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Everything posted by joe_collector

  1. This looked really bad, and I was getting a bit hyped for the movie - I really don't understand what they're trying to do - match the First Class X-Men with the present movie X-Men? Isn't it supposed to be Present to Future? I don't get it, where's the surprise and intrigue when there are no "future versions" of the X-Men? Also, shouldn't the movie be called Days of Present Past?
  2. Post-CGC. This is what drove dealers to attempt to stupidly extend the BA into 1985 and turn their junk 1981-85 books into "Investment Grade Bronze". It's just pure greed.
  3. "Suggested"? What are you referring to, and could you please post a scan of the OS Declaration of the Bronze Age for me to see? I am referring more to definitive articles like this one, citing Conan and GL/GA 76 as the start points of the BA and ends with 1980 (BTW, ASM 121 is insane for a starting point ) .
  4. Because Lefield was hot (read any OS from the time), Cable was hot, and people were hoping one of these would be "the next Cable". And in case you didn't know, NM 87 was a key issue a year or so after publication. Smoke that crackhead.
  5. That Krause stuff is worse than useless, and I thought you said there was no verified circulation statements from the later NM issues? And yes, I would definitely believe Todd McFarlane over some noted board psychopath when it comes to how many issues he sold per month.
  6. The only "hard" thing about you is your skull and yes, she said that with a smile. Seriously, you repute to have "hard data" guaranteeing 100% on your life, that the total print run of NM 98 was exactly 250K, so produce it and let me see exactly where you're getting it from, and it better be verifiable straight from Marvel, not some stupid unverified Krause pocketbook or something (which admittedly doesn't include all DM shipments).
  7. So you are saying that with NM 96, which is stated to have a print run of 316K, a *later* issue with 3 major first appearances, sold LESS? What are you drinking tonight and where can I get some. Your basic illogic could only be formed by someone who didn't frequent the LCS during this time, and it's a real common thread with you. Were you ever part of the hobby prior to the 90's?
  8. Nope, according to greedy OS advisors, those are all BA (Wolverine Ltd was released mid-1982 BTW) and everything through 1984.
  9. You really don't know about the OS + dealers push to extend the BA in the mid-80's? Conventional wisdom, logic, and previous OS stances have put the end of the BA somewhere around 1980-81, but more recently, dealers with dead 1981-84 stock started to promote those books as being BA also. Crazy, but money talks and these early-80's Marvel/DC books were unsellable, so not long after, OS also extended their view of the BA to 1985 or something... all in an attempt to make a few more $$$$ for their poor dealer partners. And if the dealers push it, in a few more years it will change to 1987 and then 1989 and then 1992 and then 1995... It's all marketing, and "investment grade Bronze" sounds a helluva lot sexier than "investment grade Copper/Modern".
  10. According to the rational collectors in the world, or all the greedy OS dealers hoping to change their mid-80's drek into "investment grade Bronze"? In another few years, Copper will begin in 1995.
  11. Where are DP's feet!?!!? I think they got sucked up into his thighs.
  12. I was going to buy it, but I just can't get by what an utter dickwad the main character looks like. A Pinocchio-nosed, red beanie-wearing slacker - what were they thinking in a 3rd-person game?
  13. Those distribution numbers are based on an annual count of the circulation divided by 12 issues, and I don't believe some Diamond inventory was included, but I may be wrong - for that time period. And yes, they are also behind the times a bit, and that "12 months" was not immediately preceeding the issue it appeared in, and was a few months back. I just found out that NM 99 has the info in it, with the "last preceeding issue" being noted at 318K. I would estimate that to be around NM 95-96, so NM 98 was certainly higher than 318K (which may not include some DM copies) and I know NM exploded near the end, so I have no idea where this bizarre 250K number for NM 98 comes from. So, even if the entire DM+Diamond print run was included, that means if NM 90-93 sold 150K, 94-97 sold 250K and NM 97-100 sold 500K+, they'd be averaged in for the stated circulation. And NM definitively increased in sales over the Liefeld run, and that can be confirmed through many different sources. Anyone who actually believes the total circulation of NM 98 was only 250K is insane. NM was the hottest thing since sliced bread back then, and to fill demand they produced a second print of NM 87. No need for a second print of NM 98, so you do the math. And contrary to certain whackos on here, NM 98 was a hot issue, but initially due the first appearances of Gideon and Domino, and only peripherally, for the first Deadpool. But people bought it like mad, thinking Gideon or Domino (and maybe Deadpool) would be the "Next Cable". The book had THREE first appearances. I also remember reading/hearing somewhere, a quote from McFarlane (in a documentary?) about how much he was making back on The Hulk ($1 million+/year) and that when the Modern Age started with the Spider-man 1, X-Men 1, X-Force 1 insanity, all their books (ASM, X-Men, NM) were selling over 500K, which was why Marvel gave them carte blanche and effective control.
