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Everything posted by Readcomix

  1. Gerber style! Love it, looking forward! Thank you! (Though it admittedly also makes me nervous for fear of being bitten by the bug to chase Centaurs...)
  2. I take it back -- searched crusaders without Muhammad and found some; Chick Publications. Wild stuff, and affordable; thanks!
  3. I don't know what that Crusaders Muhammad comic is either, and I can't find one on eBay to take a peek, either available or sold, for what that's worth. Who was the publisher?
  4. Geez, after looking at your Pope link, I clicked off sold, and amazingly there's a lot fewer available than have been sold of late, so as guess it really is currently hot. Forgot all about the st Francis until I looked at these listings. Of this Marvel trio, I think the Mother Theresa was the smallest print run, I remember reading that somewhere, but the Pope seems to be in the sales lead currently. Joe Sinnott drew that Pope book, and I have a JPII pencil sketch by him. I first met him at a con in the early 80's, just after he drew the book, so it's what he wanted to sketch for me. I was quite happy, figuring it would be different, as most probably ask him to sketch the Thing or Cap or Spidey, I imagine.
  5. SA goals for me for 2017: 1) I'd like to add another major Marvel key (like SupergirlDC1959, FF1 or TOS 39 would be my top preferences, but I have offers out to two non-collectors on ASM1 and DD1 respectively, and either of those would do fine as I have neither). 2) I'd like to add a Hulk #2, TTA 35 and 44, Strange Tales 101, and Two-Gun Kid 60. 3) The top of my D.C. Silver list is Adventure 247. 4) A decent Magnus #1, and the only silver Archie key I'm missing, She's Josie #1. There are other non-SA goals, so even one of the above would satisfy me.
  6. Just thinking that! Not at all a common "in the wild" item, even in the deeper LCS's, in my experience.
  7. Kamandi #1! Waaaay underrated Kirby stuff...until Warner Bros figures out that what a great movie it would make in an era of post-apocalyptic distopia films....
  8. Me too, but on the other hand, this one and the horror covers thread over in Bronze are both lengthening my shopping list of undervalued gems to pick up....I love a bargain, but sometimes I string together quite a few then think back and decide I could have added another nifty key instead. But a lot of the kind of stuff we're talking about here is also relatively highly liquid and low price point....I think I just talked myself into keeping it up.....
  9. Seems like everybody (rightfully) loves that Hulk #197 yet it doesn't elevate the book's price above the rest of the run. Another one I won't sock away while it's cheap, then I'll regret it later...
  10. I wasn't comparing them at all; just stating that his first cover appearance at all was B&B 28. I just thinking its an interesting fact about a character that has been around since 1941 -- 19 years without a cover appearance just surprised me when I learned it.
  11. Thx Jaydogrules! I had read that a while ago, but it's one of those amazing things that just can't seem to be true for a character that goes back to 1941. Yet it is. No cover love til 1960....as amazing as the fact that he and Green Arrow round out the 5 heroes published continuously from the golden age til the silver age (granted Superman/Batman/Wonder Woman did it in their own titles, which is more impressive, but since no other golden age characters did it at all, it's still pretty impressive.)
  12. Yes, that's the Jonah Hex! Thanks! Total GGA throwback, no? Agree on all the ones posted thus far, especially Legion 293. Always liked that one a lot too.
  13. I have no means handy to post an image right now, but the first thing that jumped to mind is Jonah Hex #87....ripped right out of the GGA era of the Golden Age!
  14. I don't think the Action 1/Superman 1 analogy is apples to apples, even though they both contain Superman origin stories. I think it's more like Superman 1 (first own book) to Superman #53 (first fleshed out, detailed origin). I'm glad this thread has me thinking about, because my own confusion about what's truly key has kept me from pulling the trigger. Unlike Flash and GL, he's still the same character, but he does get a drastically different origin in #260. Because Aquaman had ongoing continuity at the time, it's like his Showcase 4/22 moment comes in 260, and Showcase 30 is his 105/GL 1. I think I just talked myself into both and reaffirmed my long-held position, across various price points for yeeears now, that Aquaman #1 is overvalued.
