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The Less Blob

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Everything posted by The Less Blob

  1. Chew, Goon, and Fear Agent (obviously there are others) also have 3 - 4 seasons of potential plots already half written for TV shows. I don't understand the economics of Netflix, Amazon Prime, etc. (and my friend who is in the industry and creates TV shows has a hard time grasping how the numbers work as well)... the joke about how amazing it was that 30 million people watched Bird Box.. on 12 Netflix accounts... (apparently it was watched on 45 million Netflix accounts, but not everybody finished it... I am shocked there are that many). Anyway, I am new to that world of TV. HATED watching anything on our laptop. Finally got an internet capable TV this summer (had a 17 year old TV) and the options are amazing. Just don't have the time to watch the stuff I would like to watch. Maybe have 90 minutes a night of vegging out in me.
  2. There are so many Netflix, etc shows getting cranked out, not sure why these well done comics can't be done there. Goon is tricky because I don't think the comedic elements carry over to live action and an animated series is a hard sell. Dunno why an animated movie can do $500 million at the box office, but adults will refuse to watch it on tv. I might be able to get my wife to a goon movie, she might even like it (less likely), but I can never get her to watch the tv show and she liked WD, preacher, American gods, tried Constantine, even I zombie (will not watch super heroes tho)
  3. Are these all reprints? This seem to be pretty cheap for the most part, is that why there is a lack of interest? (The usually dopey covers do not help either.) Was pondering buying some.
  4. Pretty. Every couple of years I go on a little pulp binge. I have no frigging ides what I am buying, but if I see a pretty cover and a writer I have heard of that helps..if the price is right.
  5. Absolutely! But I do hear that Stormbreaker will be played by Will Smith in the next Avengers movie, so Thor 339 might be making another jump into elite key status. Maybe quadruple digits for 9.6ses.
  6. "a lot of early raw Chew books, etc." #1 is still expensive, but yeah, I don't think this is a bad idea at all
  7. Seems simple enough to make a low offer. If accepted, if they really don't want to do the work, skim the top 10-25 books out of the collection and dump the rest here, on ebay, facebook, instagram, craigs list, whatever. if there is anything half decent left junior flippers will buy it. if there is a decent mix of 70s and earlier material in there they will probably pay more than $20 long box bulk prices. The problem is not the lack of people willing to buy collections, it is the asking prices. Would I pay $400 for 4,000 comics if I saw 500 bona fide $2 books (like I would buy at a show) in there? Sure. And then I would bulk out the rest. And the next guy will skim the best 500 and bulk out the rest. And so on, until all we have left are copies of Turok 1 and other crapola that you donate to a thrift shop. I had a guy pay me $70 (I think it was $70, maybe $60, I told the story here already) for a long box of dregs at my last yardsale. This is the krap that is left after I have been dragging books out to my annual yardsale for the last 6 or 7 years. I used to have 3 long boxes. He was going to flip them out on ebay (he thinks). It just seems nuts to get a call and say no automatically. But to each their own. I get it, if someone brings in 20 boxes of totally unsellable garbage then they are put in a pickle of an angry person yelling at them when they make no offer, but they can tell them that possibility over the phone. "shrinking home sizes so no space for long boxes anymore." I understand not having room for 40 long boxes, but I lived in a Manhattan studio apartment and stored at least 2,500 comics in a closet just on the floor and the shelves, I still had room in there for clothing. Do people nowadays not have Tetris skills like folks who came of age in the 80s have? Jeez, folks here have seen photos of the 1,000 or so comics I kept UNDER MY OFFICE DESK!
  8. Well, it seems taxes will be collected via ebay once more jurisdictions opt in. I don't see NY and CA opting out of more money.
  9. I just find it inconceivable that they would tell people to go away no matter what unless they are incredibly ethical and won't give them a lowball for their Hulk 1 or whatever. Heck, why not see if anything is worth consignment? I understand some places just do not carry back issues, but if you do and are passing up the opportunity to pay pennies on the dollar? Maybe they think they are ethical and won't look if they don't have spare cash, but maybe the comics just go in the trash or yardsaled for 20 cents each and then one of us is having a party! But seriously, if you are a business that does not have $200 cash to make a reasonable offer on a beater X-Men 1 that walks in the door that you can flip for $1000 that evening, then yikes...
  10. And saw this...the name looked familiar...I am shocked any of them were disclosed...
  11. My son was home sick today. I should have put him to work listing on facebook!
  12. Is this niche market really meaningful to your walk in crowd and usual customers? Seems like things that sell on ebay, but not necessarily in a store.
  13. Actually,1972 was a "baby bust" year..low birth rates in 72, 73, etc. (boomers were still mostly getting high and not having kids and still wanted to experiment with some free love sans conception, "Greatest Generation" had stopped having kids, so it was mostly people born in the depression (another baby bust) at the tail end of their kid having days. but I guess this led to more comic nerds as we had fewer kids to play with... It was why I was able to get into the college I got into. I would never in a million years be able to get in that school now with the grades I had.
  14. I hit 14 in December. 11 more years until my pension vests.
  15. Right now it doesn't sound like you'll be doing anything and ebay will be handling it. For them it's just a matter of programming the system to do this stuff, it should be pretty automated at that point. I think they have an incentive to make this easier for us for all the reasons stated. Having to collect 50+ (or are we talking about thousands with each county potentially having a different rate...I know that is the case in my state) different sets of sales taxes will drive many sellers off ebay. This would hammer their stock price.
  16. thanks. I figured as much, but wanted to be sure the rules have not changed in the years since I last did something like that.
  17. kupperberg. add tom sutton for an earliyish death, a bunch of guys I grew up with in the 70s and 80s are about to hit 70..byrne, BWS, zeck, pollard, starlin, milgrom, wrightson didn't make it there. jeez louis, John Romita Junior is 62! Maybe it just seems like they drop dead early. I dunno. Obviously some don't.
  18. paypal is pretty important nowadays for charitable giving, although I'm not sure how they make money on that
  19. I have a buyer who bought various items out of my store and has paid 3 times for different groups of items. Because payments were made separately, ebay doesn't seem to let me ship them all together under one lable despite clicking the box to the left for all the purchases. Am I sufficiently protected as a seller by simply printing one label for one group of items and adding the tracking # to the other sales?
  20. Again, I am torn both ways on these issues. My European relatives and friends don't complain about their health system and university costs, but I do hear complaints about taxes. But like you I live in a socialist state republic, so my fed + local taxes are nearly Euro-style and I don't get the health coverage (although I pay under $500 for a family of 4, so I am not crying too much, and our state colleges are under $8K for tuition). I can't really be outraged about the notion of sales tax collection via ebay so long as I don't have to deal with the paperwork.
  21. The Belgian government provides a lot of stuff through those taxes. You can pay $1300 a month for family health insurance or pay more taxes. You can go in debt $60k for university (and that is a public one here, private may be $200k) or get it free and pay via taxes. Not a judgment as to what is better. Frankly, I'm not sure I have a firm view I e way or the other. That view will probably change when my kids are in college and if I ever leave my job with cheap insurance and have to pay market rate.
  22. "Bronty" turned into "bring" via autocorrect. I am so sick of having to fix autocorrect.
  23. Hardly any scans on FB. A lot of shaky camera photos. You really have to be trusting re: grading. Most of the pricing is like ebay high fixed price sellers plus 20%, but there is probably a lot of negotiation via PM. " best offer" is a bit easier than a lot of "will you take?" Messages. Have seen some offerings that I may have gone for but then I start crunching the numbers and there usually isn't enough meat on the bone when you factor in likely overgrading.