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Everything posted by mattn792

  1. Yoga was exactly what I needed, all the little nags feel much better. And it always finds some way to keep you humble. I definitely should turn this into a standing date.
  2. Well today’s mission was scrubbed on account of some discomfort at the bottom of my right heel, which Dr. Internet will tell you is indicative of a barking plantar fascia. Since my age and activity type put me in prime time to develop plantar fasciitis, no reason to push things when it’s only July. The discomfort is minor too, one of those “I’d be out there if it was the playoffs” kind of things. I had the basketball court to myself for a little while, so I got in some movement shooting the ball, and then I did 35 minutes on the stationary bike. Tomorrow - yoga!
  3. He should nominate eBay for the HoS since it’s interfering with his business. Or maybe the whole hobby in general.
  4. Well its nine days later and I didn't get to my 1:15:00 mover just yet. Turns out we had social plans on Saturday, so I then spent Sunday mowing the lawn and trying to finish the gutter guards. Funny thing about that - I can't install them when the baby is napping, which is the most opportune time to do so, because the noise could wake her up. I did a couple shorter runs during the week, and then swam a little over 1/2 mile on Wednesday. Which went really poorly, like "how am I almost overheating in this 80 some degree pool?" poorly. So I listened to my body and took the last two days off. Got back to it today and went 4.19 miles in 45:00, which is pretty much perfect for the pace I'm looking to maintain. If I wake up good to go tomorrow, I'm aiming to do 1:20:00, which should translate to about 7.5 miles. It is going to be super dull circling the indoor track at the gym for that long, but that does have two distinct advantages - 1. water, a bathroom, and my car are always close at hand & 2. my run can go on uninterrupted. No stop lights, no wayward drivers, no dog peeing 600 times (our Shepard knows how to sneak breaks) to stop my progress. Granted, running with one of the dogs or the baby is always great, but it also makes my run times a bit misleading. Besides stopping the watch for those various breaks on the route, I'm usually stopping mid-run to drop one or more off at home, which gives me a few minutes to rest and stretch, and get some cold Gatorade, etc. Come magic time, those advantages won't be there. Might as well flush them out now as best as I can because that race timer is going to keep ticking no matter what. And it's the middle of summer. Come fall, my favorite time of year, I'll be much more inclined to run outside, especially when my sled dog should be able to do 4 or 5 solid miles. The husky may like laying about in the yard in the heat, but she does not care for long runs in it. One closing thought - thinking back to mid-2019, when I moved into my previous house, and spent plenty of time going up and down significant flights of stairs, often laden with some sort of something...oh boy were my knees hurting. Not just an overuse ache, this was substantial pain kind of hurting. I vividly recall this knee pain also affecting me when getting out of the car. I also wasn't exercising regularly, and the stress was really adding up as 2019 was the stage of my life when things were firmly settled in on bad and starting to move toward the end game with my practice wife. In the midst of our divorce, she said she thought moving to the new house would make me happier. If you had any idea how much acrimony buying that house put me through, to say nothing of the cost...let's just say my logic circuits shorted out at that point. But here we are in 2023 - one divorce, infinitely happier, and a whole bunch of quality exercise later - and my knees feel pretty fantastic!
  5. This article would’ve been prescient 18 months ago, now it’s just (bleep) that anyone paying attention already knows.
  6. “Mistakes and poor business decisions”? I re-hash the following:
  7. I say it as much as I can - if a driver ever pulls this stunt and your items disappear, talk to the local police department about filing charges for mail fraud and forgery.
  8. They also failed to mention "slight front cover missing"...
  9. As long as he asks PowerPoint what to do, he’ll be fine.
  10. Just a brief recap of on of your many misdeeds @Hero Restoration - you openly admitted to doing no work on one customer’s books, sending them to CGC in less than ideal condition, and flippantly stated you spent his money on chickens instead of refunding him for work you didn’t perform. Your tale of woe rings completely hollow.
  11. Make no mistake, he was drawn in by the fallacy of easy profits.
  12. @Hero Restoration - since you’ve been such a delight in this thread, I wonder how many of your former employees left because you’re an insufferable boor to work for. As a firm believer in karma, your current life circumstances are starting to make a whole lot more sense to me. Your cavalier attitude about committing what appears to be a number of crimes is truly appalling. I only hope you find a way to do better by your customers and find some personal redemption in the process.
  13. Did 2.78 miles today in 30 minutes. I wanted to skip the interlude walk initially, but excessive pride cost Archimedes his Golden Fleece. Or something like that. I’m noticing that I need to pay some attention to my form for my left leg, because I think it’s finally starting to realize that this running thing is going to be a 50/50 endeavor. The imbalance in my gait for the past 15 years or so put extra strain on my right leg, so the left got to skate a little bit. Correcting it is going really well though as the old issues in my right knee and hip are very noticeably disappearing. My left Achilles was throbbing a little bit after the run today but in a “good” way, like it put in a good day’s work. Lower body has three main focal points for me - relax the hips, bend the knees, land on the middle part of the foot. Funny story, I had a similar throb in my Achilles during senior year of high school cross country. It kept me out almost the whole season. Not because I was seriously hurt, I just didn’t want to run cross country that year. But my parents wouldn’t let me just walk away (and go to work that much more at the job I had and focus that much more on the AP classes I was told I had to take), so I came up with my own solution to the problem. Anyway, looking to do a 1:15:00 moving session between tomorrow and Sunday. Probably going to be Sunday, I think I’ll swim tomorrow and install the rest of the gutter guards on Saturday.
