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Everything posted by MAY1979

  1. At the time I picked up the Heathcliff, I had not purchased any raw Comic back issues in nearly 5 years as I directed all my collecting attention to 1970's Comic Art. As I completed an art trade at a 2004 con, I figured let me look at the Comic dealer next door. Thought I'd see if I still had knack of spotting high grade books. In the first box came across the Heathcliff, figured I'd quit before the OCD demons came back, paid for the book and left. Added it to my next CGC submission. Since then I pick up raw back issues every now and again. Not as afraid of the OCD as much since I eliminated new comic purchases in 2011. As I said Boring!
  2. Yeah DC Comics Presents 26/NTT was not the best example but as you said it it was Marvel we'd be talking about a $5-7K book in CGC 9.8 ASM 316 yeah calling it first Venom cover is a stretch but Overstreet states it best "Classic Cover by Todd McFarlane" and it sure is...315 IMHO greatly lacks eye appeal in comparison. My Pet Peeve is the overall lack of love for ASM 299 compared to 300. In 299 Venom appears on 2 pages including a full page splash. So not a Hulk 180/181 situation given Venom does not appear on cover of either 299 or 300. 300 of course has pretty much been a hot book since the day it was released and does have a classic McFarlane cover. Oh well it appears a 9.6 300 will always command more than a 9.8 299
  3. Those who have true interest in the books I think all know. Those who buy slabs merely to show-off on insert_name_here-gram.com probably have no clue. I do forget, is it V that is only partially Warrior reprints supplemented with new art or was that Miracleman? Or both? Or Neither? The covers though of course are new and in my opinion make DC's V more "display friendly". Sure wish I have thought to go after the Warriors a decade or 2 back. I know never too late
  4. Just received this back today. 1 of the 2 copies I purchased as child at one of my early comic shop visits. 2nd book I ever purchased more than one copy. The other copy will be wintering in Sarasota. Still shocked at the sharpness of this book. 2021 me thanks a 1984 child me for being so meticulous in purchasing books and enduring the LCS shop owner's "insults" - well more like comments of "just pick one already". Since I was very careful to never do any damage to any of his books I was at least tolerated? Like all my self-submitted comics this book is NOT pressed. Although that will change as last month I sent 2 submissions that i think the books will benefit from a C&P. So my personal non pressed streak endeth.
  5. There is story behind the only Star back issue I ever purchased that is also the only Star I've ever sent for grading but it's even less interesting that the first part of this sentence
  6. Just got this back from CGC. As with the scans in most of my posts this was the copy I purchased as kid from my LCS. Thought I had a small punchers chance at a 9.9 it's a really sharp copy. Preserved in a Mylar since moment of purchase. As I recall I first read the series in a trade somewhat later. I'm really enjoying receiving my 1984-1991 purchases all back slabbed from CGC. The no longer OCD me (I think?) wants to thank the OCD collector of my childhood. BTW it took diverting all my collecting attention to a collecting hobby where condition is pretty much meaningless to defeat that inner demon of mine.
  7. Speaking of Todd McFarlane just got my 316 back. There are borderline 9.8 and there are strong 9.8's this is the later. It's the copy I purchased from my LCS as kid. The cover really Pops I can see why it's now considered classic. P.S. Most of my collection from back then was stored in Mylites with Boards. As not a "valuable" book until the last few years it did not make the cut for my Boxes holding Mylar encased books. When I culled it from my 80's ASM longbox to send to CGC months back found it did not have a board and was just in a Mylite. No idea why, but my heart sank when I saw. Luckily the book in front and behind both were boarded so to were most of the books in the box keeping it pretty much flat and stable. I examined it and breathed a huge sigh of relief seeing how nice it had remained.
