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James J Johnson

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Posts posted by James J Johnson

  1. On 11/1/2021 at 4:13 PM, THE_BEYONDER said:

    I was talking about Hammer (shrug)

    Confusing, because I'm supposedly him, so now I have no idea when people tell me what a scammer I am if they mean me or who I'm supposed to be. I just assume the worst now, meanwhile I'd rather be in the grading or restoration sections seeing if some newbie needs advice. That's fun. This isn't. 

  2. On 11/1/2021 at 3:55 PM, THE_BEYONDER said:

    From what I understand, he loves showing his skills by busting other scammers.  (shrug)

    How do you know what he or I love? I don't love busting scammers. It's work. It's difficult. Tedious. Eye-strain. There's nothing to love about it. But it's sometimes necessary and I do it when it needs to be done, which is the best reason to do anything at all, love it, like it, or lump it. .

  3. On 11/1/2021 at 3:56 PM, Buzzetta said:

    I dunno... I have to say you might all prove me wrong but I'm still not on board with this one.   Not going to defend it... but I'm definitely not on board. 

    But some of the requests such as, "show us a picture of your face holding up a printout of this" or "step outside and film"... 

    I see why he responds back with the answer of, "What will that prove?" because I have the same question from my end.

    Pictures will be interpreted with the same skew that Shad interpreted my questioning him about his Marvel 1 purchase from KellySH, "How do you know about that. You must be him because it happened before you joined the boards". Meanwhile, he wrote about it right here, within the past month.  He forgot? Nobody is supposed to know about what he wrote here? He hiself appaears to have conveniently forgotten.

    Any pictures forthcoming will have skewed interpretation, just like all the rest that everyone is forgetting about. Pictures will prove nothing because they can be pictures of anybody in front of this or that, and no matter what pictures are posted they will be "inconclusive" and held suspect, as random people in pictures that you don't know should be. 

  4. On 11/1/2021 at 12:04 PM, shadroch said:

    I bought the Marvel #1 long before I had any idea you were the piece of mess you truly were.  At the time Fantazia or whatever the place was called had a pretty good rep.  

    I bought a few other books  from you, but again that was when I and the general comic community didn't know what you were.  Funny you bring this up, as my post on the subject were long before JJJ joined. I almost bought a PLOD GL76 you were offering, but when I mentioned it here, people pointed out buying anything from you was still supporting a crook.

    I bring it up because you wrote about it. Recently. Like within the past month, 45 months after I joined the forum in 2017.. This is still another thing I'm not supposed to notice or mention?  :screwy: 

  5. On 11/1/2021 at 11:53 AM, kav said:

    I see this as a deflection, respectfully.  If you were of the mind of "its a losing excercise", you would not be posting a lot here.  So avoiding the pic has to be something else.

    Wrong. I could be KellySH taking a picture of the computer and a friend or neighbor. Who would know for sure? How? More friends? A roomful, posing in front of my computer? It's never ending. Door to door is the answer. Ask the Answer.

  6. On 11/1/2021 at 11:51 AM, kav said:

    I have dozens of friends online.  In the real world I like to keep to myself.  As I said it would help, and its better than nothing, and your refusal just causes people to go a-ha.  In game theory its a move that could help and cannot hurt-you always make that move.

    The answer to my providing the material you request will be, THAT'S NOT HIM. That's his friend from across the street!, or something along those lines. lol  Door to door is the only way to eliminate doubt. Look at the fallout. If "the Answer" chimed in, his answer would be, "The answer is door to door".  

  7. On 11/1/2021 at 11:40 AM, kav said:

    It costs you nothing and it would sway some doubt.  There's people still on the fence here.  

    No one is on the fence here. I'm a realist. As he said, "a losing battle". He sure knew what he was talking about. Back to work. 

  8. On 11/1/2021 at 11:31 AM, kav said:

    it would help-the way to fake it would be have a friend close by take the pic and I dont think Cupcak has many readily availble fiends.  Better than nothing.

