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Everything posted by selegue

  1. Good question. Published by Timely Features, Oct 1961 ....Eight-year-old Jack [say, what do you mean by "in my day" anyway?] Jack Oh, I 'm sorry. For some reason I thought you were old, like upper 40s. My mistake. My age was in there. 8 years old in 1961 => No, I'm not old, like upper 40s. I'm FRIGGIN' ANCIENT, like mid-50s! And that was intended as "Say, what do you mean by "in my day" anyway?:" , Sonny. Jack You're still younger than my dad. (thumbs u I'm younger than dirt too. Jack (slightly)
  2. Good question. Published by Timely Features, Oct 1961 ....Eight-year-old Jack [say, what do you mean by "in my day" anyway?] Jack Oh, I 'm sorry. For some reason I thought you were old, like upper 40s. My mistake. My age was in there. 8 years old in 1961 => No, I'm not old, like upper 40s. I'm FRIGGIN' ANCIENT, like mid-50s! And that was intended as "Say, what do you mean by "in my day" anyway?:" , Sonny. Jack
  3. So, is that what was considered racy back in your day? Good question. Published by Timely Features, Oct 1961 -- so to put it in context, one month before Fantastic Four 1's cover date, from the same publishing house. This book would have been on the racks at the same time as FF1. Funny to think that people would have been posting happyfaces left and right rather than chuckling if I had posted FF1, especially as a free toss-in! Goodman and company may well have made more profit from Laugh Riot 10 than from FF1. Was it considered racy? Probably yes. The content is mildly risqué cartoons from Bill Ward and similar cartoonists, pin-up photos only slightly more revealing than the one on the cover, and some text gags. Eight-year-old Jackie would not have seen this book at one of the the two nearby mom 'n' pop stores that sold comic books. The other store (right across Broadway) probably would have had it displayed somewhere between the comic books and the soft porn (of course, barely noticed until a few years later) in their huge, wooden magazine rack. Not a book that you'd leave sitting around on the end table in the living room, but probably a standard fixture in garages, factories, locker rooms, barracks and the like. [say, what do you mean by "in my day" anyway?] Jack back to the Pleasurama!
  4. A big box of comics (ebay and other) arrived from Sharon (skypinkblu) today. When I tore into the packaging, the first thing I saw was a post-it note with an apology for not throwing in more freebies, and this gem: [i wish that I could provide a slide-whistle sound effect] I figure that Mr. skypinkblu is going to be pre-e-e-ety ticked off when he discovers that it's missing from the bottom of his underwear drawer! More scans when (if) I find time. Thanks, Sharon! Jack
  5. Maybe I'll pick up the Fantagraphic books some day. I don't even know what number they're on! Jack You guys are confusing me. I plan on buying the "new" Fantagraphics collection hard covers of the Complete Daily & Sunday strips. You guys are talking about the out-of-print softcovers, right? Has the new collection volume already shipped? Richard, do you know? Surprisingly I don't recall ever seeing it solicited through Diamond. Have I missed it? That's because I'm confused by the Fantagraphic reprints myself. Can you 'splain? Questions galore. I tried (maybe not hard enough) but failed to find the info on www. Softcover 1-11(?) were horizontal format, chronological, complete but dailies only? All out of print? The series sputtered out long before reaching the end, right? What year did they reach? Complete Pogo will be hardcover only? Dailies and Sundays interspersed? Truly complete and in chronological order? Have any been published yet? How many volumes projected? Thanks, Jack
  6. Mein Gott! Chicken-footed, pitchfork-wielding Pickle People! Now there's Golden Age imagination for you. Jack
  7. The later stories are serials, from 2 issues to upto about 6 issues in length. The characters grow up and some move away during the course of the series. Some newcomers arrive, either by moving into town or graduating from someone's little tag-along brother or sister to more full fledged participants. The the issues in the 20's none of the original characters are left. It was as if Kelly had to use the Our Gang kids for the films, but tired of them and wanted to create his own characters. I find it interesting to see how the whole series evolves, and there is a real sense of time, not something you often find in kids comics. The stories are of the kid gang type, but they often shocked me with a sense of real danger the kids were often in. Lots of guns, knifeplay, kidnapping, dirty-dealing, etc. Wow! I thought they were light comedy like the short films! The books just moved up my want list. Sounds almost like Little Wise Guys (not that I read a lot of those either). Thanks, Jack
  8. I do have all the S&S Pogo's. I don't have the Fantagraphics but I believe they do have some additional material. The S&S books edited down the strip and the Fantagraphics books fill in most of that edited material. Also check out the Rainbow Press hardcovers. They came out in the late '70s and had beautiful dust jackets. Not much new material but the format was awesome for the bookshelf. They were reprinted in the late '90s in blue leather bound editions w/o dust jackets. Are Rainbow Press similar to Jonas/Winter Inc. editions? My "Deck Us All.." (1994) from them matches that description -- the originals cost more than I was willing to pay. Maybe I'll pick up the Fantagraphic books some day. I don't even know what number they're on! I've always been a dullard when it comes to history and politics, yet I really enjoy trying to decode some of the caricatures and events in Pogo. Jack
  9. Thanks BZ. I collect Pogo, Animal and other Pogo related stuff. My favorites too, although I only have a few Animal Comics. Only slightly off-topic, do you have all the Simon & Schuster Pogo books as well? (I do and am slowly reading now the ones I've never gotten to. Great stuff!) Do you have the Fantagraphic reprints? Is there any reason (from a content, not completist, point of view) to get those on top of a set of S&S books? And while I'm rambling, how are the Our Gang reprint books? Will Kelly's Fairy Tale Parade books ever get reprinted? You'd think those could be big sellers in the children's book market! Sniffles and Mary Jane! Slouching back toward topic -- do you have primo copies of the Four Color Pogo books? I think we've seen (some of) your Fairy Tale Parades. Jack
  10. The Whale with Lois Lane's Face! just bask in the concept... The Whale with Lois Lane's Face! Let's see Mighty Marvel try to top that! (Must be "The Mermaid From Atlantis!" from Superman #138 -- no story in the book is named The Whale with Lois Lane's Face!) And an Eiffel Tower alert to Scrooge. Jack PS Haw! It also caught shiverbones' eye while I was typing. Irresistable title. Please read it to us, greggy!
