As a youngster I'd spend weekends with my grandparents & I remember my grandpa & me would jump in the car & head to downtown rock island , Illinois where he'd do a little shopping . picking up his cigars & other things he needed at the time & always giving me some money to buy comics at the f.w. Woolworth's that sat on the plaza , I'd pick out my comics ( stuff like ... JOURNEY INTO MYSTERY , HOUSE OF SECRETS , HOUSE OF MYSTERY , THE WITCHING HOUR , GHOSTS , etc ) I loved that kinda stuff - while he browsed around the store then we'd either get something to eat at the lunch counter or walk across the plaza to HAROLD'S CONEY ISLAND ( best hot dogs / chili dogs ever ) while sipping a root beer . My grandfather is gone now ( as is " Harold's " & the old Woolworth's store ) & I miss him dearly . I miss those days with a heavy heart .