    And how do you know he has no friends? Didn't someone here praise me as helpful, caring with newbies, taking my time to help forum members with their issues, great sense of humor, and that sort of thing? Aren't those the type of qualities that attract and promote friendship? Why wouldn't I have friends. If I'm him and he's me, then I have as many friends in the real world as I though I had here in the cyber world until two days ago, no? 

  9. On 11/1/2021 at 11:31 AM, kav said:

    it would help-the way to fake it would be have a friend close by take the pic and I dont think Cupcak has many readily availble fiends.  Better than nothing.

    It wouldn't help. We both know that. KellySH wrote that "It was a losing battle". Whatever else everyone thinks he's wrong about, he sure was right about that. I learned that first hand! It would start with one picture, and then "that doesn't look right.. why don't you take a picture with you, yatta, yatta, yatta". Like I'm a marionette. I never liked dancing that much. Which was why I joined a forum to discuss comics, as I have been for the past 4 years. Now it's a forum about dancing and time to consider that. 

  10. On 11/1/2021 at 11:00 AM, shadroch said:

    Time to slink off and work up a new id.

    Now why would I do that. My name is my forum handle. I should change my name? And then why shouldn't you change your ID also? If I read correctly, you bought a Marvel Comics #1 from KellySH with full knowledge of what type of villain you were supporting. How much did you pay for that Marvel Comics 1, thus knowingly in support of a criminal enterprise? How many other books did you deal with him on, full well knowing you were supporting a criminal by doing that? A Marvel Comics 1? Is that right? You never said "now much". If you did, I don't recall. Care to tell us the amount? Maybe you should slink off behind me? I don't know. What do you think? 

  11. On 11/1/2021 at 9:24 AM, Prince Namor said:

    It doesn’t make a difference. You’re playing soft with one of the great criminals in the history of the hobby(s). Everything you think you may have gained in credibility in your short time here is on the verge of being swept aside by not understanding the history of who your giving the benefit of the doubt to. 

    Of course, at this point in the history of the forum it may not matter, as most of the experts have simply given up on this place, but consider it a great sign when some as well respected as October is, tries to educate you on the situation. 

    You're reading way too much into what I did because what I did before all hell broke loose upon me, was to challenge Joe Peck's statement? A number of successive claims that weren't just questionable; they were impossible. I shouldn't have noticed because of the other party involved? I should have played along and suspended disbelief when he said that he received same day USPS service? And then showed a scan of a different book than was listed? A book that he bought from SILVERAGE!2C and not KellySH? Once read, how do I unread it? I would have suspected him as a shill for any questionable seller that he made that claim about.

    And as explained about 10 times now, when Peck added to his already impossible claims that "he bought a 9.8. it looks like a 9.8, and he's going to submit it", I thought he was the shill, like so many other shills who show up to pump sunshine up the skirts or questionable seller. It's all there, just as I say it is.

    I specifically asked Peck, "you bought this yesterday, at 5:53PM EST and now, at 3PM EST, you have it already? You must have picked it up today or he delivered it because USPS doesn't offer same day service". To which he said, "Yes. Apparently I'm in NY and he's in Jersey so we're close". Then he shows the image of a book from a completed SILVERAGE12C Dazzler 1 and after I point out that inconsistency with 3 images, he says, "WOW, he scammed me with the wrong book, he's a fiend, I'm calling ebay". 

    Now even if I could somehow completely suspend disbelief and think, "D'uh, OK Joe. You can't possibly be mistaken" I thought, 'Let's look further" and I did the same thing I've done with every other ebay seller I've accused on the forum. I reached out with a link and a heads up, "what say you?". The info I received made sense. Peck's accounting didn't. 

    So no, I wasn't concerned with clearing someone's name. Days before I had helped Joe Peck, with advice on his collection and submissions. Now I was wondering if he was the shill and why he would be making such ludicrous claims of USPS same day delivery and other issues. Whether KellySH was to be helped or not was incidental. Peck was the target because at first, with his initail claim of buying a 9.8 that looks 9.8, going to submit it, Peck was my target as a shill that I had previously taken time to help and I wanted to know what was going on with him. Him. Not KellySH, whose guilt or innocence was incidental. 

