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Everything posted by justafan

  1. ordering from these guys is purely an at-your-own-risk proposition. someone will always get screwed and fb is the only way to communicate, track and guarantee you get something. my advice mirrors BabaLaments. order through a reseller that actually has customer service and a working phone. it might cost a little more but worth it.
  2. actually I think i was wrong, at least in the sense that MCU gave capt marvel a haircut to emphasize any implied sexual orientation. turns out that's her current haircut in the comics so perhaps it was the comics that chose to emphasize it and MCU just followed suit. I'm not against her being portayed as a lesbian if that's even what they are going for, i just asumed they were going to attempt to be more ambiguous about it. frankly i just dont like the way it looks on her. my lesbian friends all agree that haircut screams coming out haircut. who knows.
  3. OK just saw it a 2nd time in DOLBY surround sound. a couple things became more apparent 1. Why doesn't Capt Marvel just use the damned stones. she is by far the strongest one among them and the most likely to survive using them. She had the glove for long enough to do so. instead of standing there posing with her gal pals she should put it on and snap thanos and his army out of existence. OK I get why the writers went the other way on that but why bothe letting her get near it. Thor does try to put it on but Thanos stops him. 1B. How does capt Marvel know where to return the stones. Plan B in the movie was to have her fly into the ugly brown van to put the stones back but how would she have even known when and where to do so to not totally screw up the timelines? 2. did all of Peter''s classmates get snapped with him? if not then they'd have already graduated by the time Peter returns unless they all just got held back for being dumb. they'd have to or it wouldn't make sense for them all to be in school together. 3. that must also mean that the events in far from home must take place in 2023 vs 2019 or did hulks snap bring them back 5 years as well? No that doesn't work since Scott Langs daughter is still a teenager. 4. how is it that Thanos can not only stop storm breaker but also weild it and mjolnir during his battle with THOR and cap before he has the stones? I thought only the worthy could weild it or influence it's trajectory. I get that he is a little stronger than hulk but even hulk couldn't make it budge. 5. capt Marvels new haircut screams her sexual orientation. so much for ambiguity. I get that it's just a movie but those are some big unanswered questions. Lastly, I think capt America just lived out his life in the past and walked to the nearby bench vs time jumping after Carter dies. this means there are now 2 timelines.
  4. That's why! Stupid work getting in the way again!
  5. I couldn't even get onto the amc website or a for the first 8 hours of its release and when I did all friday, sat, and Sunday showings were sold out. I wonder if she could go back if she would choose a different option.
  6. Despite your lack of Quantum and classical physics education I do believe you've hit the proverbial nail on the head of the key parameter that defines whether a timeline remains a part of the original "prime" timeline or spawns a new branch in MCU time-travel. Based on the Ancient One's explanation of a linear timeline. When anything is "removed or added" to a timeline, it spawns a new timeline which explains why the butterfly effect has no impact in any of the changes to the original timeline. What they gloss over and fail to explain using Iron Man's MacGuffin is how they solve what that kid from Sliders screwed up in how to not only go back to the correct times in their own timeline but also the correct timelines once multiples are spawned by their actions. The key areas I can think of are: 1st Jump: Clint takes glove from his home. 2 new nearly identical parallel timelines spawns (making 3 timelines): A. where that glove no longer exists B. where 2 gloves now exist along with Clint what we call the "new prime" timeline C. where only 1 glove still exists but Clint no longer exists: original prime timeline. Now here's where an assumption is required and the MCU's definition of time travel rules imply. When Clint returns to the original prime timeline with the glove does that actually merge B & C timelines into one? For the premise of the MCU time travel rules I believe it is intended that they do merge while timeline A continues on unless Cap also took back the glove. 2nd Jump (team jump): This spawns 8 new (albeit only 6 are temporary) timelines due to my assumption that they don't leave those timelines at the exact same time. Rather, they leave at different times in those timelines but arrive back to the prime timeline at the exact same time preserving that timeline. However, each time one of the heroes returns back from the timelines in the past, those new timelines begin to collapse into a single timeline. A. Prime timeline where the Avengers no longer exist since they time traveled to the past. B. Minus Mind gem timeline where all the other stones still exist including the space gem but the mind gem doesn't until the other heroes also exit. However in this timeline: Loki has the Tesseract/Space gem and doesn't end up in the Asgardian prison but possibly helps to defeat the