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Everything posted by RockMyAmadeus

  1. 1. You may be confusing "worth" with "importance". 2. Not everyone here is "in their right mind". 3. If the #180 page is "easily" worth 7-figures, where does that put the value of the #181 cover? Maybe I didn't make myself clear - covers aside, would the first Surfer appearance page from FF #48 be worth more than the best interior pages from FF #49-50? Or would people regard them as essentially a single storyline and pick the best images from the lot? I know myself and others would say the latter, as the market has done/would do with other similar situations (e.g., Conan 23-24). There are also numerous Elektra pages from the Miller DD run that are more valuable than the #168 pages. This fixation that the "first ever appearance" absolutely has to be the most valuable is wrong and held largely by comic collectors who are fixated on CGC labels and Overstreet notations and the like. I collect first and first-ever appearances and can tell you from first-hand experience that the OA market doesn't always work that way - sometimes it does and sometimes it doesn't, but it's certainly not set in stone. It may be the case this time, because the Hulk #180 page is nicer than most/all of the #181 pages, though the #181 splash I'm sure would give it a run for its money (or would have before this #180 page came to market; this level of hype/frenzy will be difficult to generate again if/when the #181 pages come to market, not to mention the #180 page winner may be out of the market then or may be not as hungry then). Anyway, I have nothing against this piece - I've said on record that it's great and I like it a lot. Though, if I could own any Wolvie piece with the stipulation that I could never sell it, there are several more that resonate more with me that I'd rather have - the UXM #115 double splash, the UXM #133 cover, the Wolvie LS #1 cover and the UXM #172-173 covers - to me, that's the definitive Wolverine and the Wolverine of my peak nostalgia as rendered by Byrne, Miller and Smith. I do object to the hyperbole from people who seem to have forgotten comic history - the most important or 2nd most important piece of OA in the past 40 years? Who here agrees with that? And, while I'm not discounting the possibility of a huge price, to say that it will easily surpass $1 million is a claim that no knowledgeable OA collector or dealer would make. Heck, even Burkey would only go on record saying more than $200K (and he's not one to shy away from putting the pom-poms on). Even if the piece does sell for a truly insane amount, it would do nothing to change the ex ante fact it was utterly baseless speculation (as opposed to considered opinion from those who know the market and the players) and that pointing to outliers like the ASM #328 cover, let alone $100 million Modern art masterpieces, to justify any other price is a completely exercise.
  2. Those are Ultra Pro hard plastic "mylars" with the tuck-in flaps. Do you know how hard the impact has to be to have done that? The plastic is BROKEN, it was hit so hard.
  3. DON'T. PACK. YOUR. BOOKS. WITHOUT. LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS. OF PADDING. BETWEEN THEM AND THE DAMN SIDES OF THE BOX. ...or THIS will happen: This lot is from a MAJOR nationwide dealer, who ASSURED me the books would be packed very well to avoid damage. This was NOT atypical handling, either. The box is virtually untouched.
  4. This series proved that you didn't need Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash, or Green Lantern to work. All you need are interesting characters, and compelling stories. And it made Booster and Beetle stars.
  5. Oh, and a little trivia: This team first appeared in the pages of Legends #6, and quickly became the most valuable new DC #1 following the Crisis reboot. In 1988-1989, it was one of the hottest titles on the racks.
  6. No, NOT "The Justice League of America" appreciation thread. Just "Justice League." And then Justice League International, and finally Justice League America. The magic that is Giffen/DeMatteis/Maguire/Hughes, et al. This series has so much in it. The very first "limited edition test variant" from DC, the best facial expressions in comics, the first Adam Hughes DC series, one of the most moving and powerful stories featuring Mister Miracle you will ever read, Despero as a truly frightening villain, LOBO, a fun spin-off featuring sweet Bart Sears' art, the Joker, AND..... "One Punch." If you haven't tried this series, you're missing out. After #60, the series really took a dive (sorry, Jurgens and Jones), but prior to that is a rollicking roller coaster of a ride. Justice League #1-60, Justice League Europe #1-35. You won't be disappointed.
