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  1. 1 minute ago, Bosco685 said:

    And yet even with the costumes not meeting all your expectations, is THAT the thing which makes you wish WB made a major change, or is it a solidly delivered story that avoids being jam-packed with details?

    I appreciate many of these movies (DC & Marvel). But even the mighty Marvel can take liberties with character design and backstories (Spider-Man getting his suit from Tony Stark, and it is this hi-tech battlesuit) and I try not to let that be a distraction from the story.


    Costume has little to do with it for me as The Dark Knight proves. I hated the suit and the film was near perfection. Of course I'd love to see the costumes I envision. We all would. 

  2. 8 hours ago, ComicConnoisseur said:

    Those costumes are awful.

    Wonder Woman and Aquaman were good, but Flash, Batman, and Cyborg were ridiculous looking. Batfleck looks like he is into the leather scene. Superman with the fake 6 pack? Mainstream American fans can see this.  People are not going to take them serious like Marvel heroes who look modern and hip.

    Anybody can tell the difference of which one looks normal and which one looks campy.







    My take on it. I’m not a fan of the design choice for Superman or Flash but they nailed Batman for me. Based it off Miller’s Dark Knight Returns. I absolutely love it despite not liking BvS. On the other hand, I hated Batman’s costume in the Nolan trilogy and those are the pinnacle for me in comic book movies. 

    Supermans costume is too glossy and muted at the same time. I would prefer bright fabric for him. When DC’s top two are in a film together they should appear as polar opposites. Batman’s dark shadows to Superman’s bright beacon. 

  3. 8 hours ago, jsilverjanet said:

    I'd love to see the directors cut of Alien 3

    It is a superior version of the film but you have to overlook the rough CGI effects. Some of the work-print scenes they spliced back in are very grainy and noisy with no attempt at polish. The cool thing is they brought back in some of the original actors to record lines for the 2010 release. 

    I do prefer how the Alien is born in this version (not from a dog). 

    EDIT: I read that they did indeed go back and cleaned up the Directors Cut of Alien 3 so the workprint roughs were polished up. 

  4. 13 hours ago, media_junkie said:

    Kingdom of Heaven Director's Cut.

    The Director's Cut turned an unwatchable mess into a glorious movie.

    Yes, unbelievable how good the DC is. The Kingdom of Heaven Ultimate Edition Blu-ray can be had on Amazon for around 8 USD and contains all three versions:

    Theatrical release

    Extended Directors Cut

    Roadshow Extended Directors Cut 

    The Abyss is another film transformed by the DC with a huge impact on the finale. 

  5. 25 minutes ago, bane said:

    What'd I miss!?

    Lets go back to the old days, see a movie, give your opinion, have a chat, move on.

    People obsessing over box office and budget, do certain people on this forum actually work for the studio or something? No, ok, then why obsess over it?

    Justice League - 6/10, I hope there is an extended cut when its released on 4K.

    Total agreement. I don’t care about reviews or box office, I will go see a movie I am interested in even with bad reviews. The only review that matters to me is mine. Some say they don’t want to spend their hard earned money without the reviews and I can respect that. For me, it’s a movie ticket and I spend more on caffeine and alcohol. I will see this, and I hope I enjoy it. 

  6. I picked up some art directly from Gene Colan around 2007 and as soon as I opened the box, I was hit with the cigar smell. I hadn’t even pulled the pages out yet. I did absolutely nothing to them. The pieces were oversized and would not fit into my largest portfolio so I bought two huge acid free foam boards and sandwiched it in there.  Years later, no smell at all.  

  7. On 11/25/2017 at 1:06 AM, Bosco685 said:

    Wonder has been exceeding expectations right from the beginning ($17M turned out to be $31M). Yet folks laughed.

    As far as Coco dominating, Justice League has been holding pace even with with the latest Pixar movie. Coco is actually not matching Moana's same pace the previous year.

    My girls loved WW and haven’t seen JL yet. But all they want to see right now is Coco and I have to admit it looks great despite the standard Disney formula.


  8. 28 minutes ago, jsilverjanet said:

    There’s many of the marvel ones where I’m left perplexed at how much love they receive

    i feel asleep during Dr Strange and Ant Man. 

    Marvels humor formula usually turns me off and just comes across as jokes for kids with a few exceptions. And I guess that’s fine if kids are the target audience. But I did like Dr Strange and Ant Man and never read a single comic about those characters. I enjoyed those two movies more than both Avengers.

  9. You just can’t understand it, boggles your mind. So tell us why you hated (and if that’s too strong) didn’t like that certain movie that critics or us nerds here rave about.

    I’ll start with some recent films.

    Wonder Woman. Meh, barely passable to me with a lame final battle. 

    Spider-Man Homecoming. Keaton was awesome but I was not impressed with the movie at all and Downey added to killing it. I loved his portrayal of Stark in the first Iron Man but now he’s just annoying.

    As a bonus, I can’t stand Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow. Sometimes it sounds like she’s reading her lines off the -script for the first time. And she’s not playing Black Widow, she’s playing Scarlett dressed as Black Widow. I did really enjoy her in Lost in Translation and Ghost World though.


  10. I’ve held off writing this but I guess one opposing view won’t rain on anyone’s day. I thought WW was barely passable. Final battle was dull, hokey and unoriginal. I probably wouldn’t watch this again. Didn’t hate it, it was just, meh. I enjoyed her appearance in BvS more even though that movie didn’t cut it for me either outside of a few great scenes. My two young daughters on the other hand thought WW was great.

  11. I really wish they would go back and give us a proper Jurassic Park and Lost World again. Chrichton says about 20% of his novel made it into his screenplay. A lot of violence was toned down or just cut and big events were excluded due to budget. The novels were so much more entertaining than any of the films with a lot more going on plotwise as well as more dino-action. You see scenes like the birdcage in the third movie that was actually in the first novel. And The Lost World was just terrible. But they were box office monsters so no complaints. The first novel was fantastic and built tension with its seven (I think) iterations grouping a number of chapters and subplots as the system degraded. Now that I think about it, an HBO series of seven or eight episodes containing each iteration would be ideal. 

  12. Used to love this show in the beginning but eventually gave it up just I did the comic.  I could get back into the comic if the writing improved and they got a new artist. Would love to see Sean Phillips take over all art duty for covers and interiors. Here’s the box art he did for the upcoming Blu-ray release of Night of the Living Dead.


  13. 50 minutes ago, fantastic_four said:

    Seems like he's become the new Michael Bay, the guy with the dynamic style critics love to dump on.  I still like watching Michael Bay movies, too.

    It’s funny, I was looking at Bays box office success and the film that made the least amount of money is the one I consider his best.  13 Hours.

  14. Too bad about the low RT score but it doesn’t decide what I want to watch.  Too bad for Zack too, I loved his Dawn of the dead, 300, Watchmen and Man of Steel.  While I didn’t love BvS, that warehouse scene Bosco posted is the best Batman action scene ever created.  Matt Reeves on the other hand created such an incredible trilogy with The Planet of the Apes that I can’t wait for his take on Batman.  I’ve always preferred Batman solo anyway in a dark, living, breathing Gotham that should be a character unto itself. Tim Burton really focused on Gotham and it was perfect for 1989.  I’d like to see as much focus go into the city as its main character.  Still looking forward to Justice but no hero movie yet has been able to dethrone The Dark Knight for me.