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Albert Tatlock

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Everything posted by Albert Tatlock

  1. 'Fraid not............. https://www.legacy.com/obituaries/name/cynthia-doyle-obituary?pid=143194492
  2. Just a straightforwardly dichotomous procedure, I reckon. Did Cynthia survive or perish?
  3. They were at the time an essential tool for the beancounters who stood at the head of the selection ramp, guiding some titles to the right and others to the left.
  4. Konga # 11, March 1963, has no print run figure given, but paid circulation is stated to be 137,000. Would anyone be willing to hazard a guess on whether these figures, and the similar ones to be gleaned from DC, Marvel, etc INCLUDE or EXCLUDE those copies destined for Blighty? They would have been firm sales, but presumably not at the same price as those distributed in the USA. My feeling is that the published circulation figures relate to Stateside only sales.
  5. Looks to me like he laid one brick and you constructed the Great Pyramid.
  6. Yes, I spotted that. He seems to be claiming the credit for setting your feet on this long and (very) winding road.
  7. Wow! Here is a My Girl Pearl # 7, listed at £600. What a snip! https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/MY-GIRL-PEARL-7-Atlas-1960-THE-RAREST-MARVEL-PENCE-VARIANT-only-2-known-copies-/154280513603?_trkparms=aid%3D111001%26algo%3DREC.SEED%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20131017132637%26meid%3Dad485be4a39c4f4195643bd2f002e6ad%26pid%3D100033%26rk%3D6%26rkt%3D8%26sd%3D313374335272%26itm%3D154280513603%26pmt%3D0%26noa%3D1%26pg%3D2045573&_trksid=p2047675.l2557&nma=true&si=9LfxkClykTojBUPcgn1lD4cEogw%3D&orig_cvip=true&nordt=true&rt=nc Think I'll but it before anyone else spots it. Wait a mo, here it is again: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/MY-GIRL-PEARL-7-Atlas-1960-THE-RAREST-MARVEL-PENCE-VARIANT-only-2-known-copies/402643651633?hash=item5dbf6e8c31:g:-zwAAOSwK1df9o1f And because I placed it on my watch list, I can get a discount of 50%, bringing it down to (only) £200. The cents version is slightly cheaper..... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Marvel-MY-GIRL-PEARL-7-1960-Stan-Goldberg-Cover-/114535674644?hash=item1aaadbb314%3Ag%3A1V4AAOSwl5hfuFgF&nma=true&si=9LfxkClykTojBUPcgn1lD4cEogw%3D&orig_cvip=true&nordt=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557 Seriously, though, supply may be short, but demand for these must be low, too. Anyone have an idea of a market value? I would say £30-ish. The corresponding pre-hero Marvels, with Kirby, Ditko et al struggle to get into 3 figures in medium grade. I picked up my copy in the late 1960s, but I have to say I have never come across another one.
  8. Here is what looks like a Miller stamp. She'd do on the left, but I don't fancy yours much.
  9. They should all be, but I have lost my list. I am laboriously going through them and listing them again, deciding what can be ditched and which are precious nuggets. 1967 was when I was doing my paper round, and had a full shop to choose from, so I should remember which mags cost what back then, but those brain cells have been overwritten long ago, I fear. They now appear to be imprinted with long-forgotten bands miming on TOTP, under the lecherous gaze of a cigar-chomping DJ. Wonder what happened to him?
  10. What a mess! Why don't you keep your place tidy like what I do? Reckon I should have flogged it all off on ebay in about 470 years, by which time the current restrictions should be relaxed a little and I can start buying again.
