girls" Pretty things they are
  21. Yeah, It's pretty cool that Vintage Paperbacks is the main theme, not pulps or comics - I hope to find a grail of some kind
  22. Ok, I cleaned everything up, updated the recap. I'll leave this open until tonight then close out. Someone joked about feeding the seals, man you guys are tough to feed but a pleasure to hang with people who share the same passion for these colorful little rectangles
  23. If anyone wants to sift back through the thread, it's 30% off anything except "You Asked for It". I'll entertain offers, propositions etc. on that one (and any grouping) The Recap is current up to this morning It's been a real blast.