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Get Marwood & I

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Everything posted by Get Marwood & I

  1. I used to have a copy funnily enough. It went in the last refocusing clear out.
  2. Two! Two Amazing Spider-Man number forty 10d UK price variants with T&P 10d 3-numbered stamps with big circles around them! Ah-ha-ha-ha-hah!
  3. Any chance you could post a picture of the back cover too?
  4. Remember when I finally found this stamped Superman #132? It's the only one I've ever seen. There are lost of Superman #133's to be found, with logical 8 and 9 stamp numbers. They are likely the first to arrive, and the '1' stamped 132 may well have arrived out of date sequence in a subsequent shipment. So we can say that Superman #133 was a distributed issue, as there a lots of examples extant. Can we say that Superman #132 was 'distributed' though, if we only have one example (so far) and the numbering implies latecomer? And perhaps more importantly, does anyone care?
  5. No, just that same roundy shilling one as you. It's an interesting aspect, the presence of books for which T&P stamps don't exist in large numbers, or at all, but for which other 'of the time' stamp types can be found. It sort of indicates that an issue did not come across in the usual way in 'regular' numbers, but had a stray or two arrive in a later shipment. Does one example negate a previously stated ND status? And if the non-T&P (as far as we know) stamp is of the time, it does make you wonder how that issue came to be here. That's why, in the number cycle work, I tried to gather multiples of each issue, to prove as far as we can 60 years later that the issue arrived 'normally'. The more you find.... A single T&P stamped example could be the only example, after all, but then we have to consider the nature of the title (popular vs less so, boy title vs girl) and consider whether preservation would be as likely. The one thing I find in my research - in all aspects - is the 'glut issue' scenario. The issue for which there are an uncommon amount of copies in circulation and for which there is no obvious explanation. That happens a lot in Charlton. The evidence you gather seems to indicate a much higher extant prevalence of one issue over another but with no obvious reason. Warehouse finds, maybe. All good fun though Rich and a nice return the subject matter after last night's shenanigans
  6. Morning While we wait to see if Yozzer @Yorick will ever get his 10d Flashes on the CEEGEECEE census, here's a nice write up on the Phantom UKPVs which I brought to the site owner's attention the other week: https://thephantom.fan/comics/king-comics-uk-editions/ Nicely done Frank, if you're out there reading this It's a cool site overall, and well worth a look. I especially like this page: https://thephantom.fan/books/the-king-comics-reading-library-supplementary-reading-program/ That's my kind of stuff. We all like a bit of Phantom, don't we. Especially when they teach us how to read
  7. Spot on zzutak. The consistency of some of our regular players is amazing. I want some of whatever @TheGeneral is drinking - he's always in the mix
  8. I had no choice Ken, you know that. There was a shag joke in the offing
  9. Oh, she's doing To Sir With Love. Gotta go now. I'm doing a Biden (laptop on 5%) Nighty night pence brethren
  10. Actually, I think I dress quite cool for a comic bod. Well, that is if you think Catweazle meets The Crowman is cool.
  11. I bet it was one of these two: They look like the sort of people who'd unleash a Shagg upon the world.
  12. Indeed. It's hard to resist a good Shagg isn’t it. Cover, I mean.
  13. trmoore54 waiting for the results table... Get Marwood & I waiting for the results table... ADAMANTIUM waiting for the results table... CGC Mike hard at work putting the results table together...