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Everything posted by RockMyAmadeus

  1. @Ditch Fahrenheit You have any information on the potential for damage through the inner well by newton rings...?
  2. I'm not a plastics expert (and I think this has been discussed at great length by those who are), so I can't speak to the effect the direct contact between the inner well and the outer case (the cause of the rings) has, but they're all third parties. As far as the "making the market" goes, I'm not familiar with the CVA business model. CAC was founded by the aforementioned John Albanese, the founder of NGC, who had financial backing to put teeth to his assessment. I suspect that CVA is not in a position to be able to "buy back" those books with a CVA sticker that didn't deserve it. But I don't know. Got any info on that?
  3. I don't know that the analogy necessarily follows, but I certainly acknowledge the issue. Having lots of slabs with newton rings, I don't have a problem seeing the books, when viewing the book from multiple angles.
  4. If Newton rings are enough of a roadblock to prevent the accurate assessment of the appearance of the book (and I don't think they are...I've got about 1500 of the new slabs...but admittedly, it's a case by case basis), then there's a case for that issue being dealt with and put to rest, for sure.
  5. I don't think Newton rings...as much of a problem as they are...are, or should be, part of the equation. They're looking at the book, not the holder.
  6. Quoting properly is a pain in the rear, admittedly, but it's not impossible. I'm not going to get into an argument with you about these irrelevant side details. Your expertise, or lack thereof, with regard to coins, and WHY, isn't remotely at issue. It's not a commentary on your skill. *I* can't tell the difference, EITHER. No one can. That's the point. Anyone reading can easily follow the conversation. It's hardly heavy exposition. You don't speak for anyone but you. Using "us" or "we" to shore up your point is presumptuous.
  7. What part was taken out of context? The rest of your post was about how you didn't care about coins. I acknowledged that in the third sentence of my response. "Taking something out of context" means removing it from the situation in which it can be properly understood, not merely leaving out the whole quote. If your point is intact...and it is....it hasn't been "taken out of context." Who is "us"...?
  8. It is. Whenever you see "Coinees" expressed in derogatory terms, it's him (I assume it's a "him." Never met.) And people wonder why he was banned, with such a delightful way of expressing his contempt with people and ideas he can't tolerate.
  9. No Correct. And yet...they exist, apparently, because that's how NGC graded them. No one requires you to care about coins. The discussion isn't about coins. It's about a concept, which is universal, which McKnowitall already stated: Thus endeth the lesson.
  10. Back to the topic...here's an article by NGC founder John Albanese regarding his creation of CAC...the precursor and inspiration for CVA: https://www.caccoin.com/cac-in-the-news/an-interview-with-john-albanese-by-maurice-rosen/
  11. um no. History is numismatics exist. To say that no one would have created CGC without numismatics is unknowable. Nobody said anything like that. CGC would not exist without numismatics. Whether something LIKE CGC could have existed without numismatics is unknowable. But the answer is almost certainly "no."
  12. I am familiar with who started it. You cannot state as fact something which is unprovable. True. You cannot state as fact something which is unprovable. Of course, my statement is perfectly provable. Let's give a short history lesson: In the early 80s, the explosion of value in coins required a much more rigorous coin grading system. The Professional Coin Grading Service..."PCGS"...was created by David Hall and others in 1986. In response, NGC was founded by John Albanese in 1987, to great success. The company which eventually became the Certified Collectibles Group began with that very same NGC, and was created in 1999 as an umbrella corp with the addition of CGC. CGC could not have existed without NGC. NGC came first. It was NGC that provided the support for CGC to exist, when it was unclear if the venture could work. Therefore...CGC would not exist without numismatics.
  13. I just got another boatload of Aria SS done...I'll post them somewhere when they come back. Anacleto Such a fantastic artist.
  14. Comics aren’t coins Is it ironic that that statement is followed by a symbol for a coin......? " "
  15. You don't know that. I take it you're unfamiliar with who owns CGC, then, and how it got its start...?
  16. ...and "it's too difficult" is a terrible, terrible excuse. If it's too difficult, your system is poor. I've said this before: there are people out there would would voluntarily offer their time to help implement these things, or even work for slab credit. They need only ask the community.
  17. It was a rhetorical question. No doubt, you are correct. But that art...no pun intended...now has one individual's name on it, when it's a one of a kind. If people are going to complain about sigs on rare, ultra high grade books...or, "God forbid", pedigrees...how much worse is some fan's name on OA?
  18. Yes, there IS the problem of an overgraded book. Thus far, no one has bothered to address that particular elephant in the room, nor will they. "Turd sticker"....
  19. There are a lot of people who complain about people "trying to pass their opinion off as fact" and "so and so thinks they're always right!", but who then make blanket statements themselves like "CGC could put them out of business overnight!", without a stitch of understanding as to why that's probably not true, and how the far, far more powerful and wealthy PCGS and NGC tried to do that with CAC... ...and failed. The question is still open. It may work. It may not. But history tells us it has before, and whither coins go, comics have followed so far.
  20. CGC would not exist if it wasn't for numismatics. True story.
  21. 4PGS...?? Come on, man, you know better than that!...
  22. You weren't here then, but "Arch" has always noted something that I thought was rather telling, and an indictment of this board's comic collectors. In early 2007ish, there was a major overhaul of the boards. The comics side was in an uproar about it for weeks and months...much like the 2016 overhaul. The coin side? Nary a peep. I'll post these, then, here, as visual examples of the point I'm making: ...can you point out the differences in these coins?
  23. And how does one "use their own eyes" over the internet...? Note the scans of ASM #252 posted above. Can you tell what is different about them from the scans? No. By the way....here's a comment from 2000 regarding CGC: "Oh please. "We'll put your book in a case and tell you what we think it grades." Anyone who falls for that scam because they're too lazy to use their own eyes deserves to lose money." And yes, that statement was made, resto check aside. Let me be very, very, VERY clear: it may not work for comics. I'm not suggesting it will. But to suggest there's ZERO application for it is to not understand that application, and the value people place on qualified analysis.