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Brian Peck

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Everything posted by Brian Peck

  1. I will keep the pencils but want to see it inked. Nice to see them side by side.
  2. The final printed cover is sweet, but I love having the detailed pencils Dave did for his first attempt. Don't want to know what internal organs you had to cough up to the D brothers for that original. We have two kidneys and two nuts so we can use one of each in trade Actually not an unreasonable amount by today's standards I got a great deal on my cover, one of my favorite pieces. Rarely see full pencils by Dave.
  3. The final printed cover is sweet, but I love having the detailed pencils Dave did for his first attempt. Don't want to know what internal organs you had to cough up to the D brothers for that original.
  4. Some great suggestions. A number of them have very strong styles, Palmer, Nowlan and Nebres. I am looking for someone who won't over shadow Dave. I have plans for Tom to ink a blueline of something else. I am down to Sinnott and Wiacek, both of them have inked Dave in the past. Wiacek inked Dave on Starjammers and Brood arcs in Uncanny X-Men and Ms Marvel #20.
  5. I wonder if the younger generation of buyers feel that way about what I did. There are artist who are not using paper at all to create their art. They are selling one of a kind prints of their pages with signature. Millennials are buying them. What I have is far more than that. I now have the only truly inked Batman/Superman page there is and can sell it as such. Do you really think I won't find a buyer in the future? The medium is changing dramatically. If I ever decide to sell I don't think I'll have any problems. There is no one way of making comics any more. The purists are being replaced with a generation far more flexible. I don't consider buy one off prints of digital inks to have anything to do with the original comic art community. Its like buying colour keys or production plates not original art at all.
  6. We need to do everything we can to make sure "Backstabbin Malvin" looses this bet. No more haters! Only positive feedback. And also I hear Malvin hates Kirby and says Frazetta is overrated! Hater +1
  7. I have been considering getting someone to ink a blueline of my Dave Cockrum penciled unpublished original. Dave penciled and inked the published version and he would have been my first choice back in the day. I have been thinking about who I should approach to ink it. Would love to hear people's suggestions of active inkers who have worked with Dave in the past. Looking for traditional Marvel inkers not the image style. Nothing against guys like Scott Williams who are very good but I am a fan of the classic inking style.
  8. It can not be over priced if at least two people think its worth that price in an auction. Not even if the underbidder is a shill? Not saying that's the case here, just taking issue with the logic a little as we know it goes on. If you look at most bids as possible shills, I don't see why you bid in HA or are even interested in the auctions.
  9. But the inks are not what was printed either. Its more like a page recreation. With the pencils no longer seen it has no connection to the published page. I am glad you like it but it might be hard to sell if you ever decide to part with it.
  10. It can not be over priced if at least two people think its worth that price in an auction.
  11. I prefer comic art with word balloons and I have had a number of pages I have owned over the years that are missing or the word balloons are starting to come off. That does not really effect if I buy the page or not. There is a story from Bizarre Adventures #27 which I have found many of the pages are missing some or all of the balloons. I own 4 pages from that story and have recreated the balloons on two pages, the other two I have not gotten around to fixing. Here are two examples of ones I have restored: And one I have yet to restore
  12. Sweet!! Joe had posted the pencil and prelims on his FB page back in august then posted the image in nov as part of a Sandy Stardust print. Didn't know who it was a commission.
  13. So you're no longer publicly accusing Metropolis Comics of attempting to sell property they don't own? If so, a public retraction and apology would be the stand up thing to do. If that's what Mitch was saying then I misunderstood him entirely. I thought he was under the impression that someone else was offering the artwork through Metropolis and was sure that Metro had was doing so innocently and being mislead by the person who came to them with the list. He mentioned a few times that he was sure that Metro was innocent of doing anything intentionally wrong, and if they were acting that it was because they were misinformed. Shows how different people can read the same thing and get different things out of it I guess. I agree with Chris I read it as Mitch heard someone offered Metropolis a list of Miller art that Lynn has in her possession. Mitch posted it publicly as to warn others if they were approached in a similar way. Vince posted that Frank was the one who gave Vince a list to get FMV, which does change the situation. But Mitch was not privy to that when he first posted here. Looks like it was a misunderstanding, Mitch in no way accused Metropolis of selling the art just that they had been offered it.
