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Everything posted by shadroch

  1. If the books are in NYC,almost any school with an ESL class will be happy to take them.You should be able to get a reciept for full cover/or overstreet value,whichever is higher.
  2. How do people become experts in the restoration field? I can't speak for Matt but the two restorers I know,and POV Row did it the old fashioned way. They apprenticed with experts in the field.AFTER they were shown the techniques,and were given hands-on training,then they proceeded to practice what they were taught.
  3. I thought every comic was sacred,in whatever shape it was in. You people condone someome who at best would be called a rank beginner mutilating comics just for the thrill of it? Maybe next,Kenny can write and draw an issue of Miracle Man. How hard can that be. After all,he knows how to cut stainglass.
  4. After wading thru way too many posts on this subject,I really wasn't expecting much in the line of original thought. Boy,was I wrong. Very well said.
  5. While I agree that Turtles was a homage to Miller,I think it was more his Daredevil work than his Ronin. The warrior woman was obvously Elektra,Splinter was Stick,the Foot was the Hand ,ect,ect. Also have to disagree that ronin was much of a hit. Issue six being so scarce is a direct result of stores lowering their orders so much after getting stuck with so many unsold 1 thru 5s. While a small group went ga-ga over the experimental artwork,the overwhelming reaction was disappointment.
  6. Doing some simple math,I'd conclude that "an old man" from the 70s is most likely no longer dealing comics. Nor breathing. I went there a few times and bought from several different sellers,but don't really remember them.
  7. Inflation drives gasoline to record prices. Is that a reason to invest in it,as well?
  8. marvel had(has) a different character named Dazzler as well. He killed Angels mother and father. Phoenix(sp?) is an Atlas hero. I'm sure there are many others.
  9. I've recently noticed a few e-bay sellers place the boards in the centerfold of the comic,rather than the back. Is this common amongst forumites? If you do,why?
  10. Donut, you couldn't come to The National because of YOUR JOB,you can't buy a book because of A LACK OF A JOB.I sense a pattern here. Prioritize,man,prioritize!Remember-its-With great powers come great responsibilities,not- with great responsibilities comes great powers!!!!
  11. Way back when,I had a chance to veiw the MH2 collection and to bid on it. Seeing that the owners were such scumbags and that there was a world of problems connected to the books,I passed. Only recently,did I learn that one of the brothers had been selling peices of the accumilation on the side.Had I known that,I would have made some buys.In fact,one lucky person walked of with some 14,000 new X-Men books just about the time Chuckles was negotiating to buy the other two million books.It hasn't done the guy too much good (yet) as he is upstate on an extended vacation.I just hope he's had those books stored properly the last twenty years.
  12. I think there might be a valid aurgument for a Copper Age forum. I can't really see wherebooks like Watchmen,Crisis,SWs#1,Dark Knight and some X books really should get lumped in with last weeks books.some of these are getting to be twenty years old.
  13. I will say that when I get a package and when opened,it contains musty smelling comics, I'm pretty disappointed. Sometimes,if you leave them out in the open,the smell goes away for the most part,but it isn't worth stinking up your house to do it. I don't think CGC deducts for musty smell,but Overstreet deducts for the acidic smell. Check out the grading guide for details. Mine is not handy.
  14. I think all patriotic Americans should do all they can to prevent OUR National treasures from being exported,where they will forever be lost to our future generations.That being said,donations are requested for the purpose of rescuing that ALL AMERICAN from the foreign intelopers.If only fifty Patriotic Americans will match my $25 seed money, we can set the wheels....
  15. This was as anti-climatic as the last LOTRs movie. I demand a rewrite,bring in some -script docters.Nobody pays to see a happy ending!
  16. As I noted earlier,there was a copy of this book at the Big Apple show and it seemed like it was for sale.As a matter of fact,I joked that I should buy it and sit back as Vincent and Ian bid on it.Earlier thread not withstanding,how is any dealer obligated to sell to any one client.
  17. Is this concerning the slabbed Double Action #2 that was floating around the Big Apple show a few weeks ago?If the seller went with Vincent in return for future relations as oppossed to an overseas buyer,this is somehow a bad thing?If it is about a different copy,then why hasn't Ian been able totrack one down?
  18. Mexican money,Peter Max,comps and parking tickets.
  19. But what happens next time the Government gets pissed at Steve and puts some new Cap into the uniform. Will the first SA apperence of Steve Rogers still be so key? I completely agree with you that Avengers 4 is the key book but feel no collection is compete without the 114. Call it a prototype, call it a tease, I'll call it a key.
  20. If 114 doesn't count because it is not the real Captain America(Steve Rogers),would you then say that all the Caps from the late 40s-early 50s don't count as that Cap proved to be a phony also? I've never been satisfied with the explanation Marvel gave for how a character who "died" in spring of 45 has a continuity until the early 50s. I'm a huge Silver Age Cap fan and a big Schomburg fan but have not read a great deal of his post war stories. I'm not sure what you should call ST114,but it should be a must have for every Cap fan. That sounds Key to me.
  21. I may be totally offbase here,but I thought the Supes vs. Ali Whitmans were supposed to be destroyed or something. I think I recall being at a show and Bob Rozakias making a big stink out of someone having a couple and threatining to cut them off of DC books.Anybody know anything about this?
  22. My memory may be a little hazy but I believe this was a variant cover that sat on the stands unnoticed for a few days. I remember getting a call from another dealer offering to buy the variant and that being the first time I was aware of them. I had recieved about 20 or so copies and put them right on shelf.Back then the entire ordersheet for the month was only 3 or 4 pages so I think I would have noticed it. This bookcame out early in the BW craze and it is possible that I missed the solicitation but I was pretty quick both jumping on and off the bandwagon. I sold a ton of Miami Mice, Elflords, Elf warriors and the like and laffed as my competitors were buiried in Daffy Khaddaffi, Gerbils, and my alltime favorite GI Jackrabbits. Is this book still desired?
  23. The Adveturers skelton cover was approx.15% of run and was sent to dealers in same proportion, except fpr a few warehouses where employees cherrypicked them. I don't think this was solicited so if you order 20 copies of the book you would recieve 17 regular and 3 variant. I'm not sure book is all that hot.
  24. Back in the 80s, DC came out with the Limited Dark Knight S/N hardcover. My distributor gave one copy to each of his accounts. Back then there was no internet but I had no problem getting $500 for mine.Heard of copies selling for over 1K. This seems much more key than 608,yet Overstreet has it for much less today some 15 years later. I know its not an exact comparison but I think its in the ballpark. Bill
  25. To me it was not a matter of the Bronze Age starting as it was the Silver Age ending. The passing of the torch from Stan Lee to Roy Thomas, Marv Wolfman, Gerry Conway and the rest of the next Generation of writers formed the Start of the Bronze Age. To me Captain America 100 is Silver whereas Cap 110 with Steranko is Bronze. The Price increases from .12 to .15 to .20 are good benchmarks, and by the .25 giant books the bronze age is in total effect. So,to me, the early Steranko books, along with Neal Adams work on the Xmen are the prelude to the dawn of the Bronze Age.