  8. Thanks. I saw the BIN on ebay in Aug but I don't trust that as empirical due to so much more ripe for seller market manipulation than a standard auction which is also pretty easy. I will say that even that 2020 Avg is higher than I would have guessed. If Infinity 14 had been a Marvel book probably 3-4x that price, maybe more? ------------------ What that chart that from GPA? If yes, how far can one go back in terms of years of data? Although I'm only collector and never (at least not for another 6-9 years) sell comics, but sales data on this stuff fascinates so I'm thinking about subscribing. ---------- I do really wish DC was not so very much dwarfed by Marvel. But now in my 4th decade of collecting I've learned other than outliers the money is investing in Marvel. Still I do love DC and I always make sure 40-50% of each of my CGC submissions are 1990 or earlier DC - file that under my name is MOE RON
  9. My only point is DC books outside of the outlier Characters I mentioned do not go "nuclear". While I am a DC person (pre-Sept 1 2011 when Johns, Lee and Didiot fisted the fan base IMHO) Marvel Collector Bias is stronger than ever and growing. Just the mere hint of mention of obscure D level Character in one of their TV shows or Films and the 1st app explodes. A DC characters (or team) can get their own TV show and it amounts to pretty much nothing to collectors. Example; Stargirl, Titans, Batwoman. Even Suicide Squad which actually did receive a bump is sinking like a stone now - of course that does not include Harlequin as mentioned that Character is an outlier like Batman and the Joker. Those who overpay for DC had better love the character otherwise with exception of the few outliers they will be burned fiscally if they attempt to speculate. Which actually I'm good with as the more speculators who get burned the more who may exit from the hobby. So yeah perhaps they should be encouraged to spend 2K (as one eBay "seller" is asking) on the first Mr Bones app from DC. I do understand your point but even Todd's art won't over come DC apathy and Marvel Bias. Thus the somewhat decent money Coyote 11 commands and Infinity Inc 14 or 16 or any # ever will. Crow is not DC so not applicable to the DC "curse" All-Star 47 perhaps that has some additional potential due to the Adam movie?? But Fate is not being played by the Rock and only "boomers" still recall Pierce Brosnan even if to me GoldenEye seems like yesterday. As for Infinity 16 and Mr (no one cares) Bones appearing on an excellent but ultra low viewership netlet show then PT Barnum's statement applies. Todd fans; spend you money on ASM that is where growth potential for decades has been consistent and represents blue-chip stuff. Disclaimer; I do NOT sell comics. I have the ASM's and I also have the full run of DC Infinity Inc's. I'd love to be wrong, but DC Mr Bones - common , BTW Obsidian drawn by Todd looks more like Spawn to my eyes.
  10. perhaps VF if limited stress lines on spine.
  11. You state not Marvel then provide a Marvel example Not to mention an example of Spider-Man and in some cases X-Men covers drawn during Todd's ASM era (IMHO Todd's Prime). In no way is Infinity Inc Mr Bones comparable to 1988-1990 ASM era Spider-man or X-Men McFarlane cover which to many collectors are classic display pieces. Sort of like comparing Kobe Beef to spoiled canned dog food. Do you have DC examples? But not Batman which is the closest thing DC has to a Marvel level property. Infinity #14 was Todd's first ever published cover and this has been known for years and unless things have changed the last 2-3 months is a book which in CGC 9.8 sells (or sits unsold) for $49-$75 at actual auction not talking BIN asking numbers. I don't have GPA subscription so can't check perhaps a kind soul who does will preset the data. further.
  12. Given the actual sales (not asking price) the past year, if not a sure thing 9.8 hardly seems worth grading costs.
  13. Based on the pic's you may have a technical 9.4 with an outside shot at 9.6 if pressed and finger bends press out. However for many collectors such as myself eye appeal is important and that one does not present very well. Those who buy the slab crowd probably won't care. If it was a trading card it would be harshly penalized for centering, tilting and printer error with at best a middle grade possible. I for one am glad comics are not judged like trading cards.
  14. Easier registrys to populate means more registry collectors and more submissions. Even if at moment CGC is overloaded that won't last forever , good fiscal times-bad fiscal times are cyclical.
