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Everything posted by MAY1979

  1. Will post an update next summer, which I guess is when I'll have them back from CGC ?
  2. This week came across some books I put away a long time ago. The #85 with 2nd Frank Miller artwork was a book I purchased as child just after the Twilight Zone movie was released. Got it from a comic vendor at an indoor flea market. A few year laters he would have his own store and I believe it survived 25 years. As I recall he had about a dozen GK Zones and I picked out the one in nicest condition. I also recall he was getting $2.00-$3.00 for them which at the time was rather high. Seeing the #85 cover really brings back some nice childhood memories. #84 "Frank Miller Rookie" in effect, was part of collection that had just been purchased by my LCS when I was a kid. They had not even been unboxed when I walked in. I picked up about 15 different issues. BTW until this week I was not even aware I had the #84! Thought I had 81 and 82 as it turned out it was 82 and 84. The scans make them appear a bit nicer than they actually are. #85 is a possible 9.4 that with a pressing I'm hoping will cement that grade or move it up to a 9.6. #84 I feel is a 9.0 or possible 9.2 if pressed? In past I've never had any book pressed as my stuff did not need it. But these will be part of a submission in which I will be having all books pressed. ---------------------------------------------- #84 #85
  3. 5K may have been high water mark, if down to 4k, 3.5k may be next. Yes, quite an increase from a year ago but not thinking it will hold on to majority of those gains. Only time will tell. P.S. It was mentioned earlier that the Direct sale edition is more rare, I do agree. The question is if more high grade direct sale or newsstand currently are in the graded population? My guess is the numbers are probably close to the same. That said I'm sure there are those who will pay a premium for the newsstand even if the supply does not dictate it as it does with ASM 300.
  4. pollard w/nebres inks = Powerful Cover. Perhaps my favorite Pollard work.
  5. Kirby Crackle (bubbles) on one of my favorite Thor Covers. His work with Marco's on the interiors from 1978-1980 was top notch. Some of the imagery in 281 and 282 is wild
  6. Actually the ASM artists of "my era" were Romita Jr/Frenz/McFarlane. I do like Andru thou specifically his work from 1974-1981 at both Marvel and DC.
  7. Harsh comment. Marco's inks worked much better with pollard's pencils
  8. I believe Cap's holding Peggy Carter. Only 9.8 in original pre-mid 2003 slab.
  9. This topic inspired by posts in "Your single favorite Bronze Age Cover: You must only pick one" Keith Pollard generally is underrated at least in my opinion for his cover work from 1978-1980. During that time to my eyes he hit an artistic stride taking his art to the next level creating many outstanding covers. Inviting all to show pollard covers while 1978-1980 is preferred, feel free to post any Bronze or early copper cover of his. A Mid 1990's raw purchase from Comic Heaven. I submitted it during the early CGC days
  10. Pollard does not get adequate credit IMHO, from 1978-1980 he hit a stride of excellent cover work on ASM, FF, Cap and Thor. yet most in the art world seem to only recall his earlier and later work which many see as not as "good". This is not the topic to start posting examples. Perhaps I'll start a separate Pollard Cover thread. Something like "Present Your Pollard's"
  11. Totally Impossible to narrow down to 10 but to pick 1 is impossible! So I will choose a Bronze cover that had huge impact on me. The first time I came across this comic as a child the cover mesmerized me. It could very well been the first time I looked a comic cover as "art". It barely makes the Bronze Age cut-off. Big John Pencils and Milgrom inks, the incredible design was Cockrum. Thanks to the CAF member who posted that Cockrum pre-lim! Is is just me or does the Beast look like a Kane rendering?
  12. Agreed. IMHO in the situation you described the only winner is Heritage. Most bidders factor the 20% + their high Heritage shipping costs into their bid. As for the buyer they get to wait 3-5 weeks for Heritage to ship the item and that's if they are lucky after calling multiple times.
  13. Not a fan of custom labels personally. They distract my eyes from the comic, and seem "hokey". Not sure in most cases if they are selling point, especially on 4 figure books.. Although I will say 238 with the custom 238 label for me is an exception and one day next year I'm sure I'll get mine back from CGC... First book I ever submitted that I will have pressed. How many 194 at $3800-$4000k for them not to be outliers? Perhaps the shift to the next hot ASM already in progress?
  14. Would so much more cool if stated "From Gaines' Stash" rather than Gaines File Copy File copies from most company's were likley often handled. Perhaps less if Gold Key where continuity was virtually non-existent
  15. Are they a legit outfit? Or an inside joke? The only product they have is Rifleman 10
  16. I was one of them until 7 weeks ago. Then I picked up a Plustek OpticPro A320E. I do not sell comics, at least up until this point in my life, but for inventory and insurance purposes it's great to have. Scanner runs around $500 but at least for me worth every cent. Please note not all slab scans will be perfect. Seems to be slab by slab basis but what I've realized is 1st Gen CGC and 3rd Gen CGC slabs usually result in excellent scans. 2nd Gen slabs some light splashing is common, still the resulting scanned images still look decent to my eyes. I've scanned 400 Comic and Magazine Slabs thus far, and only 2 images thus far that have been totally disappointing. BTW: It works great on Original Art that measures 12"x18" or less.
  17. I'm inclined to agree however they are nowhere as bad as PSA. PSA has given their non-large customers a right good fisting. To the point it's not the condition of the card that determines the grades but the specific submitting client as well reserving the top grades only for large clients in order to maintain census population percentages aka quota system. The quota system artificially prevents a census influx of bulk 10's for modern cards and 8's and 9's for vintage thus percentages of cards at each grade level remains same without needing much increased demand to maintain price levels. The Price Levels their larger clients now want, did I mention PSA's parent company purchased an auction house earlier this year (Goldin) who of course submits cards to submits to PSA. Supreme Conflict of Interest. So say what u want about CGC they have a long way to fall down to get to PSA's level of shenanigans.
  18. Last books I received back more than half the slabs had scuffing in nearly the same spot. On most I was able to buff them out using Meguiar's PlastX on the others was only able to remove about 75% of the scuffing. Those books utilized CGC's "new process". So while apparently (or allegedly) faster it appears applying damage to each slab is now officially part of the service.
  19. As for me; When I was younger, so much younger than today, I never needed anybody's Help in anyway...