  7. These are excessively hard to get a hold of (as the C&H fans know.) And that Swampy cover...ah, if only I were rich.
  8. Of course not. I'm suggesting that it's interesting. Patterns emerge. But only patterns.
  9. You didn't answer my question, perv. Your last question was re the meme, which was answered. Which question are you referring to, Sonny Boy? What was the Spidey #328 at with 3 weeks to go? Cuz the whole "you don't know the whole story" "well, what's the whole story?" "I can't tell you" business is a little lame. I don't think its any big secret. I can't recall the exact history, but I can tell you for a fact that the 600K+ blew everyone's mind. As far as I can recall it was basically trending to an end price of say 200k and then the last day was clinically insane One of the least understood aspects of auctions is the runup. You can learn a lot by watching how things trend, vs. what they end up at. Over time, patterns emerge. I wish I had gone to the last auction in Beverly Hills. There was no reason not to, except laziness.
  10. Not sure it matters where the ASM #328 was with 3 weeks to go, but I recall that it didn't explode until the live session, so it was likely somewhere in the $100Ks at the end of the Internet bidding session. However, the McSpidey #1 was higher than the ASM #328 going into the live session, but closed much lower than the #328 despite being by most accounts the more iconic and better cover (again, there were extenuating circumstances surrounding both which help explain why this occurred). Similarly, the ASM #121 cover in a later auction was in the $200Ks going into the live session and only got 2 more bids (mine and the winning bid), finishing at $286.8K, so it would appear that prices will end up wherever they are likely to end up, regardless of when the bids are placed. Linear extrapolation of pre-live session bidding is not a statistically significant predictor of the final price.
  11. I'm pretty sure I bid on the #328.... I'd have to check my Heritage account. But I'm pretty sure I did.
  12. You didn't answer my question, perv. Your last question was re the meme, which was answered. Which question are you referring to, Sonny Boy? What was the Spidey #328 at with 3 weeks to go? Cuz the whole "you don't know the whole story" "well, what's the whole story?" "I can't tell you" business is a little lame.
  13. "Well what have you got, sonny boy?" nice meme! Which one, his, or my lack of one? I got a kick out Genes because any time the Brulato card is played, I get a nearly incurable case of the jollies. Just the phrase "sonny boy " gets me going It was one of the funnier instances of unbridled hubris on these boards.
  14. Huh. That would be interesting if Singer collaterally damaged this sale.
  15. Here's mine... Cheeky, I know. via Imgflip Meme Maker
  16. "Well what have you got, sonny boy?" nice meme! Which one, his, or my lack of one?
  17. Anyhoo...my apologies to all for rehashing. It wasn't necessary, and accomplished nothing good. My bad. I'm out of the conversation with delekkerste.
  18. When Did Wolverine Really Become Popular? Most Significant X-Men By all means, please take a look people. The evidence speaks for itself. It does indeed.
  19. Huh. A WIKI...which anyone can edit...is cited as a source. I wonder which issue from 1980 was "focused on Wolverine." Was it 133, where he appears alone on the cover, but the story is actually about the Hellfire club, and Wolvie only really appears on 8 of the 20 story pages? Is this a "focus"? Or 1981. I guess "Days of Future Past", which focused on Kitty, was really focused on Wolvie. I guess #170, which focused on Storm, #186, or #198, which did the same, I guess those don't count. Or #153, which focused on Kitty, along with the aforementioned #141-142. What about #139, in which Kitty is the central focus of the cover? Or #151. Or #168. Interesting, as an aside I note you dodged the biggest part Wolverine consistently won awards as the most popular comic character You never did address that "small point." So you agree or disagree, is this fact? Since I was the one who posted the CBG poll results in the first place, I'm not quite sure how that can be considered "dodging the biggest part."
  20. By the way....the cover to What If #31 made special mention of an appearance by the Uncanny X-Men. Apparently, somebody thought Wolvie needed a little help to sell the book. Interesting...according to the Eagle Awards, while Wolverine was ranking among the favourite characters, he was also listed as the favourite supporting character at the same time.
  21. Huh. A WIKI...which anyone can edit...is cited as a source. I wonder which issue from 1980 was "focused on Wolverine." Was it 133, where he appears alone on the cover, but the story is actually about the Hellfire club, and Wolvie only really appears on 8 of the 20 story pages? Is this a "focus"? Or 1981. I guess "Days of Future Past", which focused on Kitty, was really focused on Wolvie. I guess #170, which focused on Storm, #186, or #198, which did the same, I guess those don't count. Or #153, which focused on Kitty, along with the aforementioned #141-142. What about #139, in which Kitty is the central focus of the cover? Or #151. Or #168.