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Bart Allen

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Posts posted by Bart Allen

  1. 15 minutes ago, Karl Liebl said:

    1. Your english is not very good but that's ok.

    2.  I can only help with the third question.  I do not think CGC will mark you down for a signature on the splash page whether it is from an artist, owner, or whatever.

    My English isn't very good? MY GOD lol Impertinent dimwit, aren't you?

  2. Hey there ^_^

    I've found a few comics in my collection which have coupons cut out, but none which influence the story, so I'm curious what's the maximum grade they would get? Also if a staple is detected, and one if the stable is visibly intact but the mages are loose? I have Demon #1 which has the name "John" written on the 1st page where the publication information has been written, but I'm curious if I were to submit this for CGC would they class this as an unverified signature?

    All comments are welcomed!

  3. On 2/23/2019 at 12:40 PM, FineCollector said:

    1) take it out of the bag

    2) what's your concern?


    On 2/23/2019 at 3:18 PM, Ride the Tiger said:

    It was very common for the comics of that time to not be cut just right during production. Here's 2 copys both graded Blue Label which means neither could have been trimmed.


    On 2/23/2019 at 3:41 PM, Lazyboy said:


    But miswraps and miscuts are a very real thing. Comparing copies and measuring don't work.


  4. 50 minutes ago, csaag said:
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    To my untrained eye, I see a few spine tics and the corners have smallish issues.  Other than that it looks good. to me.

    I'd guess 7.0-7.5

    From participating in other threads about unverified sigs (search for a Jack Kirby sig thread), CGC can note on the label that 'john doe' write on inside page and it would still be Universal. From your case it  sounds like someone had just written their first name rather than a creator sig.


    Yeah the name John is someone just writing their first name, so I was simply wondering would that get a qualified as opposed to an unverified sig?

    36 minutes ago, Old Fashion PB and J said:

    Staining on the back cover kills it. 7.0

    Thanks <3

    Would there be any means of getting rid of that stain?

  5. I was wondering what grade do you think this is? I may consider pressing this comic at some point if that may help increase the grading?

    Also on a completely unrelated note, if a comic has a name on it, such as "John", which I happened to find in another comic of my recently, will it still be universal?

    All comments are welcomed.


  6. On 2/22/2019 at 1:00 PM, Schmakt said:

    I've been hoping for news from this too! I wasn't excited to read this based on the solits...  but I almost never want to read Brian Wood books based on the solits.

    Then, as almost always happens with Brian Wood books, it was really freaking good.

    Makes me wondering whether they announced the show just to sell comics, but then again I don't think AMC would allow their name/property to be used so trivially.

  7. On 2/1/2019 at 2:49 PM, ygogolak said:

    CGC has said they will not name Gotham City Sirens #1 the 1st appearance. I don't see why JLD #1 would not fall under those same rules. The first arc is about getting all of the team together. JLD is only the name of the comic. Are they named in a later comic?
    I would also say there is contention between collectors as to unnamed but formed team with Swamp Thing #49, #50 and Annual #2.

    So technically an issue won't warrant a 1st appearance of a particular team, until said team name is said by an individual within the issue?

  8. 6 minutes ago, Wolverinex said:

    Why was it recalled?

    Well Spawn 293 hasn't been recalled (yet at least) but one to be unofficially recalled was Spider-Man: Reign #1 in 2006 (both the red and blue versions) because of a nude panel of Peter Parker ~

    "Cover C is being recalled due to misprint. Suppose to be Black And White interiors but these were sent out with colored pages. Retailers were not instructed to return or destroy, but replacements being sent out. Thanks to Pensacola Pop Comics and bcdawg97 for the info on the recall."

  9. 14 hours ago, RockMyAmadeus said:

    I've read the Morrison run, and I remember mostly nothing about it, other than Magneto was Xorn, or somesuch. Nothing particularly memorable.

    That said, the first appearance of dust is usually on the tops of bookshelves in my house.

    Sorry. I resisted for 2 weeks, and could do so no longer.

    What Callway29 wrote a while back about Marvel and Kevin Feige:

    "Marvel's top three objectives: 1) Make a profit, 2) Respect canon (Feige is a fanboy), and 3) Give every ethnicity, nationality, gender, etc... their shot on the big screen.

    What character checks all three boxes? As in: 1) Inspires, potentially, the largest portion of the consumer base?, 2) OG fans want to see, but haven't yet?, and 3) Embodies a group that hasn't been represented in the MCU?"