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The Less Blob

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Everything posted by The Less Blob

  1. I think the purpose is to show this is the ONE person she had previously ever cared about, who died (she did not know her parents), and now Joel is on the brink of death, the only other person she has ever cared about, etc. And also how she got bit. The one thing i have not seen so much of is how she is so smart like her FEDRA boss says, I don't think she comes across as dumb, but why is she future leadership material and her friend, who figured out how to run the mall (but didn't clear out all the zombies...) was going to be put on poop squad? Anyway, she reminds me of my nephew (teenager wise cracks and rando statements, not physically, he is about 230 and can pick up a car) In a any event, my wife is sucked in. As a scientist/epidemiologist she likes the fungus angle. I'm sad Anna Torv didn't last long, fond of her from Fringe and Manhunter. Her fake American accent is very calming like Pascal's voice.
  2. I count maybe 20 boxes. I used to keep that many under my desk in my office.
  3. Why do I feel like you'd have a room that looks like mine with about 300 long and short/magazine/cgc boxes?
  4. Folks here insist that nice ASM 129s were on ebay in its early days for $50 or so, raw, of course. I don't remember because I wasn't looking for it then, I was mostly doing GA and some early SA then and buying 25 cent box books
  5. 3/4 of the folks on this board were born between 1970 and 1974 though.... or so it seems
  6. Play the long game and don't stress it. ASM 129 went from being a $250-300 book in the early 90s to $25-50 in 99/2000 and then back up again.
  7. Yeah, folks then were saying it was gonna happen in the next 2-5 years back then. My response was the same then,. As I said, I am more concerned about my generation. The age on this board is heavily in the 47-55 range. GenX. In 7-15 years we are going to want to retire. Right now our kids are going to college (possibly a bigger concern). We fueled the comic craze in the early 90s. I dunno who fueled the hike in prices from 2017-2021, maybe us. maybe older millenials, I dunno.
  8. Why on earth do you think boomers are still sitting on their collections? Maybe late boomers. Where do you think all that cheap SA in the 70s - 80s (and 90s) was coming from? Boomers selling off their collections. Who do you think my local comic shop was getting keys from in the 90s? The Boomers who needed to pay for kids college, buy drugs, got laid off, whatever. No doubt there are ome affluent ones who did not need to sell, but the notion that there are all these Boomers with closets full of FF 1- 100 and ASM 1 - 100 who have been waiting SINCE THE 60s and 70s to time this market and unload them now, when the average age of a baby boomer is 67, is silly. These folks had lot of opportunities to sell. Now my generation, that's another issue, all those guys 50-55 who bought the Boomers' books cheap in 1980-95.... ... My older brother sold most of his SA collection (mostly bought in the 70s) in the mid 80s to buy weed....
  9. Baker and Schomburg might not be great examples as they probably have a double layer of value as African American and Latino (am I allowed to use that term, I forget) pioneers in the industry (throw in gay for Baker too)
  10. I cut two pieces of cardboard from a box as a sandwich for the bagged and boarded comic inside the gemini mailer. They'd really need to go to town on it to mess that up. I don't feel like comic boards offer quite enough. But the OP shows a photo mailer and all alone that is likely not enough. Need at least a cardboard sandwich too, maybe 3-4 sheets of cardboard. For years 4 sheets of cardboard in a regular envelope worked well enough, but I honestly think the PO has gotten rougher.
  11. I assuming some sort of mini mall scenario with a shared parking lot. If it is your property that's different
  12. You shouldn't try to sell your books in someone else's shop. Period. Do it in the parking lot. Once I was in my main shop a guy comes in with at least $200-250 worth of SA books (this was 25 years ago), he asks for $20, my shop owner would only give him $10. He walks out and I offer him the $20. My shop owner was not very happy with me ("nothin for nothin if you ever do that again...."), he was convinced the guy was desperate enough that he would come back and take the $10. Anyway, I was mainly just interested in the main key in the pile (the magneto/Thor JIM), so I gave him the rest of the stack I had bought and kept that one. I guess he got over it given that I am his son's god father.
  13. What, a comic shop owner who isn't the gold standard for emotional maturity?
  14. Ripping him off by paying the marked price? Update the prices on your books dude or sell them online if you don't have the local clientelle to pay those prices. That X-Men 244 newsstand may sit for years if marked at the ebay newsie price, not enough folks care. I invest 2 hours digging through your dollar box books and find the treasures, DO NOT re-price them on my after I have done the work. It is often why I usually buy some more marginal books too and fatten the stack a but, I figure if I only buy the gems they might just say "thanks for finding these for me" and re-price them, but if they're mixed in with other stuff, maybe not. With that said, there were $50 books my old shop would not be able to sell for $5 to their regular super hero collecting customers and, shockingly, there were not a lot of folks going in there looking for flips. He used to put high grade Winnie the Pooh 1s out for $1 each. He had about 30-40 different gold key/whitman books and had 25-50 copies of each. Even then it was easily $25 on ebay. Literally nobody but me would buy them.
  15. Wages probably have gone up in relation to inflation for folks changing jobs, but not so much for those who are not moving. I got a COLA, but it was 4%, and I had not gotten one since 2019, so clearly not keeping pace. You need $1.16 now to buy $1 worth of 1/1/2020 stuff. And if you are like me and have a variable second mortgage, you are absolutely phu*cked. All the other inflation, for the most part, I have figured out. I am a master grocery shopper and grocery budgeter, so I am good in that department. I don't drive THAT much. etc
  16. With that said, "prices books at the register" might be a reason to avoid unless I know he prices really low.
  17. There is one 9.8 up right now. No auctions. It is rally annoying folks keep on calling it a "newstand variant"
  18. Only slightly less realistic than this one from a Gamera movie:
  19. If I remember correctly these were several huge pieces of carboard you could attach together. If I remember correctly we got something a bit later for my younger brother in the early 80s we called the hobbit house that was small enough for him, but fit in an apartment bedroom. It is wild that this only cost 25 cents to ship.
  20. you're special, a dozen or so other sales in the last two days are not close to that. mind you, if i find out I have 5 copies I agree, it is totally an $80 book.