  14. You realize those circulation numbers are AVERAGES for the entire year, right? You do understand basic math? When Liefed came along in NM 86, the book was a mediocre seller at best, and that's why a kid like him was given the job and co-plotting. As he moved along in the run, and as Cable became more popular, the comic started selling much better and approached The X-Men near the end of the NM run, which is why Liefeld was given X-Force. If the book had only moved 250K copies at the end of NM, he would never, ever have been given his own book with virtual control. And I am not talking out of my butt or using bizarre average circulation figures averages from lower-selling issues earlier in the year, but from actual OS/magazine interviews with Marvel guys, Liefeld comments, magazine articles, and OS advisor reports.
  15. That's because everyone knows this book is going to absolutely explode once Cable becomes a movie star. Remember, the print runs of NM 87 were much lower than the later issues, as it was a low-seller before Liefeld came on deck and it wasn't until later when his art really took off. By the time NM 98 came along, the title was selling multiples of what it was prior to his arrival. That's why I would much rather be holding copies of NM 87 rather than 98 (comparatively speaking to acquisition cost) as NM 87 has more potential for growth.
  16. And it's only a matter of time before Cable hits an X-Men movie.
  17. Maybe, but it never got to that point, because once the second stated that he should get first dibs on the "unwanted book" everyone just went and told him to "just take it". I had a similar thing happen in a line at a restaurant - some psycho was having a fit behind me about how hungry he was and how he didn't have much time, and I just turned around and said "Jesus Christ buddy, just go ahead". The behavior is so nuts that you want him out there.
  18. And then we get into third, fourth, etc. on every book, just in case the second guy bows out, and suddenly every sales thread is 3,000 pages long. All people need in order to function properly in society is common sense, and things tend to break down when those lacking in common sense try to exert their will on a sound process. That's why we have so many freaking laws and perfectly-good products are removed from the market. Why someone tries to put a hairdryer up their nose is beyond me, but we must protect those poor souls.
  19. Yes, but in this case, there was no problem from the seller and it was constant whining and complaining from the second BIN that got the original buyer to give up in disgust and tell him to just take it. To me, the "second BIN" is worth about 2 dead flies and I can't believe we're devolving this level. 99% of the time, a second BIN is quickly deleted anyway. Petty, petty, petty.
  20. People on here are always quoting the outliers, and conveniently forgetting about all the other auctions that mysteriously end at much lower prices. I guess that doesn't make as good a press when you don't have two psychos bidding against each other (and possibly not paying).
  21. This analogy is totally off, and it has nothing to do with "cutting in line" as you are giving up your place, not adding to the line, i.e. cutting. A proper comparison would be Person A sitting on a subway train or bus, then *giving up* his seat to someone else as a *favor* and then getting up and standing again. Who cares if that older lady you gave a seat to just got on, and an angry, glaring gentleman has been standing there for 5 stops - it's your seat and you can give it up to who you want. And like I said, this "do a favor and give up the book to someone else" has been an unwritten board rule for some time, and I cannot believe people are so freaking petty.
  22. I don't know if this has been posted, but I was watching Fandango for the first time and couldn't help but notice this classic SA Hulk issue:
  23. Agreed, but until now there has never been a problem, and it was an "unwritten rule" that he who BINs controls the fate of the comic, assuming payment is made in some form. But all it takes is one guy to ruin it for everyone and then out come even more . What post? In the BA Spideys, Adams Tecs, Kaluta, Wrightson, Thanos thread? You have nothing in that thread. What thread do you think you're posting in?