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Everything posted by Badger

  1. Can I have All Select Comics #11 added to the Blonde Phantom set? It is the first appearance of the Blonde Phantom and Blonde Phantom #12 comes directly after it. The Blonde Phantom is the only figure on the cover. Registry number 0011810005 for an example. Thanks! Set updated.
  2. It is easy to Google. Baptists have, through the years, loosened that ban. In 2005, "SBC president Frank Page also recognized and let stand the varying interpretations within the denomination." Southern Baptists Debate speaking in tongues I can tell you that the Baptist Church in Seminole Oklahoma in 1984 had a guest speaker speak in tongues and had members of the Congregation follow his example. The majority of Baptists may not accept the Pentecost but it is practiced in some Baptist churches. In 2015, missionary work was opened to Baptists who speak in tongues. https://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2015/may-web-only/imb-ban-speaking-in-tongues-baptism-baptist-missionary.html
  3. It was held in the Baptist Church in Seminole Oklahoma but it was a visiting preacher so...
  4. I hope I'm right too. Well, I'm sure there are bugs and lets hope they get them fixed quickly.
  5. $4600 may be enough to get their attention especially if other complaints have come in on the guy. Hopefully he is dumb and sells it to a cop.
  6. I do see at least some historical data. I haven't checked everywhere of course but there is at least some. All Select #1. You do have to click a lot to get there.
  7. If you are getting the old site you may be using a Favorite or letting autocomplete fill in the site. Open up a new browser window and manually type in www.gpacomics.com. Make sure autocomplete adds nothing after your typing. If this does not work, try a different browser. If it works in the different browser then it is something going on with your old browser. If it does not work, then there is a chance its with your account.
  8. I love your posts about Archie comics. You bring a point of view to them I never really had. In experiencing your joy through your writing you woke up my love of Archie comics. Please keep it up.
  9. Werthem was straight up serious even when he would take comic book artwork, rotate and zoom in on it, and say,"A child knows to look for these hidden sexual drawings." I'm paraphrasing from memory but its accurate enough to get my point across. I lived through watching the whole McMartin Preschool BS on TV and in the newspapers. It seemed that every week there would be a new child coming forward with an even more outrageous accusation. I was in high school but I remember thinking that there was no way this went on to this extent for years. It was nuts. If I remember right, the son of the owner was molesting at least one child but the psychologists convinced other children that they had been molested and given to Satan. I was playing D&D in a small Oklahoma town during the D&D satanic scare. We could not bring our D&D books to school without being accused of being Satanists. Friends were inviting me to their churches to save my soul. Very nice of them but unneeded. The only thing I saw that looked satanic was when I went with a friend to a Baptist service and people started falling down and speaking in tongues. Really annoyed me when devils and demons were renamed in the game to calm the scared masses.
  10. Clear your cookies and log back in. That may fix this problem.
  11. I read it 35 or so years ago. Its a psuedo-scientific work written for a wide audience. If you can get through "A Brief History of Time" then Seduction will be a breeze. Plus it has cool pictures and accusations that will make you laugh out loud.
  12. Congratulations! If you are going to jump into the Timely pool that's a heck of a life preserver to pick up!
  13. Its fairly common. I worked for a company that wanted glgc.com (It was our now defunct stock ticker name) and the lady owning it wanted $250,000. We didn't pay and I think she still has the domain.
  14. Pink Nazi flag and pink helmets always makes me wonder if this was an accident at the printer or intentional.
  15. Its at ~$988,000 if the buyer is from a state that collects sales tax. Will it cross 1 million? I think so.
  16. That's still a 30+ year old book, man! We are talking about throw-away paper products cheaply made and treated even worse. Its amazing anything survives. 1986 is great.