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Everything posted by PhilipB2k17

  1. Come to think if it, you rarely see Renoir paint feet.
  2. My wife tolerates my collecting, at best. But, I bought some art from Ice Cream Man, a modern book out right now (that is getting a lot of acclaim, including from Brian K Vaughn who says it’s a must read for him every month), and she loved the art. I even printed out a scan of her favorite page for her to take to work. Go figure! Here’s the page. She has a macabre sense of humor, which includes buying a Chuckie doll, complete with knife.
  3. I went to a shop in Indianapolis recently and they had a bunch of commission sketches, but no published art. Admittedly, the circa 1970 Neal Adams Deadman colored drawing on 11x17 paper was tempting.
  4. I thought many of the earliest books were sold intact to a collector?
  5. Yeah, $12,500 for an entire Groo comic, including the cover? That’s ridiculously cheap! That’s $550 a page.
  6. Love Groo! I almost picked up aGroo page this week but blew the auction because I got busy and forget to bid. I’m kicking myself because it was ridiculously cheap and a really nice page.
  7. Keep in mind, Stan Lee was tickled pink by the fact that Warhol and Lichtenstein were swiping comics panels, and turning them into "Art." So much so, he started calling Marvel "Marvel Pop Art Productions" and put that trade dress on many covers in the early 60's. But, there was a fan backlash, which led to:
  8. Lichtenstein altered them. He changed the color scheme, for one, and removed some of the other images. But you do wonder why he didn't "sample" a Peanuts or Li'l Abner comic strip. Oh, I know why, he thought (correctly) he could get away with sampling anonymous comic book art, but not Snoopy.
  9. Lichtenstein's lost work, "WHAAM!! BAAM!! THANK YOU, MA'AM!!"
  10. Did Andy Warhol fail to give credit to the person who designed the Campbell Soup Can trade dress?
  11. But, what if Lichtenstein turned still shots from porno films into "art?" Hey...wait a minute.
  12. Sorry. But if a dealer just tosses unsorted cheap common books into 15 long boxes at a con, which forces someone to spend an hour digging through them looking for stuff, they have every damn right to decide they don't want stuff they pulled out. A) The dealer was an a-hole who made it a PITA to look for stuff. B) If someone takes the time and effort to look through a box of UNSORTED comics, they have the right to change their minds on any they pull out; 3) It's if they're pulled from the unsorted lot, it takes all of 5 seconds for the dealer to stick them back in a box! If a dealer puts out boxes of sorted/alphabetized books, then its easier for the collector to find what he or she is looking for (or not), and move on. A LOT of dealers do not sort books for this reason, plus it's a lot of effort. They make more sales because they have a bunch of peole going through 10 long boxes looking for hidden gems, or to fill holes in their collections. So, do not complain about someone doing all of that, and deciding not to buy anything.
  13. This one is pretty badass too. If you like the Maestro character. http://www.fanfare-se.com/GalleryPiece.asp?Piece=18701&ArtistId=120&Details=0&From=TDetail&Mag=Future+Imperfect
  14. Still a few Maestro pages out there. http://www.fanfare-se.com/GalleryPiece.asp?Piece=18700&ArtistId=120&Details=0&From=TDetail&Mag=Future+Imperfect
  15. I doubt it. I think his stuff will go up in estimation down the road. I mean, there are some highly collectable bronze age artists (*cough* Rich Buckler *cough*) who had a reputation for really blatant swiping back in the day, who nobody thinks twice about now. And many comic book artists based their character drawings on real people. This isn't new. I like my Land/Lestein piece because it's more traditional art, not stiff-posed magazine lightbox swipes. You can kind of tell the difference between his lightbox swipes, and his more free hand art. I think he's doing a lot more of the latter lately, precisely because of the criticism.
  16. I have a guy who’s sole job is to stop me from pulling my art out of the locked closet it’s in, exposing it to sunlight. He’s very dedicated, so sometimes things get out of hand
  17. Tom Fleming at Fanfare Art. http://www.fanfare-se.com/ArtistGalleryTitles.asp?ArtistId=120&Ti=Greg_Land
  18. Oh I know. He’s a fantastic inker, and you can see his work. I asked him if he worked over Greg’s pencils, and he said he did and erased them. You can see a few pencil indentations on the piece.
  19. I actually looked at photos of hurdlers to see if I could find the source of Land’s Spidey pose in my DPS. Not nearly as...er...interesting as trying to find the female sources though.
  20. Just put this up, and have the motion sensor trigger phrases like: "Just what do you think you're doing, Dave?," or; "I'm sorry, Dave. I'm afraid I can't do that," or; "I know that you and Frank were planning to steal this John Byrne X-Men page, and I'm afraid that's something I cannot allow to happen."
  21. Still trying to pick up a nice "Y the Last Man" page. Still trying to shake one loose from a few places. Also, I wouldn't mind picking up a good Aragones Groo page. Adding: I am also really intrigued by JH Williams' Premethea art. It's incredible, and I have seen a few examples pop up recently that have piqued my interest.