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Everything posted by Readcomix

  1. You’ll regret that….I’m starting the Kang Dynasty post-credit scene rumor NOW…. It will be the unveiling of the Kangpin!
  2. Normally, I’d think that. But we’re talking Time Warner here, so it’s probably more brilliant than Citizen Kane and would have outgrossed the all-time take of the Avengers and Star Wars franchises combined on just opening weekend. Just a guess Stand by for apocryphal rumors of bootleg viewings, I tell ya
  3. Then you have a shot at doing it for less than the cost of one MGA #80! Maybe we should crowdsource it…everyone send Mike a Youngblood #1!
  4. At least you can probably do it cheaper than three MGA 80’s! But so you don’t feel alone….when Elementals #1 came out, I bought 50 uncirculated copies. Let’s just say it took a long time and a lotta effort to get them circulated…. I still love the Elementals, thought it was a great read, but it seems Willingham has long since moved on and no one has taken an interest in reviving them. I reread them a few years ago and realized the team is basically Archie, Jughead, Betty and Veronica. I would love to ask Willingham if he based their personalities on the big four of Archie Comics; it sure seems like it.
  5. I do love the Doom Patrol, but I really have no conscious explanation for this.
  6. I've seen it twice; I bought it twice
  7. Various reasons for multiple copies... sometimes preserving history, as this book doesn't come up much and its one of the few Pearl Harbor scenes I can think of, so I grab it if I see it.
  8. I know some of you guys are loving the coming of Kang, and I sincerely hope he delivers for you cinematically and they release Kang-a-Roos Underoos and everyone lives happily ever after, but….the dude wears trout-fishing boots all the time! I can’t shake the feeling that we’re more likely to get another Grandmaster a la the Lebowski Thor comedy director style, not some epic bad@ss Thanos type. I still say we get the Marvel western cowboys out of this, resulting in a Hawkeye and Two-Gun Kid series on Disney+, and maybe an adaptation of the Rawhide Kid mini where he comes out. This is the vehicle for Disney to bring back westerns; forget Avengers #8 and start hoarding those Dell photo covers!
  9. Readcomix

    Digital Staples.

    Thank you for the kind words, and what a great read, sir! I’m glad you’re enjoying that Black Knight. I couldn’t resist it either when I picked it up. I only part with items like that to keep me from deciding to pursue full series of some of those Golden Age short runs, which is always, always tougher than I think if I allow myself to try…(“It’s only five issues…” I tell myself…years later, still searching…)
  10. Who the heck doesn’t want action figures of Fletcher Hanks and Basil Wolverton characters??? $1 each
  11. Rolling down a hill in a barrel to dangling from a cable car
  12. Thank you! Given the title, maybe this is the loose template?
  13. Probably makes more sense, but just as easy to drop Two-Gun in in that scenario.
  14. Thanks Clark; I’ve wanted one since well before the internet age, since I first read about it. It’s definitely a book that doesn’t come out of collections too often.
  15. I’m the opposite; never much liked any Kang story I read over the years; he’s the most overrated “big” Marvel villain, in the actual funny books, IMHO. But but but he could be entirely different in the hands of the MCU, and for me there is nowhere to go but up with him, so I have no reason to not be optimistic if I set my notions of him as a comics character aside. (Kinda neat that it’s reasonable to do that with a movie based on comics, as he could well be very different.) Now, just in case my loooongshot prediction comes true, so I can say ya heard it here first….I know it’s slim chances, but I cannot shake the feeling that we are gonna get the Marvel western heroes in a brief scene, a la the Avengers #142 story, within whatever greater story they tell. And I keep thinking it results in a Hawkeye/Two-Gun Kid Disney+ show. Crazy longshot but I’m putting it out there because I can’t shake the idea, though it’s probably not worth
  16. Based on the Superman #1 example, I do not think rare means what OP thinks it means. I will, however, give him this — it’s a heckuva cover mistake considering the cover is by Kirby and Sinnott, who probably drew the Thing (together or separately) more than anyone else ever. Its neat kinda like Batman not having a symbol on his chest on the cover of Batman #5, but of course a far more plentiful book due to age.
  17. Heads and a half to tonnage of two and a half
  18. This is a steal sitting here! If you’re into comics history you’ve got more than half of their total comic book output. None of their titles ran more than 4 issues, many only three. The full run of Planet of Vampires alone is a steal at this current bid point!
  19. Asking out of ignorance — what makes legitimate pre-orders such as SS books a foolproof exception? Similar things that we are trying to address here really can’t go comparably wrong in those instances? (Not being a snark; I’m truly clueless as to what makes a safe exception)