  11. Thank you ancient mariner. Senior Sailor, please! Jack or Golden-Age Gob?
  12. I've always wondered why Rockwell thought it was necessary to change the spelling of Crime to Rime? That question has probably hung for years like an albatross around your neck! Jack Nor any drop to drink
  13. Thanks guys. Dr. Svord posted the correct Crime Does Not Pay. I didn't. I wasn't sure but the one posted is certainly it. Probably the same for the Gabby Hayes. Can anyone confirm I did at least pull up the correct WDCS cover? As for the others, I'll let you Jack to ID them. I'd love to see if we can figure out which they are. (thumbs u Actually, I gave it a shot. Tim Holt could be any of several with yellow covers, GCD gallery 10, 13, 18 (18 is best match) Famous Funnies might not be the right series. The font doesn't quite match and I don't see one in the GCD gallery with the right color and details. Jack
  14. Hear, Hear! Thanks Scrooge. This might be your missing Rockwell book. (from GCD) Whoops! And, I'm a insufficiently_thoughtful_person who doesn't know how to work a scroll bar. Sorry all. Nothing to see here, move along. ?? I think that you posted the right Crime book. Is this the Gabby Hayes Western? (again, from GCD): This was a very cool find, Scrooge. What an eye! It looks like a Tim Holt and Famous Funnies there too, right? Jack
  15. John F. Kolb Aha -- so it's a one-man feature? GCD lists him for -script but not artwork. Thanks, Jack
  16. All right, folks. If you don't like this one, the complaints should be directed towards BZ. I give you Minimidget and Ritty - My favorite part was definitely the subtle use of foreshadowing. What a hoot! Any idea who drew the story? Jack (OK, whoever you are. Quit thinking "hand job" so loud that I can hear it from here.)
  17. Have you been rooting around in BangZoom's back room? Jack
  18. Crippes -- not another pressing thread! Amazing run! Jack
  19. I had a bunch of lowball snipes set on the auctions of one of my favorite ebay sellers, and ended up with this for $1.50. The seller graded it at VF 8.0, and knowing him it's probably better than that. However, I'm not here to shout, "Have a cigar!" More like, "Have a slightly damp cigarette butt fished off the sidewalk with a few puffs left!" What the heck kind of cover is this? (GCD says Kane/Sinnott -- they could do better!) Was this Daredevil's worst period ever? Would someone have bought this vaguely defined cover off the newsstand? It's like an emergency back-up cover that they kept around in case the real cover didn't get delivered. How did the book manage to keep cancellation away? OK, sorry, that was sort of a rant, wasn't it? Jack
  20. If you want to see five of the "cards", they're in the GA BEST ARTIST SURVIVOR SERIES POLL: RD.11 thread. I didn't have the heart to hijack this thread. Jack
  21. Good catch with two Survival Contest-winning artists, but I'd doubt that you got anywhere near as great a deal on this book as Congo Kurt on the cover is getting for his trinket. Jack
  22. Keep on postin'! According to Jerry Bails' Who's Who, this cover is probably by Al Hubbard. Does that seem right? I don't think of him as drawing girlie covers! Nice, simple gag cover, whoever it is. Jack
  23. And one of the series that convinces me that "Atomic Age" or at least "Interregnum" should be recognized as distinct from Gold and Silver Ages. Jack
  24. You have good instincts. ... 1919 NC Wyeth illustration Since yesterday something had been nagging at me and just after I logged off for this evening, it hit me finally. Do you think Fred Ray liked Wyeth too? This one reverses the angle but keeps the waterfall - Another interesting detail is that they all seem to be attempting a judo throw (Osoto Gari? It's been decades since I thought about it.) Is that a classic Western wrestling move too? More of these cover-swipe sources, please! An artist friend has made "trading cards" of some of them. I'll check whether he'd mind me posting some of them. Jack
  25. That left me a little confused. The splash panel showed books from Continental (Suspense, Terrific) and Holyoke, then the reference was to a Fawcett character. Was Continental an imprint of Holyoke? Were they somehow related to Fawcett? Did McCormick predate Supersnipe? Jack [Edit: D'oh! BZ beat me to the punch while I was typing.]