  11. Hi, Marwood, Remember how, in the dim and distant past of this thread, your valiant attempts to convince the naysayers, particularly the less nimble-brained portion of our Transatlantic brethren, that the UKPVs should be on an equal footing with the cents versions? The advantage that we then held was that there was a price differential, in our favour, on the UKPVs. There has subsequently been some levelling up, but here is a recent development. I spotted this on ebay: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Marvel-Comics-VG-18-3-5-KIRBY-TALES-TO-ASTONISH-1960-Gorilla-strikes-again/373391989104 There was a fault not noted in the item description, namely a mark where the price should be. I reckoned it was a pence version, and I already have a perfectly adequate pence copy, but there was also a chance that it was a cents font variation, so I messaged the seller as follows: I am looking at this, cannot quite see the detail at top right. Is the price crossed out in ink or something? Could you send a sharper scan of top right corner, please? Back came the reply: Hi someone has just marked out where the cent price used to be Still not happy, I followed up with: Thank you. Could it be a pence copy? There are several cent versions of this listed on ebay, and each of them has the price a bit nearer the edge than this copy here. In the meantime, because I had placed it on my watch list, ebay sent me an offer with a discount down to £41. Then I received this follow up reply: Hi Yes it is a pence copy , it says inside,page" sole distributors in the UK Thorpe and Porter" Thank s No good to me then. Overpriced to begin with, and now with a blemish on the cover. So what will the seller do? Reduce the price to take account of the fault on the front cover? Not a bit of it. Here it is relisted: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Atlas-Marvel-comics-Tales-to-Astonish-18-VG-3-5-1961-Gorilla/233833423138?hash=item36718ee122:g:KvYAAOSwvi5f5FS9 With an INCREASED price. Looks like you have done your job too well, Marwood. Lemember ancient Chinese plovelb, 'Be careful what you wish for'.
  12. I keep hearing that the government has declared war on variants. They won't take mine without a fight! My trench is dug, my sandbags are in place and my tin hat is on, over my cap, so let 'em come!
  13. Yes, he is getting a funny look from across the other side. Somebody knew the score.
  14. I have also come across an entry for 5 July 1969, when I bought Astonish # 8 and # 11 from a local collector, so there were the odd one or two in circulation (I already had # 9, and so did a couple of other lads, so I reckon a few copies of that did make it across, although I am pretty sure they will be cents). Numbers 8 and 11 were, however, even back then, acknowledged as scarcities, and the seller knew it, so I had no choice but to meet his steep asking price of 10/- each. At the same time, he sold me JIM # 60 for 4/6 and Strange Tales # 94 (an upgrade for me) for 3/6, about the going rate at the time.
  15. Would make more sense for the newsagent to retain current issues for at least 2 months, as to take them off sale after only 1 month would leave him, at least temporarily, with no stock. Also, many were bimonthlies, with a built-in shelf life of 2 months.
  16. Just found an old book with purchases recorded, all new on the stands at the time: 28 September 1968: House Of Mystery # 174 (June 1968) 13 December 1968 Strange Adventures # 213 and Adventure #371 (both August 1968) 28 May 1969: Creeper # 5 and # 6 (February and April 1969), Showcase # 80 (February 1969), Strange Adventures # 216 and # 217 (January and April 1969) 1 June 1969 Anthro # 5 (April 1969) Some of these were bimonthlies, with an indicia date a month earlier than cover date. My recollection is that I expected DCs to be at least 2, and usually 3, months behind cover date. I have a few more records, roughly along the same lines, and I see that in several cases I bought 2 consecutive issues of the same title from the same shop on the same day, both new arrivals. Also, there were occasionally new arrivals up to 6 months out of date. Some I already had, those which I did not, I bought. I never worried about missing a DC issue, as I knew it would eventually cross my path, even if I had to buy it second hand. Not all shops received all the titles that I wanted, so I had to travel around, but there were a couple that regularly received a better supply than others, so I headed to those first of all and filled any gaps as and when I could.
  17. http://www.fiawol.org.uk/fanstuff/THEN Archive/comics.htm Just one last link before my half a mild obeys the law of gravity down my gullet.
  18. Surprising what you can find when you've nowt better to do. Off to t'Rovers for a nightcap. Back by breakfast time, possibly.
  19. http://hoopercomicart.blogspot.com/2012/02/myron-fassthorpe-porter-and-me.html
  20. Gary Fox's 1983 ad attached. So after more than 20 years, an experienced collector and dealer had not seen hide nor hair of 3 of the 7 missing 1960 items, not counting any Westerns likewise affected. No doubt Gary and many others had been ransacking all the Popular Book Centre, etc shops, street markets and the rest, but these few issues steadfastedly refused to show. I am convinced that neither Mr T nor Mr P ever had these fall into their clutches. So the First Hiatus should, by rights, be re-dubbed the Second Hiatus