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The Less Blob

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Everything posted by The Less Blob

  1. He was a nice kid. I sent him a nice ASM 47 because I had 2 of them and felt bad he had gotten burned on ebay for something. I think he only had his mother and was sort of looking up to a lot of people here as [fatherly] authority figures and was lonely as he was chubby and didn't have a social life -- as a fellow chubster with a gorgeous wife, I could give him hope... Anyway, I think we collectively (like 30 people here saying "are you insane???") talked him out of signing up for a $45,000 web design certification course rather than going to community college or state U. (and taking computer classes) or whatever option he was weighing. Have not seen him around, but maybe he changed his name and, as he is now in his 20s, doesn't need to identify himself as the "kid" on the boards as there are younger folks I assume.
  2. I am getting and offer on eBay for a 7.5-8.0 type copy about $10-13 under FMV based on "this is how many ebay bucks I have" pondering it. Used to have like 8 copies, sold them off the last time the book popped. Can micronauts please pop again???
  3. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Nova-1-1976-High-Grade-1st-Appearance-of-Nova-/202549799869?hash=item2f28e8abbd%3Ag%3Amp4AAOSwdrdcJZ1M&nma=true&si=oynssssvCjDHXAekLigVy8Aev3w%3D&orig_cvip=true&nordt=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557 Nice price on a book that seems like an unlikely candidate for better than a 9.2
  4. Are the covers on the mexican books unique to them or do they appear in english versions too? that second one is pretty unusual.
  5. I buy them consistently too, but only on the cheap. I have a huge stockpile of nice Subby books. I put them up on ebay from time to time trying to get half guide or something and usually go nowhere. Throw SA Hawkman books in ok shape in a $2 box and I am all over that too. When are either making their movie debut? I know Hawkman (or is it just girl?) has been on TV, but I think that has no bump anymore unless it is their own show. So is the issue weak prices or not being able to sell them at all? I agree, when priced right they all sell.
  6. Hmm, my PMs only go back 13 years, I need 14 1/2 to figure this out. Oh well. My PMs go back to me selling burntboy and mrwoogieman comic spinner racks at the ungodly rate of $50 each and trying to coordinate with both for pick-ups. Right before that is a message from Joe Collector edumacating me on Whitman variants. It is amazing how many conversations I have had wih people via PM I have totally forgotten about (people and conversations) . Apparently I have been corresponding on and off with 1Cool for almost 10 years (this I was aware of because we did so recently, I just didn't realize it went back that far). I was finding listings on hotjobs for one guy who was unemployed and giving PM therapy/guidance counselor sessions to one of our teenage members (won't name him, but old timers will remember him).
  7. I usually don't buy "expensive" books, but said what the heck when the price seemed right.
  8. I bought whatever size it is from U-Line (36 rolls?)... in 2002. Still have about half of them!
  9. Series did not last long. Character has never been able to maintain a series. Sub-Mariner doesn't sell well. Nick Fury not so well despite having some great covers.
  10. You are missing out on a tremendous opportunity. If you look at his feedback he had a car crash a few weeks ago. Maybe his scanner was broken in the crash and he only knows how to upload handwritten note photographs from his phone?
  11. Did the WTB thread disappear? $25 isn't enough to generate much of a response though. What would folks here offer up as an Ebay store BIN (private) for $25?
  12. oh criminey, i just spent more than an hour scouting out potential $25 purchases, what a huge waste of time
  13. I am pretty psyched. I have $25 in ebay bucks burning a hole in my cyber pocket. Oh what treasure will I buy??
  14. I didn't remember anything about getting paid, but I do remember some issue about how much you could withdraw each month without that verification
  15. Hey, it's one of a few books that has this sort of following for this sort of reason...The Rifleman Log/Dong cover, The Archie Pearl Necklace and/or "Beat Off" cover... Any others? But yes, to say it was banned/recalled, that's a lie. Seal rape...well it kind of looks like that COULD be happening..among other potential things. One day I will find that in a dollar box or a yard sale pile, I know it...
  16. (I didn't actually read an interview with the cover artist...)
  17. I think that's fair. We had a big debate here on whether grades are needed if you have good scans, but I still feel like I need to give a grade to have some context for the price. I tend to make my BINs on decent raw material maybe an average of the top 2 or 3 recent sales in a similar grade understanding that there is ample room for negotiation downward because those higher $ sales may be the result of great reputation/good will, etc.
  18. OK, I might be exaggerating, but the criticism was for pricing certain books at prices I had been selling them at, it was weird.
  19. Last time I identified my ebay store I got a bunch of nasty critiques about me being out of my mind for listing silver age DCs and McFarlane ASMs for the crazy price of $3.50 each because I guess I should list everything on ebay for $1? Sure, this was a decade ago, but still...
  20. What are you referring to? With that said, I just had someone pay my high BIN price for two books (won't say which) that got hot in the last 6 months, which I fully expected would get knocked down 25-30% with best offers. And I didn't even have scans up yet!
  21. I read an interview with Dave Manak and he said seal assault is exactly what he was trying to convey with the cover. He got a lot of angry letters from PETA.
  22. You're no fun. I worked in an office where someone won Lotto twice. But it was a long time ago when the Jackpot was only $1 million. They didn't retire after the first one because it was just $50K a year. But they did retire after the second one. $2 is less than a slice of pizza. The pizza is no good for me. I don't mind tossing $2 in for the office to buy 50 or whatever tickets. I consider that $2 as insurance against me jumping out the window if they did, in fact, win. Plus they only do it when it gets well over $200 million.
  23. Office pools help give you a .0000000001% chance at least.
  24. Magically the book he accepted my offer on has disappeared and he can't find it. I think he realized he let me have it for too little. I wonder when it will show up in his store again? I told him top cancel my small auctin win because it wasn't worth the shipping cost alone, so I got something out of it I suppose.
  25. With that said it would be nice if there was a $5-7 grading service that does a resto/page check on par with mycomicshop or comicconnect and stick the book in one of those thick Mylar cases, seal the top with the label/grade, etc. For pre-76 books, top value $100-125, maybe 9.4 as the top achievable grade, etc.