dark elves and doesn't fake his death and exile Odin. He may, however, launch his own assault on Asguard with the space gem. Since these events occur prior to the events of the Reality gem being stolen, this becomes its own timeline separate from both that one and the prime timeline. However, events continue to Ragnarok with him either helping to defeat Thor's sister or Asgard being destroyed and ending up onboard the ship before Thanos attacks and may still kill him. But wait there's more. Without the mind gem, Avengers Age of Ultron never really happens since Hydra never gets the mind gem. Presumably Winter Soldier events still occur and Avengers still attack and discover and battle the twins: Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver but Ultron is never created -at least not at the sentient level he became and Vision is never created. Sakovia never falls and Zemo never kills Black Panther's father nor reveals the death of Howard Stark by Winter Soldier. Cap and Sam find Bucky and help him out and form their own team. Iron Man and Cap may eventually hug it out at the end of Civil War with Tony never knowing the truth or they may continue to not speak. At this point is is questionable if Thanos is satisfied with having 5 of the 6 stones and the events of Infinity War proceed but without the snap and instead a more visceral battle. But before all that happens, the other heroes exit and only the space gem leaving Thanos with nothing to use. C. Minus Time gem timeline where all the other gems still exist but the time gem doesn't until the other heroes also exit. Dr. Strange comes along but never has the time gem to defeat Dormamu and hence the world ends in chaos and destruction. D. Minus Reality gem & Mjolnir timeline where all the other gems still exist but the Reality gem doesn't until the other heroes also exit. Ripple effect on this timeline: (Dark World - Thor presumably still defeats the dark elves even without Mjolnir because the dark elves don't have the Aether so they either don't have a reason to invade and battle the Asgardians or Thor learns of his inherent power earlier and crushes them. The Reality Gem is never taken to the Collector. Tesseract is still in the Asgardian Vault & Loki in prison. Loki doesn't fake his death, Odin is never exhiled but presumably still dies and Ragnarok still occurs presumably with similar results and possibly ending in him onboard the ship. E. Minus Soul Gem + Gamora isn't in the soul gem (sacrifice) timeline where all the other stones still exist but the Soul Gem doesn't. Presumably by this point Thanos has already given up since this is the last gem before the mind gem to be taken. The heroes should have already vacated this timeline by now which should collapse it along with the others. F. Minus Power Gem timeline + 2 Nebulas where all the other stones still exist until the heroes and Thanos exit. This is the the first stone Thanos acquires (after he stupidly gives Loki the Mind gem in Avengers. However, this is the one that is required to really make Thanos successful. Without it he realizes he doesn't stand a chance at beating or getting the others so he alters course and uses the time travel GPS to take him back to the Prime time line. By doing this after all the other heroes have exited the other timelines, he effectively collapses this timeline to one where only the space gem exists with Loki. G. Minus Space Gem timeline but all other stones exist possibly until the timeline reaches the time when the other heroes exit. This one seems to violate the MCU time travel rule in that if it were to collapse into F above and result in the tesseract never being used to used to create the light engine and hence Captain Marvel who already existed at that time, it would contradict the lack of a butterfly effect in the MCU prime timeline. Instead, what happens is this timeline remains separate from timelines A-F which results in Captain Marvel never existing, The Kree wiping out the Skrulls, the tesseract never being used to open a portal for Loki and hence the Chitari, Earth is never invaded, the Avengers never needed, and Thanos realizing the lack of a space stone simply attempts to achieve his goals using the remaining 5 stones. So by the time our heroes return with all 6 stones we now have: A1 timeline where no glove exists at Clint's house 2F: timeline where only the Space stone exists and Loki is still alive but Thanos, Nebula, and Gamora along with Thanos's entire army no longer exist, Vision also does not exist. In this timeline it is possible that Ego succeeded in conquering the universe if Dormammu hasn't already done so. Maybe Captain Marvel helps out here. This is the most f-d up timeline so it is vital the heroes return those stones when they are done but only without Thanos being made aware of their return before he leaves. This is the tricky part for Captain America. 2G. Timeline where 5 of the gems exist but the Space gem does not, Captain Marvel does not exist, Kree are dead, Avengers never assemble except to possibly fight Thanos wielding 5 stones. This time line may result in a Thanos victory due to the lack of Carol Danvers. 2A PrimeTime line where the Avengers return with all 6 stones. At this point a new timeline is created since the Avengers have now added the stones explained below. 