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Posts posted by drdonaldblake1

  1. "Herb Trimpe The Incredible Hulk #121 Cover Production Art (Marvel, | Lot #92383 | Heritage Auctions" https://comics.ha.com/itm/original-comic-art/miscellaneous/herb-trimpe-the-incredible-hulk-121-cover-production-art-marvel-1969-/a/7039-92383.s?ic4=GalleryView-Thumbnail-071515

    Please excuse my ignorance but can someone please explain the difference?

    Is production art all photocopies? Whereas original art the artist draws and inks on the Bristol board?

  2. On 8/8/2024 at 11:44 PM, tth2 said:

    So we know Brulato received the 9.6 in the trade.  So is he the seller?  If so, what does that mean?  Is he finally selling off his collection?  Did he have doubles, and this 9.6 copy is the inferior copy? :ohnoez:

    Maybe brulato has acquired a 9.8 which isn't yet on the census and is thus selling his 9.6? Or brulato is not the seller...

  3. On 8/7/2024 at 7:28 PM, tth2 said:

    Considering that the Diamond Run CGC 9.4 copy had sold for $80k (if I recall correctly) around that time, which was already a breathtaking number back then, $35k for a CGC 9.0 in 2002 must have seemed very strong, even for the Curator. 

    Great sales recording Tim👍 I remember now that ff1 diamond run cgc9.4 sale for $80k. Puts the AF 15 CGC 9.0 sale in perspective....back then a 9.2 was about double the value of a 9.0 and a 9.4 double the value of a 9.2.

    So $35k for that AF 15 then was considered way above current market value 

  4. On 8/4/2024 at 12:09 PM, tth2 said:

    :whatthe: (worship)

    CGC 9.6 W Fantastic Four #1

    Just noticed this in the previews for the September Signature Auction!  I almost skipped right past it thinking it must be a Golden Records copy, but then realized it was the real thing!

    1 of 2 9.6 copies.  Brulato owns one of them, so I wonder who is selling this copy?

    This is THE highlight of the silver Age comics offered so far and possibly all the comics in the auction.

    Is Barton Landsman the seller?

  5. On 8/25/2023 at 10:13 PM, jjonahjameson11 said:

    Respectfully , I disagree.  There are still folks such as myself who refuse to purchase (let alone bid on) a Miller DD page that hasn’t been touched by Miller.

    case in point, the most recent sale of a Janson DD page from Miller’s run sold for $21.6K, with lots of DD and Black Widow content.  You telling me this wouldn’t hit (conservatively) $75K if Miller had done the pencils?  $21K vs $75K is a significant difference in my opinion.


    I agree with JJJ but I think this page is going to get Miller prices....because it's key ....or do bidders not  know it's mainly Jansons art

  6. On 8/22/2023 at 2:29 AM, J.Sid said:

    Published version is so much more intense IMO.

    Notice all the glue stains on the published page. My guess is he thought he'd be OK to just redraw the big bottom panel and stat the smaller top ones, but then saw how much better it was turning out and decided to rip off the stat and redrew the rest.

    Will those glue stains damage the paper and will they spread with time? 

    Should they be professionally removed and if they are does that affect the arts value?

  7. On 8/21/2023 at 9:13 AM, MyNameIsLegion said:

    RWD I think worked for Lewis Wayne Galleries, which I think was a side thing of Halperin's slough off dreck he won at HA? (when the house bets with house money, win or lose, you win) His proximity to DFW made him the logical conservator for HA or Halperin. I know he was FB friends with other HA reps, because sometimes they'd even suggest he tone down some of his online screeds.  Their affiliation with RWD may have been completely professional and had no bearing on their willingness to accept the racist Scrooge art for consignment, but someone apparently thought it was ok. I don't know if the fact that this is the European auction has anything to do with it. I don't see how really. Lot's of adult themed things are more likely to be in the Euro auction, and that's fine, just as it's fine to show all sort of underground art. But it usually comes with a little more consideration of not making the images quite so readily visible. Whatever, it's just my opinion, but my opinion is what dictates where and with whom I do business. I am curious how Disney lawyers might look at it. HA may be the big dawg of their niche auction world, but if Disney wanted that stuff gone. It would be gone. Even if it meant pulling the auction and they paid them for it. They may not be aware of it yet.

    Watch this space......if Disney becomes aware of this auction they may flex their muscle.....

  8. On 8/20/2023 at 3:08 PM, MyNameIsLegion said:

    is this the HA auction where they are selling the interiors to possibly the most racist Don Rosa Uncle Scrooge art produced by Disney in the modern era? (mid-90's) Disney has banned the comic from ever being reprinted, and HA has this almost passive-aggressive tone in their description of the pages chiding this decision because it's in the middle of a story arc. This, coupled with their association with Robert Wayne Dennis who was sentenced for 3 years for assaulting an officer on Jan. 6th has made me reluctant to ever consign with them. You know, at least make a half-assed effort to warn viewers. If it had a nipple on it you'd have to have an account, and present yourself as an adult to view the image, but you can show egregiously offensive cartoon depictions of African-American's and that's perfectly alright?  I guess they will print a catalog of them too. So in a way, the story has gotten reprinted. (minus word balloons) 

    Whoa! Had no idea this was in this auction?

    What is heritages association with Robert Wayne Dennis?

  9. On 6/23/2023 at 3:45 AM, batman_fan said:

    I am officially old what is “eightball” and was $33,600 a good deal?

    $34k....about $20k below what other Clowes covers have sold for many years ago....just check the heritage archives......

    Is the cover actually inked? Looks more like pencils only? May have had something to do with the lower than average  Clowes cover prices previously realised