  14. The entries are usually 500-550, once it was 600. I havent counted the votes in the past
  15. Best of numbers: There were 510 pieces entered Total Votes 2845 I have no access to how many entered or how many voted.
  16. Thanks to everyone who participated, really fun to see so many great pieces. Congratulations to all!!!!!!! Best Of Categories Voting Results Published/Unpublished: Covers http://www.comicartfans.com/BestOfResultsList.asp?BOId=2 Published: Splash Pages, Pinups http://www.comicartfans.com/BestOfResultsList.asp?BOId=7 Published: Interior Panel Pages http://www.comicartfans.com/BestOfResultsList.asp?BOId=3 Published: Strip Art http://www.comicartfans.com/BestOfResultsList.asp?BOId=6 Published/Unpublished: Commissions http://www.comicartfans.com/BestOfResultsList.asp?BOId=8 Unpublished: Sketch Covers/Convention Sketches http://www.comicartfans.com/BestOfResultsList.asp?BOId=4 Unpublished/Published: Other http://www.comicartfans.com/BestOfResultsList.asp?BOId=5
  17. The Person was putting prices on his pieces. The Lowry was done by taking the basic CAF gallery so it has features that really shouldn't be there. Next year I hope to have the Lowry revamped for Best of, new features and some that don't apply removed.
  18. There always has to be a couple of aholes in every bunch! I have found a 2nd person trying to pimp and sell their artwork in the Lowry/Best of. The first one I saw during the posting of Best of entries and someone just pointed out another who added links to the ebay auctions for the pisces he posted in the Lowry. The Best of is supposed to be a way the collectors on the CAF can share what they have acquired in the last year and other see what they missed. Its suppose to be a community thing, to enjoy art not to make f ucking money! ARGHHH!
  19. Best of 2016 ... 1 day left to vote Voting end January 23th 11:59PM (Monday) Here are the instructions: 1) Goto http://www.comicartfans.com/admin/aAdminLogin.asp 2) Login in 3) Goto http://www.comicartfans.com/Lowry.asp 5) Look through the entries for that category and pick up to 5 (yes 5 votes per category) 6) YOU MUST BE LOGGED IN AND flagged as a comicart-L member before you will the link tha reads: "TO VOTE CLICK HERE" and select the link. 7) Click that and you will have a pop-up window with 5 pulldown menus showing all the pieces of art from the Category you are in. Be aware of the instructions on the page. You will only be able to vote ONE time. If you only pick four pieces and leave the last one blank you will not be able to come back and pick one more. After you vote, click the 'Close Window' link to return to the Category listing. Once you vote, the link on the Category page to vote will no longer be there after you leave the page. Please don't ask us to vote again or change your votes. It is as simple as that. No one can vote again for that category since the link wont appear. We are tracking the UserID of the person voting so they can never vote again for a Category. 8) Go onto the next category. Repeat steps 6-8 for the other 6 categories. Email me with any questions or problems. A big thanks goes out to Bill and his team for getting this together.
  20. Aren't animation cels done on Acetate? Have any of those Disney cels from the 1930s shrunk? Celluloid made of cellulose nitrate and camphor was used early in the 20th century, but was flammable and would shrink. Cellulose acetate is more stable and isn't flammable.
  21. The 940 Original art including today's current auction, Comic Market, Buy Now from Owner, plus 4 upcoming Sunday Auctions and the February Signature Auction. February Signature Auction only has 600 original art pieces.
  22. Yup, if you are a big comic art collector please pay for the premium service for CAF. I have found it pays for itself with the art I have bought thru CAF services.
  23. CAF is mostly comic book art related but there are exceptions. Most of the people who have CAF galleries collect and post comic book art, but some people also post other art related works like rock and movie poster art, cheesecake pinups. While it is a small percentage, Bill isn't going to police this. People who collect comic art also branch out into other types of art (myself included) and the CAF does make it convenient to post the other type of art. I try no mostly post comic art but like to share my other art interests. In regards to the Lowry and the Best of the categories are geared towards comic/newspaper related art with 4 of them (covers, splashes, panels, strips) the remaining ones can have a mixture of both but its mostly comic art related. If you don't like seeing the non-comic art just skip over it and not look at that person's gallery. There are 1000s of Comicartfans members with variety of opinions and tastes. Bill can not satisfy everyone, but also wants to get the broadest group of collectors. Nothing is perfect but I think Bill has struck a very good balance with his comicartfans.