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Everything posted by Readcomix

  1. A sometimes-forgotten Fawcett for my fetishist friends
  2. Didn't happen to me, but my LCS owner shared a story of them doing the same thing with a mid-grade 181 that he submitted on behalf of a customer.
  3. Kav was your cameo account. Kav1 is your first full appearance account. You're worth more now.
  4. I will celebrate anybody's first Timely Cap, and anybody who isn't sure of all the Blonde Phantoms he's got! Congrats to both of you!
  5. What an amazing collecting feat! How the heck did you begin your assault? I'm particularly amazed by the thoroughness aspect. Did you set out from acquisition of your first Hitler cover to do this, sitting down immediately and combing Overstreet? (I'm assuming you started pre- Photo Journals, from what you had said earlier). Or did you just gravitate to them as a collecting strain, then go completist only after it you realized you had built a critical mass? What did you do to build a lair that you were confident was a complete target list, if pre-Gerber and pre-Internet was when you did that work? Are any of these not in the Photo Journals? I'm guessing likely so. (I'm checking them for Champ 24 next!) Congrats, and thanks for the enjoyable thread that will no doubt also be a resource.
  6. Thx Sagii! These were more of a one-off for me. There's a guy I've bought a few things from, and he wanted to move these off cheap, as he had no other customers for them. I knew the 16 was tough and thought it was a cool war book, so I wanted that. But for the price. I figured take them both and make him happy.
  7. Thx! Dumb luck...estate collection...Guy's brother passed. Always mixed feelings going through estate collections, but I remind myself I'm becoming the curator of portions of a collection carefully curated over the years by a fellow collector.
  8. I be getting a box next time I be at de grocery store! Dr Love, Is that a subscription-only back cover? There's a Tom Mix 4 on eBay now but it does not have that back cover, something more pedestrian (and full-page, hence my speculation that they used their own half-page house ad for sub copies to have space for the postal info and address. Am I correct?)
  9. Yep I left 359 off the list unintentionally but it belongs on there easy. 359 was quite affordable a few years but not so much anymore. I actually compare this to Action 252 and think this might be the best hold. I say 252 because a hero first appearance historically outperforms a villain and 252 has always been ahead of 242. So 357 should technically be ahead of 155, 171, 181, & 189. And it's a true first and not a silver first. A great current comic storyline, a good movie role or a great tv show would really push this in that direction. I agree; but with the added thought that 181 has an outside shot to be the long-term top dog from this lot, if not 359. That's my Plan B pick because Ivy has that hero/villain thing going on a la Catwoman/Harley Quinn, is also a true first, and is tough in grade due to color (like 359) but also has that pin-up that is often missing.
  10. Awesome Hangman, Jimbo! Since you asked, "Did you bring me some silver?" .... How about 30 pieces of silver? (Including all 18 Surfers) Picked them up Friday night, by chance.
  11. Why, yes...that's....err....True... Couldn't resist...thx Jimbo!
  12. Thx! Not big-time books, but not terribly common issues, especially the 16. I love me some war-era bombing covers!
  13. That cover is a stunning reminder of why Alex Raymond was so highly regarded. Beautiful, thank you!