  14. Hopefully it’s not another “oh woe is me” plea for understanding. It’s abundantly clear he brought all this on himself.
  15. Notice also the end of Stuart’s email - “Please don’t issue any more public statements…” So the first thing the guy does is issue another public statement. I’m rooting for all of you with books and money tied up in this fiasco, because yikes.
  16. If I can carry today’s training run into race week with consistency, I’ll be a happy camper. 5.5 miles in 1 hour, straight running miles around 10:30, and the two miles with interlude walks were around 11:30. Left knee was briefly put off when I was done, but it got over it shortly after. And the real question, especially come race week, will be how I feel the next morning. I think back on last year’s 1/2er, and I remember I felt like I couldn’t have run 1/10 of a mile the next day. Again, extenuating circumstances, but I’m not naive - day 3 into day 4 is going to have its challenges.
  17. To date, the longest race I've ever done is a 1/2 marathon, which was last April in Nashville. Another something I would not have dreamed of doing prior to meeting my fiancée. Unfortunately, my right calf made me walk the last 5 miles or so under threat of debilitating cramps, so I our final time clocked in at 3:01. Now this was largely due to a number of easily correctible factors - she got me to sign up the day before when I was expecting to be on vacation, it was over 90 on race day (Nashville in April, when I was used to Chicago in April), and my night before prep consisted of "well, guess I'll only have three beers..." The good thing is I finished with plenty of energy to where I could've finished quicker had my leg not betrayed me. And suffice to say those same hiccups won't happen again. Though January weather in Chicago vs. Florida will likely be somewhat of a factor, I'm hoping the early morning start times will actually turn that into a benefit if it's, say, in the 50-70 degree range. Hopefully it isn't Chicago comparable as I generally find it miserable to be running in the Midwest winter air. Yet my husky loves it, go figure. I've also made some adjustments to my running form which have been a massive help. Training is going very well so far and actually entails a lot less running than you might expect. I tend to only run 3-4 days per week, with supportive training in other areas (endurance weights, swimming, hopefully with biking and yoga added soon) built in, and I'm just now going to start pushing out my moving time substantially beyond 1 hour. I say moving time because at 40 years old, I'm not too proud to work the short recuperative walk into my training miles. And that little walk has proven to be a huge boon as it can be a big help in resetting form and breathing. While running, I'm aiming to keep a pace in the 10-10:30/mile range. Factoring in those miles where I work in the walk, I want to keep my total pace time at 11:30 or under per mile. So far so good, and this stays well within compliance for Disney's 16:00/mile pace requirement for the 10K and 1/2er. With this being a multi-day event, my aim is to keep the same pace on all four days, so I've set my current time goals as follows : 5K - 37:30 or less 10K - 1:15:00 or less 1/2 - 2:30:00 or less Full - 5:00:00 or less I know that I can already do the 5K and 10K faster than the goal times, but the point of this for me isn't to jet out in search of personal bests, but to finish all four races in a consistent manner. I think at this point, my base is established well enough that the 5K and 10K are already in the bag, and it won't be much of a stretch to add the 1/2er to that list. Barring injury of course. In any case, the full will be the monster haunting my dreams come December.
  18. Hello all! As many of you probably already know, I've run a little charity thread for the past three years in G/S/B, where @jaybuck43 and I pick a worthy cause or two to raise money for, I inevitably finish a strong second in whatever gentlemen's bet we agree to, and then I put up the seed money. Myself and several generous boardies put up books to give away, folks pledge money, and we raise some good dough for our chosen cause(s). Simple, right? And this year will largely go the same way, except that you'll all have a chance to really make me earn it this year! I wanted to do this little preview journal as much for myself as for all of you, because I'm attempting a feat that I'd never have even dreamed of accomplishing prior to meeting my fiancée, who is a bonafide badazz with 4 Iron Mans under her belt (if you don't know why this is impressive, see here - Ironman Distances: How Long is an Ironman Triathlon Race? (bettertriathlete.com)). No, we're not jumping straight into an Iron Man together. She wrapped up toting our daughter around 24/7 in mid-March, and at this particular juncture, I'm pretty sure I'd turn into something like this by the 2/3 point at the latest: So what is that we've undertaken and will underpin this year's charity thread? That would be the Dopey Challenge, hosted by Disney World this coming January. What the hell is that you may ask? Well Disney hosts a 5K, 10K, 1/2 marathon, and marathon on consecutive days. And the Dopey Challenge is to finish...all of them. 48.7 miles in 4 days, with the distances basically doubling each day. Don't believe me? Check it out - Challenges | Walt Disney World Marathon Weekend | runDisney. When the time comes, participants can have all sorts of fun with their pledges - per mile, per race finished, betting against me finishing, time bonuses, whatever! I think we'll once again have a great time. The thread itself won't launch until December as usual, but stay tuned to this journal for some updates on how training is going, how I'm feeling overall, what my time goals are, etc. I'll keep using this same entry to provide updates in the comments section.