3. Due to the addition of the stones we now have: 2A Old Prime Timeline where Avengers exist but no stones exist 3A New Prime Timeline where the Avengers exist but now have the stones and use the stones to bring back all the heroes and everyone that has died. But we assume that since they arrive back about the same time they departed 3A and 2A collapse into each other. Until Thanos shows up this timeline continues on with Iron Man still being alive and the stones being returned to the 2F and 2G timelines to collapse those back down into each other. But for that to work an alternative of 2F must exist where Thanos never learns of the time travel. Since we aren't presented with that reality, 2A and 3A collapse into 3B. 3B Thanos and his army enter and creates another timeline that we end up with at the end of the movie but due to what was explained above, it ends up being the same timeline merged. 4. Cap returns the stones to 2F and 2G to merge the 2 back. If he does it around the same time they left, everything should collapse back into 1 timeline. However, I suspect he was content with just ensuring all timelines were protected. For this to work Cap must return the stones to those timelines at any point before their significance becomes impactful on the timeline in either a good or bad way. For 2F stones: The Time stone should be any time before it is actually needed by the Ancient One (i.e. before Dr. Strange arrives) For the Power Stone it can actually be any time after Thanos exists that timeline. For the Reality Gem it would be nice if he returned it once the threat of the Dark Elves had passed where Thors mother might still be alive and Odin would know what to do with it. However, he likely just returned it to Thor/Odin along with Mjolnir and hoped for the best. But to prevent a possible temptation from Thanos, he should do so once Thanos is known to have exited the timeline. For the Soul Gem...I honestly have no idea. that idea with meeting the red skull would be cool but he would need a space ship to get there. What is more likely to happen is he gives it to Thor or Captain Marvel to hide. Maybe he was able to exchange the soul gem for Natasha and she returns with him to the 50's. For the Mind Gem...he could give it right back to Hydra and let the events play out leading to Sakovia, Vision, and Civil War which would actually allow Vision to exist. However, I think what is more likely is that he bypasses Hydra and gives it to Shuri in Wakanda to try and revive Vision. While there he likely also asks for a new shield to be made. for the Space stone he has to correct not 1 but 2 timelines if he really wants to fix things. He must go back to 2F and prevent the space stone from falling into Loki's hands and then go back and replace the space stone back at the Shield lab in the 60's/70's to ensure Captain Marvel gets created in that time line. By doing both, he can effectively collapse both of those timelines into each other eliminating 2F and 2G. And so if he sticks it out in the past that creates a final revised timeline 4A we have: A1 timeline where no glove exists at Clints house 2B Prime timeline where Avengers beat Thanos and send Cap back 4A. New timeline with 2 Caps where he lives out a life with Agent Carter until she dies and is old himself and before he makes the jump back which he MUST reappear back at 2B at the same time as he left in order to merge those 2 timelines, he goes to Wakanda and asks them to make another Shield for him perhaps he does this at the same time as he gives them the Mind stone to restore Vision. But I honestly like the idea that he just lived out his life in old age and walked there quietly as an old man and sat down. Ok so my interpretation allows for Vision to be restored, Natasha to be returned, explains how he got a new shield and how we end up with only 2-3 left over timelines one of which is that stupid Glove. ok I think I need to go watch it a few more times to get it completely right as I'm sure someone will point out a whole bunch of reasons why this all falls apart.
  7. You saw it 3 times ALREADY and I'm still waiting to see it for the 2nd time this Wed! WTF, am I doing wrong here!
  8. this is my biggest concern with reholdering from old slab to new slab. it's not just a matter of cracking open the old slab and reinsert in the comic with the original inner well into a new slab. some of those older inner wells aren't the same size as the new ones and won't align properly in the new slab. anyone who's ever cracked open a slab to get the comic out knows the hard part is cutting the comic carefully out of the inner well. using scissors you have to be careful not to bend the spine as you cut and also leave jagged edges in the plastic which can nick, scratch, or even shear off a piece of the cover especially on a brittle older book. God forbid you cut to close and...SNIP! now u have a trimmed comic.
  9. does anyone else see the dude/girl with sunglasses looking at a woman consumed by the storm of toxic waste? I doubt that's what he intended with this piece and just assume it's less about what the piece is about and more about how it makes you feel. though, the fact that I see a person in sunglasses looking at a woman's face mostly obscured will probably bother me each time I looked at it if I owned it.
  10. At least you weren't a crazy ASM completist. that's a terminal disease or life sentence without parole. btw, I wonder if $10k would have brought out the spawn 156. worked for the ASM 667 Dell'Ottos. stingy bastards.
