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The Less Blob

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Everything posted by The Less Blob

  1. James woods was vocal. Dunno about Limbaugh. Fyi, neither are politicians.
  2. Once upon a time in the West I think also qualifies... Charles Bronson and Henry Fonda. A matchup you'd never think would happen.
  3. If this movie can gross a billion with all these angry geezers then that says something. I think. Maybe. Like I said, lots of mothers with daughters in the theatre. While Larsen is pretty, I think they did a good job of making her non sexualized. Heck, I was half expecting her to have been Rambieu's GF, was relieved they were just besties (cuz the geezers would really be in an uproar)
  4. Maybe it was about human resiliency. I dunno. It almost felt like there were scenes in the movie showing sexism outside the flashbacks that may have paralleled them, but then they edited them out. Kree society did not appear misogynist, for example. Ronan is probably a person_who_is_obnoxiously_self-impressed, sure, but an equal opportunity one. Rogg seemed to genuinely want to mentor.
  5. You are wrong about almost all of it. Maybe you should see a movie before attacking it. It was a fun movie. There were flaws. I liked it more than 2 of 3 thor movies and every iron man movie. But you seem to have talked to James woods or rush Limbaugh or whatever to make your decision.
  6. I know, but saying "limited" implies low circulation, which was untrue
  7. IRon fist 14 was a nothing book then. Sabretooth was an obscure character who annoyed luke cage and iron fist occasionally. Spotlight 32 was a 60 cent book.
  8. Kind of like starters and relievers in baseball!
  9. Most inkers of note were more than capable pencillers as well.
  10. He's clearly making it up on volume? Or CGC forgot to charge him for slabbing? Jeez louise, I think I bought a couple of these recently for $2 each just for fun. Oh well.
  11. "Its economy 101 really. The inflated amount of Preacher 1 submissions caused the book to crash once the smoke cleared. In other words the demand was purely spec driven. Once the speculators realized that the book had no real demand, after hundreds of submissions were sent in WHILE it was being speculated, they ditched the book. As a result the market was left with a flood of Preacher 1 supply that no one could use anymore. This happens all the time. But never with a book that was so so sooooo far up there in price" It is a relatively common 1990s book (yes, I know, NOT a glut book, but we see plenty of copies around) that sells for $2225-250 or so in 9.8, nice raw copies in the $60-$90 range. I wouldn't say "no demand." It just got a bit crazy once upon a time. '
  12. How was Dazzler 1 limited distribution? One million copies shipped to comic shops was limited??
  13. I expected them to be laying the misogeny angle on way too thick and then did not wind up seeing it in the movie. That's why the "you're just a girl" flashbacks actually didn't make sense to me. It wasn't part of the plot. Frankly, I think they tried to make the movie sound like this was an issue to get mothers to take their daughters to the movie....and there were a lot of mothers and daughters in my theatre, so it worked I guess. The Kree looked down on her because she is human, not because she is female, and frankly, that didn't even become an issue until she rebelled.
  14. I didn't see that in the movie. Did you see the movie?
  15. "Given the failure of, basically, all of the FF films to date (either box office, storytelling, or both) without an actor being cast as Reed, or a box office track record, or fan reaction to the character it would be a risk of multiple billions of dollars worth of structured universe building and momentum to not center the universe around a character that's already shown the ability to be a standout financial success." The 2005 FF had a $100 million budget and $330 million box office, so it did alright. Good enough for a sequel that had a $130 million budget and $290 million box office, which I guess probably lost money or barely broke even.
  16. This is already not a cheap book due to it being early Mystique. Have sold not super high grade copies for $30+ for years now.
  17. You are a grumpy old white man. And that is not what goes on in the movie. In fact, the Kree can't stand the fact that she is always joking around. The "girl overcoming sexism" stuff flutters around in the background, but actually has nothing to do with the plot (other than the sexism is why she was in the position to get her powers at all)
  18. Kubert's stuff is superior. Although I wish DC wouldn't gunk up what is a pretty artistic image with the enemy ace square (which itself has lovely lines, but I wish it wasn't in the way of the underlying image). Anyway, I just love kubert's fluidity on many of these covers. particularly later in the 60s/early 70s these are real works of art.
  19. No. The image is Darth Vader, which is owned by Disney. There is no "copy directly" requirement in copyright law. Copying directly simply makes the case much easier to prove. You can also be sued under the trademark law. MAYBE you avoid a copyright violation by getting rid of a bunch of distinguishing Vader features. https://www.aspectlg.com/posts/copyright-in-characters-what-can-i-use https://statuteofryanne.com/2015/06/12/fictional-cartoon-characters-protected-by-copyright/ Chances are nobody goes after you and/or you avoid liability by obeying a cease and desist letter. But you never know. Some companies are VERY aggressive. Disney might not be so aggressive over small scale stuff because paying an army of lawyers to harass small time sellers over their vast IP holdings is expensive. In a different context in my prior life I sued someone who had made $1000 in sales selling copies of books he figured nobody cared about because the other was long dead. But his kids were not. It wound up costing him $700,000. So relatively small sales can result in a big judgment. (He could have settled for very little initially. He told us to F-off.)
  20. But they found it in the lab. Did it teleport from the jet to the lab?
  21. What war were they fighting? Chasing some skrull refugees around? Sounded like a fake war, one to make kree feel like there were threats, when the threats were pretty limited. She so "bought" into the kree stuff that it literally took 8 seconds to convince her otherwise?
  22. Half celestial...basically half god But the infinity stone was in the lab, not the jet that blew up. that's what's a bit confusing to me. With that said, is that the key to endgame? Thanos doesn't really have "all of the stones," some aspect of the stone is part of her? Also, WTF has she been doing for 20 years? If she has been a cosmic do-gooder, why hasn't she done battle with Thanos and Ronan in the interim?
  23. Disagree. Reign in her powers in case she breaks with the kree. The Kree want to use her powers as limited, maybe waiting until they need them all (you never know when a Thanos invasion is around the corner). They don't want someone who may take out a whole fleet in 5 minutes.
  24. I thought it was a fun movie. My teenager is enraged that they changed out the original Captain Marvel back story and made the Skrulls neutral/good. I actually think it makes more sense the way they have it in the movie because simply merging kree/human DNA wouldn't seem to create god-like power, so they need something "more"... I didn't really "get" the attempts at "young girl overcoming...." because it wasn't part of the plot otherwise. It's not like the Kree treated her badly because she was a woman, etc.