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Everything posted by MAY1979

  1. Solid and Sound Advice! I never ever use a password on more than a single site and use unique names, as well as MFA where available. Still I generally only use 1 of 6 different email ID's for most sites...
  2. Anyone in an 'Internet Space" for a large enough firm will find that hysterical especially if a regulated industry ! I could tell you some stories from when i was just starting out 20 years back
  3. Definitely send pics, I see in above post you have a reply from Joey who is the expert's expert ! So get those pics posted.
  4. I get impression it's all Josh's bat and ball. Still Doug being an officer of the corporation may have some liabilities both in criminal and civil arena's - talking in general not just regarding this situation. Regardless of the exact issue this time it could have very likley been avoided if Josh had not been so cheap with tech budget (geez, Spencer and Doug even admitted they had 90's code on their site), which is the very heart and lifeblood of his business. Josh's miserly stinginess now will be costing him BIG TIME! I advise all to monitor whatever credit card they have on file with CLink very carefully! Not just for the next week or 2 but for the next 90-120 days!
  5. While on surface perhaps plausible it's a positive sign, from a tech perspective it may very well be independent thus no sign whatsoever. Example inventory DB is fine and email batch mechanisms no issues since independent.
  6. I am seeing Doug's name mentioned so frequently in this thread. I thought he was merely an employee working mostly on commissions and Josh was the firm owner? Is Doug now a partner ?
  7. In today's worlds using open-source and patching regular is critical. I work for a Fortune 20 firm and we patch weekly, sometimes more frequently as need or chatter arises. In 2023 if operating a true eCommerce site you do not have the budget for IT Security then you do simply not have the budget to stay in business. Based on CL bragging about the items they have sold it seems to be greed and stinginess is the culprit not lack of budget. Now they will take a huge reputational hit, that even worse braggarts like Heritage can capitalize on in the court of collector/seller perception. Simply no excuse in today's world to get caught with pants down when there is AWS for example to let handle security of the cloud while you handle security in the cloud.... Yeah yeah I did just get my Architect Cert even if my firm doesn't use AWS. I do feel for the folks at CL but if Josh was not sooooo cheap they would not be in this mess. P.S. I am a CL link fan as a buyer and have been for 18 years but may need to re-think that stance as their lack of IT security is highly problematic.
  8. see general sub forum for more ( or less ) folks
  9. Once a site is "down" more than 8-10 hours elapsed with support with folks actively working on it usually means it will be multi-days. Reason is the simple things are not working, and they likley have little idea how to proceed. Then the pasta stage begins; throwing stuff at wall to see if anything sticks.
  10. They say it's better to be a has been, than a never was. I do wonder if that provides the Overstreet folks with just enough comfort that they don't even try to do better.
  11. Not saying this has anything to do with their issues; When you are still running late 1990's code (and they are) in 2023 at very least you are inviting trouble! P.S. I do feel those folks personally as this will mean near 24/7 hours for many of them for possibly quite a while. Then there is the reputational hit...
  12. A bit more context. My comment about not getting what the big deal was about The Monkees in that forum was in a thread one week prior to Davy Jones passing. I was banned the day after he died. One of the trigger happy mods likley viewed the thread saw my post could not be bothered with looking at the date it was added and it was game over. The post like me disappeared from that vile narrow-minded forum. P.S. The Monkees SUUUUUUCCCCCKKKKK! In addition Neil Diamond did "I'm Believer" far better than them and Anne Murray's rendition of "Daydream Believer" was superior to theirs. It's entirely my opinion and feels good to get that off my chest in a public forum As for my banning from Friendly in 4th grade; if you don't want 8-9 year olds making fun of your menu items then don't name a burger 🍔 "Big Beef" or a wiener 🌭 "The Friendly Frank" ! Although the later wasn't as funny as a joint near a relatives back then called "Larry's Wiener Works".
  13. BTW not just comics and trading cards that both still have a long way in their free-fall to go before they eventually reach terminal velocity, same goes for Rolex's ; https://finance.yahoo.com/news/great-rolex-recession-fed-crushed-161914670.html
  14. Yes! I was in the shop a couple of times in the early to Mid 90's when visiting relatives. On a return visit to them around 2000 was crushed to find the shop was long gone. I recall you had a Land of The Giants Topps test wrapper. I do recall picking some Mid 60's Lost in Space cards at your shop. Good to see you here!
  15. Agreed and not only they, but MCS also most certainly knows better! CGC 's new policy is not to fix THEIR mistakes, but I've faith MCS once they are made aware will correct their listing. thusly paging; @mycomicshop https://www.ebay.com/itm/134670407703
  16. buh buh buh what will that leave for Matt Tuck like moe ron's to orate
  17. Somewhere in the 9.2-9.6 range, however if that is a pen mark no more than a 7.5. If not a pen mark, given it's a newsstand I would certainly consider sending it for grading. Please note; Scanner pics hide defects which more times than not lead to over estimations.
  18. 9.0 to 9.4 range, Green Label. CGC is very tough on back cover of this book. Scanner pics hide defects which more times than not lead to over estimations.
  19. Tell you though I do wish Mid 60's DC Silver-early Bronze (1965-1972) stuff becomes more popular as I'd be positioned rather well of course I've been wanting/wishing that since the late 1990's :0 However at best logically I do realize its merely a Lucy with Football scenario, outliers not withstanding.
  20. Wow, the 39 went for nearly more coin than all the 9.8 60's Spectre's combined at CL this past week and that title is rather rare in hi-grade High Grade Early 70's and older non-key DC's of course are not easy to find, never were. Lack of demand has always suppressed DC prices and I do not see that changing. My guess is 2 registry collectors went all out at 39.