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Everything posted by RockMyAmadeus

  1. Do you have a picture of what you received?
  2. Looks like we have a winner! So...couple of observations: 1. Nowhere in that listing does the seller state the condition of the item. 2. While the book is not "9.4" as the buyer claims the seller offered, neither is it even remotely a 4.0. 3. Seller does not accept returns, which is, under current eBay policy, almost red meat to those who want to teach a seller a lesson. 4. The seller's feedback isn't perfect, but neither is it particularly egregious. 5. The communication and shipping time stars need much work. And, as a note to every seller on eBay: never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, under ANY circumstances, for ANY reason, be anything less than absolutely 100% completely gracious in your replies to negative feedback. Any sort of defensiveness makes you look really bad, always, no exceptions. There is NO way to state anything, in 80 characters, that will adequately explain the situation in your favor. The best thing you can do for your business is say "We are sorry that you were unhappy with your purchase. We will work harder to earn your trust." ...or some such pablum, whether you mean it or not. Anyone who bothers to look will be reassured, and you'll make the buyer...no matter what they say...look like a heel.
  3. If the negative was removed, it wouldn't show up at all in the seller's fb.
  4. I loved looking up that HF beef summer sausage, I'm adding it to an Amazon order...
  5. There we go! I did NOT have the patience to wade through hundreds of listings. The "$30" price, of course, wasn't accurate.
  6. I the attached photo is from the auction.... I use mobile app. See if he has this on his list of items right now.... I'm curious It must be the alien language barrier. Link? Listing number? Anything that will allow the readers of this board to check out the listing for themselves...?
  7. I don't know whether to be flattered or offended. Flattended? Offettered? And I wonder how often people mistake reallllllly dry humor for autism...? I suspect that answer is NOT "none."
  8. The listing does not disappear from your My ebay page just because someone blocks you. And...unless something's changed, eBay doesn't block people from being able to see a seller's listings. Why is it so hard to get a link to the listing in question...? Is the board being punk'd...?
  9. This thread's already 240 pages long. It's already gone through every possibility, at least 3 times.
  10. Why would anyone do what was suggested?.... does that make sense?? Why would anyone return a comic that they didn't like....? Yes, that makes perfect sense. Happens all the time. Do you have a link to the listing?
  11. So, you sent back the copy that DiamondCityComics sent you, and DiamondCityComics came to these boards and provided his own photocopied ASM #301 cover, stapled to an Archie comic, just to smear you...?
  12. That is a VERY odd thing to say if your story is legit...but it makes perfect sense if someone is trying to get away with something. Now...your behavior in this thread greatly supports the story that DiamondCityComics has given, BUT...benefit of the doubt is a must for all, so, without being hostile and defensive, why not explain your side of the story in a calm, rational, reasonable manner?
  13. Simple yes or no answer required here: Did you...or did you not...send back a photocopy of the cover of ASM #301 stapled to a coverless Archie comic...? Simple question. And is anyone going to post a link to the auction in question...?
  14. This should not be (mis)understood as a need for vengeance or an unwillingness to forgive. But an integral step in the process is to make things right. A person who shows outward contrition about circumstances completely within his or her control, but does absolutely nothing to resolve those circumstances, is demonstrating, by their actions, that they do not give two squirts about what they've done, and will gladly do it to whomever else they can fool. In other words...saying "I'm sorry if someone felt I did something wrong", but doing nothing to actually resolve the outstanding issue(s), is just the politician's non-apology. If someone has taken the necessary steps to resolve whatever outstanding issues they have...and that includes apologizing publicly for their public lies and distortions...then there should be nothing preventing them from rejoining the community. Until and if such resolution happens, they do not deserve more platform to engage in further misdeeds. And, by the way...the above applies to more than one person.
  15. That would expose the Certified Collectibles Group (I hate having to type that out, but too many people would think "errr...you spelled CGC wrong!"...if they noticed at all) to liability. They would be taking an "official position" on a matter in which they deliberately refuse to take part. "But wouldn't banning be the same thing?" Ehhh...a little (or lot) more grey, as they can ban anyone for any reason, or no reason at all, any time they want. But putting some sort of "scarlet letter" as a custom title would definitely be taking a position on the matter.
  16. This has never been an issue in the past, because those who ended up on the HOS usually had the appropriate sense of shame to slink off on their own. That's now no longer the case.
  17. Working on the numbers right now; will post them tonight. Since there were no objections to the list I nominated, and no additional lists proposed, I'll assume it works for anyone interested. I've gone ahead and added ASM #365 to it. I've decided to substitute DD #1 for Deadpool #1 (1997.) Anyone who feels a book was left out is more than welcome to do the calculating for those books. The more info, the better.
  18. Sellers haven't been able to leave negative feedback since 2008. Frankly, despite the beliefs of others, sellers being able to leave negative feedback for buyers was one of the stupider aspects of eBay, in a company filled with them. Sellers leaving negative feedback nearly universally did so as revenge, which utterly guts the point of feedback. And that feedback comment from a seller automatically makes it removable. Buyers never needed to be "rated" on how well they paid, and there have always been, and continue to be, other ways to deal with buyers who don't pay and commit other shenanigans. Sellers have never been able to leave detailed star ratings for anything.
  19. Just don't throw it at him. Cabbage is hard and heavy. There have been more than a few cabbage-related injuries and even deaths in recent years.
  20. I have books I haven't seen in over a decade. Just knowing I can go look at them whenever I want is the point of it all.
  21. I'm not interested in arguing. If you're seriously going to sit there and say that a bagged and boarded comic is equally as safe as a CGC-graded comic, then we have no business having a conversation. Good day. There's a psychological concept, and I, not being a psychologist, don't have the term handy, that describes the phenomenon of people engaging in riskier behavior because of a belief...legitimate or not...that they're somehow "safer" because of certain functions and features of the environment around them. For example...in US pro football, with all the acres of padding, players have consistently been shown to hit far, far harder, believing that padding "protects" them, and the result has (apparently) been that there are far more traumatic and long term brain injuries, whereas, in rugby, where they wear no such protection, they're generally much gentler, and don't suffer the same results. Same with people in "safe" cars driving faster and more recklessly. Same with slabs. I allow slabs to be put in positions I would NEVER, EVER put plain ol' bagged and boarded books in, because...well...it's slabbed, right? I've had stacks of slabs fall onto a hard floor...thankfully, with no damage...but I have allowed myself to be lulled into a false sense of security with slabs that I would never imagine with raw books. And do not think for a second that the "oh well, it's already graded; it doesn't matter what happens to the book NOW" doesn't cross your mind. Of course it does. You're lying to yourself otherwise.