  11. I think that might be the most sound strategy. but don't forget to diversify those 5-10 keys.
  12. wish I would have seen this before wasting an extra 5 min in the theater. WARNING SPOILERS: Movie plot worked out as most predicted in both good and dissappointing ways. Diamond to Captain America welding mjonir Diamond to the end battle with all the heroes especially their entrance Coal to no Warlock appearance or even a reference. Coal to no end of credits scene at all cubic zirconium to Captain Marvel. used but barely a factor. coal to how it seems to always be about Iron Man coal to how it took the hulk like 5 min to assimilate with the gauntlet before being able to snap vs iron man''s quickie snap. Diamond to Thor's new look. had everyone rolling. Diamond to the Nat/Clint soul gem sacrifice. Coal to complete sidelining of some of the characters coal to no more Vision Diamond to Cap/Thor battle coordination vs Thanos Diamond to all the time travel scenes providing extra context to events between movies. Diamond to hulk/banner mode so much more but I'm still processing some questions I need answered but may not be fully explained yet: 1. since loki escapes with the space stone forcing stark and Rogers to travel furather back to steal it and then later replacing does it mean that he might still be alive? 2. does gamora survive the Iron Man snap or did she die as well since she came in with the rest of Thano's bunch? can't recall of we see her post iron man snap. 3. with the stones being taken back in time does that mean they no longer exist in the new present since they were destroyed or does it mean by killing off thanos of the past that he never has a chance to retrieve them and thus they all still exist?
  13. A "Like" on facebook is a commodity where having more of them can get you and your page/business noticed more through either ad revenue or exposure potentially through your network of facebook friends and communities. It's basically another drop in the bucket up vote for little effort vs having to send you some art copies and have you go through the trouble of writing a letter while is nice but unless it is a published review that can be read by masses and you're known art critic has practically little to no economic value to her. I'm not a fan of facebook either but I can see where she's coming from. I probably wouldn't give her a like on her art page either as I try to avoid facebook as much as possible.
  14. Dang if it's as good as they are saying, with AMC's A-list membership 3-movies a week allowance. I'm probably going to be rewatching at least once a week for the next 6 weeks in dolby, IMAX, and maybe even 3D IMAX. Since it only costs me $20/month, I wonder if they count each time I watch towards the overall ticket purchase amount?
  15. I keep getting the feeling I'm just going to be severely disappointed in this movie from a spidey fan-boy perspective but not from a cool story and special effects perspective. the movie may do well and the plot and action may be great but I fear I just won't feel the same emotional nostalgic attachment to it that I got from the original Tobey spider-man movies. I may end up liking the Miles Morales Spider-verse movie more.
  16. Might also depend on what condition the package and books were found in. If the package was at the bottom or a massive pile or smashed behind a lift at the loading doc where it was dropped off, they could be in less than 9.8 condition anyways. Who would hold responsibility then? CGC or the carrier? Hope for the best though and glad they did turn up. Maybe OP should at least update the threat title with "CGC couldn't locate my books for a month but did find them?"
  17. More money more problems. The age of innocence in this hobby is over. As the price of comics soars, so will the potential juice for theft. Unfortunately Harley and many of the other well known big dealers are going to have to be a lot more careful (though insurance always helps if they pay). Sad to say but that list of stolen comics looks like a top 20 of the hottest comics out there. Where we see fun nostalgic paper, thieves see gold and the potential. Gotta start treating those babies like you would gold bullion or fat stacks of benjies. Would you leave a bunch of gold bullion in your car at a precious metals show? Probably not. Not trying to blame Harley here but all dealers need to be more vigilant and careful going forward at all stages. Those big time dealers like New Force, Harley, Dale Roberts, Bob Storms, Reece, etc -anyone known for bringing quality stuff needs to treat their whole con operation like an inconspicuous low key armored car bank transfer if they aren't already. Gotta carefully plan out the transport and security from home storage vault to loading dock, to setup, during the con, to nightly teardown, to overnight storage, to return home. The problem is that it sounds like this was a crew that might have been staking out the loading/unloading so it's going to be harder to keep things hidden. I wonder if the con facilities are doing more to ensure a safer and less conspicuous load/unload process where the dealers can safely do so in a secured section of the convention with less prying eyes. I hate fearmongering but it really is only a matter of time before we see more brazen daylight holdups and jackings during transport or loading/unloading. If I had to guess, those crooks were probably staking him out for a bit and knew that he would be storing the comics in his van and knew it was his van. Glad they caught the guys and hope they make an example out of them.