  12. On 11/1/2021 at 7:43 AM, october said:

    Decades of scams and criminal behavior across multiple hobbies renders everything that guys sells suspect. EVERYTHING. Why anyone would waste energy parsing out what might or might not be kosher is beyond me. 

    I didn't speculate on what may or may not be kosher until asked why I didn't. Has everyone/anyone commenting actually read the last 10 pages in their entirety? Or just a few words from each page here and there? And here we go again. In for a penny, in for a pound. 

  13. On 11/1/2021 at 2:51 AM, Prince Namor said:

    Did i just read a CGC post of someone giving a thumbs up to Dupcak's 'merchandise' on eBay?

    Where the heII am I?

    I've vowed to stay away from this thread but I will answer this with what should be very simple to understand.

    I didn't give the seller's merchandise a thumbs up. I just could not give it a thumbs down using the same tools and applying the same type of investigative technique used to expose the crack and sell raw practice of BeatleBlueCat and others. I can't find matches previously slabbed to the books he has listed now. I'm unable to find prior CGC slabbed images of the raw books he's offering, and I have tried, right about the same time I made mincemeat out of Beatle Blue. That's not a thumbs down for KellySH, but it's not a thumbs up either

    I also wrote that where he lists as unrestored, the image included depicts a book that may very well be unrestored. And where he lists restored, it looks like what is being described. That's not a thumbs up either because it's nota thumbs down. I also said that it's difficult to get a good read from the images. They're pictures. Not scans. And not of high enough resolution to give me enough to work with. 

    I added that the autographs, IMHO, are all authentic. That is a thumbs up of the autographs but neither a thumbs up nor thumbs down of the comics or the seller in general, whom I did not vouch for. The quality of the images do not allow me to get beyond, "Maybe, possibly, sort of". The only sellers that I would ever vouch for are the same stable of heavyweights that are fairly much common knowledge here as the cream of the crop; Heritage, Link, Connect, Blazing, MCS, et. al. The ones with widely proven integrity and excellence. 

  14. On 10/31/2021 at 7:51 PM, bayesian_acolyte said:

    James J Johnson, it is strange that you have made more than a dozen separate replies in a 24 hour period encouraging OP to sell this comic raw immediately when they have clearly stated they do not want to sell it just a few posts before you started your diatribe:

    Oh it wasn't a diatribe, even though that's your interpretation. It was sound advice, the type people coming here for it typically like to receive. If my advice doesn't sit well with you, suit your tastes or meet with your approval, strange or not so strange as it may be; then sorry about that. Quarks are strange. My advice was not. 

  15. On 10/31/2021 at 7:51 PM, bayesian_acolyte said:

    James J Johnson, it is strange that you have made more than a dozen separate replies in a 24 hour period encouraging OP to sell this comic raw immediately when they have clearly stated they do not want to sell it just a few posts before you started your diatribe:

    Strange how? When a forum member gets a notification and replies to it, which are all of my posts in this thread other than my first opinion? Suddenly, after 4 years of not being strange, everything I post is strange? Even replying to notifications? 

    5700 posts in four years? Is that too strange or too excessive for your liking? Let me know if you'd prefer I post less..I'm taking forum requests this week. Am I supposedly a shill now for the OP? Or the other way around? It just keeps getting more and more strange here. Sorry about that. 

  16. On 9/19/2021 at 5:23 PM, BlowUpTheMoon said:

    BTW, whomever is stating that these are forgeries is demonstrably wrong and probably doing so due to the seller. Nobody who knows these players' tracks would say they're definitely fakes. That's the wrong way to authenticate. Judge the tracks.  A Beckett or PSA online quick opinion will show that they're "likely good", I'm sure. I collect sports autos, among other genres.. I have all of these players' ink. These are all proper and consistent with authentic ca.1970ish signatures of these players and exhibit none of the obvious telltale markers of forgeries, IMHO.

  17. On 10/31/2021 at 10:45 PM, Dr. Dank said:

    I can't even pretend to follow what's going on

    They're looking for Mr. Hyde, and I'm not even as much as Dr. Jekyll. So they're going to hang the goat instead. The very same goat that's helped everyone and anyone who came to the forum and asked for help over the past 4 years. Disgusting, to say the least.