  15. To all you big gun GA Archie collectors, thank you for indulging me and posting these gems! I've now concluded that I feel many Archies in the era circa issue #50 are under-recognized gems, and you guys ARE quietly hoarding them on the cheap! Your secret is safe with me; carry on.....(uh, can I keep my 41???)
  16. Characters like the Beyonder and Sentry are the best arguments AGAINST continuity I've ever seen. Disregarding them, among the conventional guys, I would historically say Thor though more recent creators have seemed to tip this toward the Hulk. Then you've got the spitting-distance niche characters like Gladiator, Hyperion, Juggernaut, Hercules. Among the cosmic guys, jeez it's hard to keep the hierarchy straight. I would've thought Eternity or the Living Tribunal (not really One Above All, that's like the Marvel equivalent of whoever the Spectre looks to as his creator), then Kirby rolled out the Celestials and really confused me.
  17. I would love to have Stan's autograph if I met him, but not on a comic book. It's writing on a book. In buying a key book, I would personally pass on an autographed copy. Obviously, there's a market for it, but I'm not it. That said, I have a few autographed books in my collection, mostly from buying an estate collection. I got rid of most of them in an auction. The few I kept are cool sigs on $1 books -- basically the same as just having a piece of paper autographed. I kept Joe Kubert and both his sons on some modern x-men book they did, and Walt Simonson and Tony Isabella on a Topps comic they did, and Claremont and Romita Jr.on an X-men, 219 I think. There was also all 5 members of Aerosmith on a Shadowman 19. The others? A full set of Marvel's Godzilla, signed by Herb Trimpe and Dan Green at a con when I was a kid. They offered and though I didn't really want them to, I felt impolite declining. My friends and I had organized the little con and they were gracious enough to attend and do sketches. I still treasure the Hulk sketch Herb drew and Dan inked for me. I also picked up a copy of the hardcover Superman from the 30's to the 70's in an antique shop and got home and found "Curt Swan" on an interior page. I will probably part with most them at some point as autographs from people I have not personally met just don't hold much meaning for me. I guess it was really ingrained in me as a young collector that writing on comics devalues the book, and I've never understood the whole signature series thing as a result. Again, that's just me. Obviously, many like and appreciate signed books.
  18. Yep, that's what i'm talking about! Yes 41-50 are all nifty, but if #50 is Superboy, then 41 and 44 are Mon-el and Ultra Boy....imho....
  19. Just looked up 48....finally traded for a 41, and you go replace it on my want list! Thanks!?
  20. Curious ...do any Cerebus collectors care about Power Comics #1 for the Dave Sim aardvark prototype?
  21. Isn't Brave and the Bold #28 his first cover appearance, period? (Not just first SA cover appearance?)
  22. I get the argument for 105, but I vote for 123. I think that it (along with Avengers 4) are both still underappreciated for bringing the golden age forward into the silver age and essentially establishing the importance of the concept of continuity (which modern creators seem to have forgotten mostly, in a world where every six months is basically a new "What If?" Miniseries in every title, but that's another rant).... Anyway, this is the reason that over in the "what is your flagship book" thread I picked these 2 as the last two books I would part with, even though they may not be my most valuable, rarest, etc.
  23. Hey crew, I'm asking this here because I figure such a club includes lots of GA Archie expert enthusiasts....I totally get and love the Archie 50 cover; but I feel like #'s 41 and 44 are completely overshadowed but probably the #2 & 3 headlights covers among the first 50. Am I crazy, or are you club members quietly hoarding them on the cheap? Fess up!
  24. Help! I just discovered I need a centerfold for Tessie the Typist #22! I can buy or trade, Please PM me if you happen to have a spare lying around?