  18. For 1-2 slabs I go with the 1092 in a 1095 USPS box route. However, for 3 or more slabs or if I'm out of the USPS boxes, I'll use ComicLinks method. They will ship up to 4 (expensive) slabs inside a single large white bubble envelope with the flap folded and taped down and then place that into a sturdy 14 x 18 x 6" box filled with packing peanuts. I'm amazed at how effective that is and have never received a damaged comic from them no matter how much abuse the box has suffered. I tend to buy a lot from them so I always have a bunch of these lying around that I re-use. You can usually do either the USPS doublebox or ComicLink style for a single slab at a min weight of 2lb.
  19. It's the large and frequent swings in RH that should concern you. 8 degrees in temp change is nothing. Now if your RH frequently swings from 35% to 75% then you've got problems.
  20. True. Well I would hope that they would charge you the difference but still honor the full insured value of the claim.
  21. If USPS rejects packages they inspect and find comics in, isn't paying for insurance on media mail for comics basically just throwing your money away? I wonder if ANYONE has ever gotten reimbursed on a claim for comic books sent fully insured via media mail. I'd be surprised if they didn't just deny the claim due to item ineligible for media mail. I've received dozens of media mail packages and have only had 1 show up inspected but all contents were ok and safely repacked in the cardboard mailer. The seller had been charged additional postage via ebay. For me, media mail is good for anything I'm ok with losing or reimbursing out of pocket for up to $50. Anything more and it's Priority Mail fully insured between $50 and $200. Priority Mail fully insured with Sig conf between $200 and $5000. Anything above $5k and it's registered mail with recipient signature required. The fear of some folks that handle the media mail packages anywhere along the last mile to CGC's address could use the controversy of comic books not qualifying as media mail to game the system is what prevents me from sending anything to CGC via media mail. Who would question a postal employee inspecting a media mail package destined for a certain known Sarasota address, pulling out the contents to inspect, and then stuffing in a bunch of packaging minus the good key books, resealing, and allowing it to proceed to its delivery. Perhaps only the postal manager can do inspections and perhaps they have cameras monitoring all inspections. Still, I wonder...
  22. I, too, was jonesing for a fix now that I had finished watching all the Netflix Marvel series and had no other show left to fill the void so I caught the preview trailer by accident while scrolling through the listings in Netflix and paused while taking a spoon of ice cream. Now I understand why Netflix does the auto preview. It hooked me so I began watching it 1-2 episodes a night. I got into it and was fascinated by the way it just felt so much more like what I didn't get from the X-men movies which was the early development and breaking in of the students at the academy. It captured all the psychological orphan child to adolescent to adult growing pains, angst, and longing to belong that led them to the screwed up messes they have become. The main problem I had with the whole thing was there was that it did ultimately end up being too much like the X-men. There was also too much back and forth with both flashbacks and time travel that while it made for a fun intellectual exercise, it just annoyed me when I was ready for the plot to move forward but had to sit through more character development that didn't really end up playing a major significance in the story. I also hated how predictable many of the plot twists and turns ended up probably because I'd already seen it/read it before in Pulp Fiction, X-men, X-Factor, New Mutants, X-Force, x-cetra. But aside from the predictability and overwhelming similarities, I actually did like it. I felt like had I seen this before reading/seeing any X-men comics/movies, I would think it was a better way to kick off the X-men franchise. Maybe that's how Marvel would have done it if they had had the rights instead of Fox. Maybe that's how they'll try to do a reboot. Anyways, I'm ready for more Umbrella Academy in Season 2 but just hope they take a more original less predictable route.
  23. do: Pack it well send it registered mail pay for recipient signature confirmation meaning only the person whose name is on the to label can sign for it Not sure if this is admissible as evidence for eBay as I've heard them decline video in the past but try: capture nonstop video showing you entering the postoffice, packing the actual comic into the box, sealing the box all without ever allowing the comic and/or package to be out of frame, and finally handing it to the USPS clerk, paying the shipping charges, and receiving the receipt, and the clerk stamping registered all over it and putting it in the back and you leaving the post office. this works best with a gopro type camera but I've done it awkwardly with a cell phone. never had to use it but should be pretty undeniable evidence. Fyi, some postal centers frown on video taping on their premises so be sure to get their permission first.
  24. by any chance did you submit them for pressing with CCS? that further delays showing up in your dashboard queue. i wouldn't sweat it. many folks on here have had to wait weeks before seeing any items populate. with C2E3 and con season ramping up, you'd be lucky to see anything before the month is over especially if you submitted it under anything but walk thru or fast track tier.