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Everything posted by MedicAR

  1. I'd love to get in on the reading and comparing of notes from the GA books. I could only find this site to do it from, though. I hope I'm not stepping on any toes, but I picked Strange Worlds #1 from Avon Comics. The reader I found was here.
  2. Yeah but this last one was very well done! Even I bought into it!
  3. Millers are always cool...... (thumbs u
  4. You'd have better luck getting in touch with Kirby. Ditko is easy to contact, much harder to win over......
  5. As flawed as I find his logic to be, I disagree. I enjoy philosphical arguments as long as it is generally understood that neither party is likely to change their mind and the arguments can be kept civil. The single constant thread in all of his arguments is A=A and that A never changes. There is no evolution, no changing of one's mind, lest A≠A. I am willing to listen to (read) his arguments and he seems willing to at least give mine the once over. We disagree, but the conversation is what is important, not where it leads.
  6. Brace yourselves.....Steve Ditko can be a wordy guy......find a comfy chair..... A summary of the Baltimore Cup-O-Joe Panel brought this up, "Asked point blank by a fan if things in the Marvel Universe will ever go back to normal after being “screwed up” by House of M and Civil War, Quesada said, “These toys are meant to be broken. If we just told stories that kept the status quo, nobody would be in this room, and I’d be out of a job. They’re mean to be thrown against a wall, smashed together, and built back up again.” What follows is an excerpt from Steve Ditko's "Toyland" which can be read in its entirety here.
  7. Not to pick nits, but is it really a revival? I thought this was all first run stuff and Captain Atom started in Space Adventures.
  8. You're the one that beat me?!?!? At least it went to a good home!
  9. Honestly......no. I may as well just put everything in the Overstreet on my want list.
  10. A big thanks to everyone for posting the covers and stories here! I've got a whole new want list now!
  11. Yes, I have both of them. I didn't post either because neither has a Ditko cover, only interior stories. I haven't scanned the cover of Fantastic Fears #5 yet but here's the cover of Daring Love #1. Guy's head looks like Jack Kamen's work I had been trying to place the artist's name, and that's it! Thanks!
  12. This is a great cover. I've been chasing a nice copy of that for the last few years.....
  13. I've often pondered the same question, but I always come back to this: Ditko conveys raw emotion. Kirby conveys raw power. While a lot of the covers shown here are not the high quality of say a Wally Wood, they have their own unique feel and when one looks at them, it's pretty obvious they are by the same artist. While I may not have heard of Ditko without Spidey until much later in life, I would have definitely become a fan when I did learn of him.....
  14. BSG DOES exist in 9.8!!! I tried and tried to get nice copies of BSG to have signed and never had any luck....
  15. It was the 1964 New York City Comic Convention, I've found reference to it being in the summer, but no dates beyond that.
  16. The book is cover dated March of 1964, it's possible that he could have signed it at his sole convention appearance.....
  17. I think I've found the next title I want to assemble.......
  18. To my kowledge, he only attended a single convention in 1964 or so. It is not beyond belief that he could have signed books there. I believe they could have both been present and that if the books are from the same orignal owner, they could have been signed at the same time. It doesn't look like the signatures I have, but mine are done 40 (or so) years later under completely different circumstances. This one is pretty typical.....
  19. Don't get me wrong, I'm still very happy with mine!
  20. I love Steve Ditko! After reading this thread, though....I need to go through it and answer a lot of stuff about him. The BBC program you refer to was great, even the disappointing (for viewers anyway) ending. I don't consider his actions to be that of a man "with demons." He does what he chooses and what he chooses leaves many of us (me included) confused. He's not really a recluse and I've found him to be very engaging and even friendly in his own way. He simply states what he thinks without sugar coating anything and the receiver of his message takes what they will from it. Some find it rude and harsh, some find it to be the truth, some find it to be both. We've exchanged several letters. I'll PM you. I first wrote him in the 90's when he was working for Defiant Comics, and asked about sending him a Marvel Masterworks for him to sign. He responded with a nearly full-page letter apologizing for not having the time to entertain such requests. I've wrote several times since and always received letters back. I can only think of one that he signed with his first and last name, instead he prefers "S.D." or simply "Steve." I believe he does still travel occasionally and he is still wroking regularly albeit slower than he used to. He is working with Robin Snyder and just put out "Ditko, Etc...." which contains some comics stories as well as an essay or two. Snyder also puts out the fanzine "The Comics!" which has had several Ditko articles through the years. I'm trying to find all of his essays in these books if anyone has any leads. As long as you're serious and respectful, I don't think a reply is out of the question. And you wonder why he shuns the spotlight. He created what he wanted and got what he wanted out of it. He doesn't owe anyone anything and despises those who believe that he does. He doesn't hate his audience, he simply doesn't want to deal with them. I've asked for autographs from time to time in our letters, and he always politely refuses stating that if he does one for me, he would have to do one for everyone that requests it. I don't see that as hate, I see that as a man who wants to be fair and doesn't have the time or inclination to respond to every autograph seeker. I'm with you on these statements. I really want the first 38 issues for Ditko's work more than anything. I will also always believe that he is the co-creator of Spidey. The concept is one thing, but giving it life is another. Mr. A is unique, and I do like it, but it gets kind of over the top on the melodrama from time to time and becomes a real beating over the head for some of his views occasionally. I knew that Rorschach (of Watchmen fame) was a take-off of the Question, that was obvious. What I didn't know is that his extremist views were supposed to be a satire of Ditko's personal philosophy, a philosophy that is plain to see in his Mr. A work. I still haven't read this all the way through. I have to assume the answers about Marvel are speculation. I really need to get that book back out...... You hit it right on the head! Ditko has given us what he wants to give us, his work. And you're right, he may have the right idea. I don't think Mr. Ditko is particularly bitter, feels cheated and disrespected? Probably. I think everyone looks at his philosphy and his lack of desire to be "embraced" by his fans and says he's crazy or bitter. I don't think either are fair. He has his own moral, ethical and personal codes and adheres to them more than anyone I have ever encountered. I find his adherence impressive to say the least, in that he would rather maintain his principles than trade them for an easy lifestyle or easy money. How many of us can say the same? It's easy to keep up your principles when there's nothing to gain, but how many of us can say we would still keep them up in the face of fortune and fame? I think he finds his rewards in his work, and that's what he wants. We don't have to understand it on any level other than it makes him happy. I've never heard anything about this. I've heard rumors of vast stores of original art in his studio, but nothing about giving it away to anyone. I've even read reports of him using early Spidey art for cutting boards. I've got to get through one of her books. I just don't find them particularly interesting even though I'm trying to get a better grasp on one of my heroes' value system.
  21. I hate you. I thought I had the coolest Nightmare books what with it being a platinum edition, double signed and a 9.6......but noooooooooo! You had to Up the ante with a triple signed 9.8! Mine is still splattered by Robert Englund....that'll have to do.
  22. less FS threads=less lively marketplace i hope when more people get used to the new format, it'll get back to tons of people with the popcorn out I think the new format is the problem. I generally buy relatively modern and CGC SS books, but if a thread looked interesting, I'd go on to look at GA, SA, BA original art or whatever. By compartmentalizing the threads, there's fewer "crossover" purchases. Just my opinion.......
  23. If that book ever becomes lonely or needs a safe place to stay, PLEASE let me know! (worship) (worship) (worship)