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Everything posted by PhilipB2k17

  1. Unfortunately, the writer of the article gave a plug to Cool Lines.
  2. Has the infamous “Hail Hydra” Cap page been sold yet? And, clearly, that’s a modern page that would require a word balloon overlay.
  3. No. I don't own it. Found it online. But, I would recommend he head to the NY Comic Con (October 4-7), and go see Vincent Zurzulo at Metropolis Comics. They probably have a high grade copy he can look at.
  4. The issue it’s from is exploding on eBay. https://www.bleedingcool.com/2018/09/21/holy-batpenis-batman-damned-1-is-now-a-45-book-on-ebay/
  5. Yep. https://www.bleedingcool.com/2018/09/21/holy-batpenis-batman-damned-1-is-now-a-45-book-on-ebay/
  6. What’s the over under on Batman Damned no.1 with Bruce Wayne’s full frontal junk exposed?
  7. What do you think this would be valued at, if it came up for auction? https://www.vox.com/2018/9/20/17882502/batmans--nude-comic-book
  8. OK fine. MORE THAN HALF the people advertising this book on eBay say some variation of "1st Wolverine" or "1st Appearance Wolverine," knowing it is not. Some of them correct this misinformation in their item description.
  9. Yeah, no. The entire hobby knows that Hulk 180 is the true first appearance of Wolverine. You can make arguments for why Hulk 181 is more valuable ( Great first story; great cover, iconic confrontation with the Hulk; first "Full" appearance; historical preference, etc.). But what it absolutely is not, is the first appearance of Wolverine in a published comic book.
  10. We all agree that Hulk 181 is ~not~ the 1st Appearance of Wolverine, correct? Hulk 180 is. Take a look at eBay right now. https://m.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2332490.m4084.l1313.TR12.TRC2.A0.H0.Xhulk+181.TRS0&_nkw=hulk+181 Virtually everyone selling that book says it’s the “1st” appearance of Wolverine.
  11. The 180/181 debate is essentially about rules. What are the rules of this hobby. What is a first appearance? And why do some first appearances matter and others not so much. This is just the most prominent example of a 1st appearance of a major character being far less valuable than his second. This has relevance to this thread as it pertains to modern books heating up for (the most part) 1st appearances, and what that means.
  12. That’s not driving the value of IH 181 now, though. The “reading” component of the hobby, such as it was, is baked into modern values. It’s valuable, because it’s been valuable. Nobody needs to buy the book to read it anymore, and everything gets slabbed. There’s no real objective reason why 181 should be so much more valuable than 180 (“story” isn’t a sufficient explanation in this case. This isn’t the Death of Jean Gray, etc) other than it’s been that way historically and a lot of people in the hobby have a vested interest in that continuing.
  13. The values of the books was in flux in the late 70’s to early 80’s. And 181 is coasting on momentum now. No objective reason it should be more valuable than 180 based upon the normal canons of the hobby.
  14. The market at some point decided that IH 180 wasn’t the “real” first appearance of Wolverine, and that his first “full” appearance was 181. I think this was a post-hoc rationalization. Maybe because people wanted the Cover to 181 to represent the 1st Wovly story. Who knows
  15. They listed182 as a cameo based on the hyphen. I realize folks are out of practice on reading OSG, so I’ll let it slide.
  16. Yes. Because it was falsely labelled as his 1st appearance for years, became a classic Key, and now everyone is retroactively rationalizing why. Your explanation is one of several. It used to be “first Full vs First cameo” etc. Rules that were literally invented to explain the 180 vs 181 discrepancy.
  17. Yes. That’s the rationalization to explain the historical anomaly of why the second appearance of a character in a totally meaningless story is worth more than the first appearance. Especially in an era when nobody buys 181 in order to read it. I’ll grant you that the cover to 181 is cool, though.
  18. Which is based entirely on the historical nonsense that it was his first overall appearance, and kept that value up due to momentum, mostly. It's an historical anomaly.
  19. I'm not arguing with you. I agree that Hulk #180 is Wolvy's FIRST Appearance, not #181. I had a big argument on these boards a couple years ago about it. But, the Market has decided it's not. Just like the market decided that fantastic Four #48 was the first appearance of Galactus.
  20. This isn't the first "full" appearance of Wolverine, even though he's literally naming himself in the panel.