  15. Yes but that is Marvel! If Infinity Inc was Marvel it would be a valid point, but it's C grade DC. Its lipstick on a pig... I'm sure a few will sell in short term but buyers will get stuck. If you have 'em ready to sell, sell them now. Those thinking about sending submitting them for grading now, well the lake will likley freeze over by the time you get them back. Apologies for my rant but the best way to get burned in comics is to think anything DC will truly be hot outside a few select outlier's IE: Batman, Joker and Harlequin. Even Suicide Squad has not maintained and that is far more marketable and in public awareness than Mr Bones.
  16. Actually was teased in the previous episode. It's DC folks, ain't batman related and ain't going anywhere. I've thought for 3 decades DC was undervalued and figured just a matter of time. We'll I've realized it will never happen. DC has had many TV shows last 10 years, still barely no demand. Marvel on the other hand even a minor mention and books truly do go nuclear. Take a throw-away single appearance (to best of my knowledge) villain from nearly 40 year ago "White Rabbit" not even mentioned on a TV show or movie, those who know what that MTU book commands realize DC will never,ever,never,ever,never do what Marvel can. Common there's almost no audience for the 1st Starfire/Cyborg/Raven 1st appearing in the same book, also for example 1st Courtney Whitmore the title character on Stargirl, near zero demand for other of those . Then take Suicide Squad DC closest film property to being "hot" small blip but that bubble burst Suicide Squad 1 is plummeting. Compared to those other properties Mr Bones ain't even worthy of being fools gold. McFarlane fans have stuff with true growth to purchase and Infinity is not it. Neither is Spawn 1 with the single largest CGC 9.8+ population in existence by a long shot - there are 10 metric tons of that book in 9.8 or higher! IMHO the smart McFarlane money now should seek out ASM's especially with what are now now classic but still somewhat "affordable" covers like 312 and 328. Will they become the next 316 is unknown but they could be, Infinity Inc will not be! BTW - I am a DC person (pre-2011 that is) but I'm also a realist. P.S. As DC goes Harlequin is an outlier and of course so is Batman. With Batman in terms of collectors point of view as being the only true DC property with Marvel level demand, although not A level Marvel demand.
  17. I have a near full run in 9.8 either slabbed or not worth the time submitting. While it would be nice if these mediocre (sorry Roy, but after issues 1-10 Infinity was) books got noticed it's 80's DC and it's not Batman so it just ain't happening. IMHO Todd's Obsidian looks more like Spawn than Mr Bones.
  18. DC books do not go "nuclear", and never will, 'specially not for a 1st app of Mr Bones. Yeah I'm a fan of Stargirl TV, but even her first appearance has been ice-cold for over year. McFarlane Infinity Inc there is very limited interest to Todd fans and some DC collectors. Smart money will buy TM ASM issues - while supply is high demand keeps growing. I won't even bother to submit my 16, the bubble, assuming there is even one, will pop before I receive it back. BTW Don't mean to harsh on you littledoom but In all the time I've been a collector DC in general at most is fool's gold.
  19. Love the Marvel Published Hanna's There is an excellent article on them in the Back Issue 59 (Sept 2012). My Laff-A-Lypics 1, when the first CGC census appeared as I recall it was the highest and 1/1 - alas no longer either. 1st Mumbly, Daisy Mayhem and Captain CAAAAAVEMAAAAAAANNNN!
  20. Hey man please let us know tomorrow if it did happen .
  21. Very few did but people always should have been reporting income over $600. Only took the IRS 24 year to "catch on" to eBay. My guess is eBay takes a decent sized hit, while it's not their fault they certainly are not the "good guys" in the equation so not sheddin' any tears. As for me once they demanded a bank account to sell on the platform i was out. That said I only sold a few hundred dollars a year of non-comic book, non-collectible stuff mostly in lieu of simply throwing it out.
  22. A while back this thread topic inspired to submit some of my favorite Sandman issues, all purchased when originally on-sale, to CGC. Delirium as she was portrayed in "Brief Lives", is right up there neck in neck with Death as my favorite of the endless. Issue #21 Seasons Of The Mist 0 is Delirium's 1st app and one of my top 5 favorite issues in the run. The submission #21 was in "popped" mid last week. This book, as i felt it would, is now in a CGC 9.8 slab
  23. Scanned one of mine. It's got some Newton's Rings