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Everything posted by kidcolt

  1. Congrats. I have been trying to find an affordable copy of that issue for a while.
  2. I love all the arial Spiderman covers.
  3. Transplant, great looking Cadet books, thanks for showing them.
  4. Any Joe fans interested in bringing this thread back to life?
  5. I just sold my extra to a board member for $150 + shipping. I had a lot of interest in it. Interesting..............I might have to look at selling my copy now. If I recall, there are a couple of stores that still might have them in town.
  6. HOLY COW............I will have to list my extra one. These seem to be selling for decent money over the past 6 months. Some are selling below $100 but some are reaching crazy money. http://cgi.ebay.com/Conan-The-Frost-Giants-Daughter-by-Kurt-Busiek2005-HC_W0QQitemZ300211873356QQihZ020QQcategoryZ377QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  7. Those conan's are awesome, you should post them in the ongoing Conan thread.
  8. Very nice, I would love to own that
  9. Couple more. I remember how popular these were when they first came out. Wolverine fans were going crazy for these. This is still one of my favorite issues featuring the Punisher
  10. Picture isn't working for me? I am guessing CW#5 variant by your description
  11. I would love to see some other collectors post their favorite punisher books and items. If anyones post on here I will add some more, if not I will let the htread die a quick death.
  12. Anyone else here a big Punisher fan? Thought I would see if there is enough interest to start a Punisher thread. A couple of my favorites from my collection
  13. Betty certainly helps qualify this cover as a headlight cover.
  14. Very cool, love Heath stuff. Shows its age though "hello whitey" yikes!!!
  15. Should have told him yes as long as he signed something for free. He probably would have just went to the back of the line .
  16. Great looking books. Issue 23 is one of my alltime favorite comics, fantastic art and story.
  17. I will have to check it out.
  18. Some fantastic stuff in this thread. This is a nice piece. It screams Powell art, it reminds me of the Goon art style.
  19. So its someone reading the story ........like books on tapes? I have never seen these before, I may try and trck one down, I still have a working turn table.
  20. All four of the What if's are good.
  21. Not my auctions!!! http://cgi.ebay.ca/marvel-comics-Conan-the-Barbarian-bronze-medal-coin_W0QQitemZ290186190547QQihZ019QQcategoryZ33811QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem http://cgi.ebay.ca/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=290186816429&ru=http%3A%2F%2Fsearch.ebay.ca%3A80%2Fsearch%2Fsearch.dll%3Ffrom%3DR40%26_trksid%3Dm37%26satitle%3D290186816429%26category0%3D%26fvi%3D1 Hey, that's exactly why I liked Conan (and still do)! Not that I was a big D&D geek back in the day ( ), but I've always liked that whole Sword-n-Sorcery genre. It is unfortunate that there is so little buzz of late. Still, lots of keen Conan items popping up in this thread! (thumbs u Hey, how about that Conan "Bronze" Medallion/Coin that was offered in the comics from the later '70's? I've only ever seen 1 on eBay, last yr (I think). I recall a Spider-Man one and perhaps one other too. What's the story on that -- availabilty, value, etc? ... any scans out there -- who has that piece?
  22. The Conan women were always drawn well. They always had big hips and butts(but not too big) with full real boobs haha. The women in todays comics all look like they have fake Hollywood boobs.
  23. Conan comics and mags rock. Great stories and fantastic art. The covers for the magazines are awesome. There is a link on my site (I think its still there) that show every Conan cover.