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Everything posted by mattn792

  1. "It's the movies" does not invalidate 'one of the most idiotic things I’ve ever seen'. Much like TLJ (see how I circled back?) and Michelob Ultra commercials, Mr. Spray and Pray trigger finger also offended my sensibilities.
  2. "Technology". Nice retort. Way to go heavy on the details.
  3. What if they made it one movie, but 9 1/2 hours long? With a Wonder Woman cross-over? Yeah, it would still suck.
  4. Gotcha. I've seen a bunch of Signature Series Robinson books that are labeled from his collection as well, so I just defaulted to that. Though, same principle, did their cracking of the book void the Jerry Robinson portion of the certification? Regardless, it remains weak sauce on the shop's part.
  5. So they tried to both maintain the signature verification and bump the grade at the same time? Yet failed in both regards since the CGC grade can easily be looked up with the cert #, and they immediately voided the signature's certification by cracking the slab (I don't believe leaving it in the well maintains the integrity, unless I'm mistaken?). Sounds like a place where shady excrement is routine.
  6. Benicio del Toro’s...let’s say unique..method of firing a pistol in the previews was one of the most idiotic things I’ve ever seen.
  7. There's your problem -- you put Coca Cola in your Jack Daniel's.
  8. I’m naming my company to verify all comic grading related companies partly in your honor kav - the CAV, Comic Authority Verification.
  9. I'd like to propose a solution even worse than Ottobord's re-lockable slab -- sealed slab packs. Much like the trading card industry already does, CGC can introduce a significant degree of randomness to collecting. No more submissions, no more chasing signatures, and best of all, no more "item not as described" returns! CGC just grades and gets whatever books they want signed for you. Forget all the legwork, now you can simply go down to the LCS, buy your sealed pack of five slabs distributed straight from CGC, and see what you get. Will it be five 4.0 (R) copies of Marvel Comics Presents #51? A 7.5 blue label Detective Comics #31? Who's to say? That's the fun of it!
  10. The more I push back, the more moronic you make this idea. A re-lockable slab with a special key? Yeah, great idea. So how does that work? One master key for all slabs? One unique key per slab? And lord help us once some nefarious entrepreneur out there figures out how to crack the lock undetected. Fraud would be astronomical and third party grading would be rendered completely worthless were a re-usable slab ever implemented. And conventions already offer a slab cracking service. We call it find someone at the CGC booth that hopefully has a little time on their hands, and bring the rep along to the seller's booth. This is assuming Mr. Seller doesn't tell you to go have relations with yourself if you ask to crack the book before purchasing.
  11. If only we had little devices that could live record an action like cracking a slab in real time...
  12. Witnesses are at scheduled conventions/appearances with known guest lists and can easily be prepared for in advance. De-slabbing is a totally random and ad hoc event. Completely different concepts.
  13. And for a nominal extra fee, maybe the cracking verification rep can also haul along three graders and the slabbing machine. Upgrade to instant verification and re-grade for that extra peace of mind! Transit from Florida to, say, Washington state should only be several thousand dollars, no? But now that I think about it, if Comic Verification Authority can somehow stay in business, maybe we could make money by offering this completely extraneous service...Comic Cracking Verification Authority! Company slogan: You crack it, we back it.
  14. Are you serious? One, why should they, and two, do you realize what a logistical nightmare that would be?
  15. I even told the seller I'd pay on Monday afternoon just in case there was a coupon bestowed us later that day... BUT, on the bright side...I did get 15% off an ASM 300 in 9.4
  16. I consign all my high end books through the Reece family -- www.reececomics.com
  17. I bought a 9.4 Hulk 180 on Monday. I told the seller, “watch, there’s going to be a coupon in a day or two...” &))””);:;&@(:-/;$@&;:&@!!!!!!!
  18. I give you "The Sledgehammer", Ilir Latifi. Just a mess of hair on his dome and we're good!
  19. Seller didn't do himself any favors with the listing... Title excerpt -- "CBCS CGC IT!" Description excerpt -- "MY GRADE IS JUST MY OPINION"
  20. I dig it. This really is a nightmare scenario, especially because the chain of the wronged that you laid out previously is accurate in my book. Can you imagine -- seller makes buyer whole, any prior sellers back all the way to the original submitter (assuming he is also the first seller) makes their buyers whole, leaving the original submitter and PGX to battle out who is ultimately liable and who owes who what. Seller pleads ignorance and argues that PGX is incompetent, PGX counter-argues submitter knew the book was incomplete (and would have to admit to their own incompetence, which would be karmic). That's probably what SHOULD happen, but it can't imagine it will go that far.
  21. "A seller's obligation is to provide what was claimed, regardless of the opinion of any third party as to that item's condition." But in this case, barring some wording in the item's description in which the seller somehow conferred with PGX's assessment, did the seller not provide what was claimed e.g. a PGX certified 4.5 X-Men #1? Assuming the seller simply listed it in that manner, the buyer's beef would ultimately appear to lie with PGX since the seller never took any steps to verify PGX's grade and simply advertised their (again, worthless) conclusion. It's an interesting debate. We could make even more complex by introducing the Signature Series into the conversation...
  22. Unless the seller was an actual PGX rep, I have a hard time placing blame on the seller, largely because of the passage I highlighted. Much like CGC makes VERY clear that cracking the slab voids the grade, I'm sure PGX isn't completely incompetent in that they don't have a similar caveat in their terms. Assuming that is true of PGX, the buyer bought a PGX certified book off of eBay. Once anyone cracked it, be it the buyer, CGC, or anyone else, adios PGX grade. Regardless of how worthless that grade was, the item as originally purchased has now been altered. Unless the seller had direct knowledge of PGX's bogus grade to begin with, I don't see how the seller should be held liable.
  23. The same way CVA is still in business - gullible and/or uninformed consumers.