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Posts posted by god503

  1. 3 minutes ago, G G ® said:

    I don't know what it's like in the States although I know it's bad according to the news.

    We are obviously a tiny country in comparison (UK) and it's real bad over here and getting worse, as it will for a while.

    Most people are going about their daily business with good humour for the most part, those who can get out. However the atmosphere is tetchy, and it is tense believe me.

    Every now and again you will come across some self-entitled POS who thinks they are above queuing for food and supplies, above social distancing rules, and nothing but nothing, even a killer disease is gonna stop them from conducting their lives as they want to.

    These people by the way, are the same people who will literally be crying and begging for health staff to save their lives when and if they contract the virus.

    These selfsame selfish humans could also be spreading the virus and endangering other people's lives. For what? For the reason that they really don't give a flying about anyone else.

    I said this one phrase in another thread weeks ago....the world is divided into two camps. Those who behave properly in times of great adversity, and those who will be forever d**ks.


    you will always have those tools no matter what.  Depends on your priorities.  I hope you guys on the other side of the pond stay safe.  I see the fatality rate is not looking so good.  Here in NYC we are packed like sardines coupled with the fact the huge longevity of this virus outside of the body.  

  2. Just now, sfcityduck said:

    Yes.  And up thread, I am discussing both civil and criminal liability.  

    then my mistake as i was just replying on the criminality aspect.  civil, in my opinion is strictly based on the emotions of 51% of a group of people verses logic based on 100% of the same group.

  3. Just now, sfcityduck said:

    I'm an attorney.  And for civil liability the starndard is "more likely than not" or "preponderance of the evidence," and "beyond a reasonable doubt" is not that hard to prove.  Our jails and prisons are full.

    Civil liability has a lower threshold than criminal liability...  but we both know that...  right?

  4. Just now, sfcityduck said:

    I think it is a safe assumption that everyone knows today that they could potentially be a COVID-19 carrier.  That is the entire rationale behind stay at home orders, and that's what the media and the government have been explaining for weeks.  I do not think that a "bury your head in the sand" defense would fly with jurors where I live.

    but regards to the law assuming does mean anything,  the key word is knowingly.  beyond a reasonable dought  the basis of our entire legal system

  5. 1 minute ago, sfcityduck said:

    Based on my litigation experience, I would conclude that in today's media environment, it would be next to impossible to fail to prove a "knowing" violation of a stay at home order.  I also think it would be hard not to get a jury pre-disposed against people who disobeyed orders that the jury respected.

    not about the order...  about being positive.

  6. 10 minutes ago, sfcityduck said:

    You know you potentially have COVID.  The government stay at home is designed to prevent social spread by folks who are "silent carriers."  By knowingly disobeying stay at home orders to do "D2D," which I infer is "door to door", you are knowingly risking spreading the disease.  If you test positive at a later date, yes, you could find yourself in some legal or civil hot water.

    More importantly, there's a moral implication which apparently does not matter to you.


    True to a certain point.  But the legal threshhold is the key word "knowingly"  many times judges dont convict or jurys without that premise.  As for general responsibily as a citizen...  wear a mask if you go out.  The mask does poop for your protection  Its for the protection of others!!

  7. On 3/9/2020 at 11:38 PM, kav said:

    they can also send second chance offer to last legit bidder to squeeze most out of book.  everyone should report suspected schilling on these auctions.  or maybe invite them here like we did with goodnewscomics lol 

    this is 100% fact.   happend to me earlier in the week.  told him to go pee off

  8. 4 minutes ago, shadroch said:

    If you had called them two weeks ago, you would have gotten a very different answer, and chances are in two weeks, you'll get another answer.   My car lease was up a few months back and I extended it six months. It's now up April 1st. Last month I was told they wouldn't renew it and I had to buy it or turn it in immediately. Saturday, I got an email offering  a ninety day extension.

    I'd love to think the economy is elastic enough to bounce right back, but I'm a realist.

    As far as the Comic business goes, Diamond has been a zombie for years. If I still owned a shop, I'd be making whatever plans I could to operate in a post Diamond environment. As it is, I have 2500 square feet of commercial space I need to re-imagine. That's the least of my problems right now. 

    New York State, and especially NYC , has insane landlord laws.  Why anyone chooses to be a landlord ,I don't understand. I have a Co-optimal in Jackson Heights that I rent out, but only to close friends. When they move, I'm selling it. Crazy thing is I picked it up for $19,000 and it now rents out for $1500., which is substantially below market. 

    100% correct on the landlord laws.  Good luck trying to evict WITHOUT a pandemic... 😒

  9. 4 minutes ago, the blob said:

    From the NY Post:  Homeowners will still have to make good on the payments, but they will be tacked onto the back end of their mortgage agreements, sans late fees, Cuomo said.

    “Eliminating that stressor for 90 days, I think, will go a long way,” he said, noting that the offer could be extended beyond 90 days depending on how the fight against the contagion plays out.


    So, according to this, I don't think what the bank said was right. But it you have 10 years left on your mortgage I guess it is 10 years and 3 months?

    This is only if your bank is located in NY.  Im a freedie mac loan via Quicken loans.  Until the fed makes it offical, cuomo doesnt help me in this area.  other stuff like credit cards and HELOC yes  Car payment yes.  but the big nut is the mortgage

  10. 5 minutes ago, the blob said:

    Commercial landlords may be greedy and evil, but they're not going to be able to evict 4/5th of their tenants, nor would it make sense to do so.


    I dont expect it to that extreme considering what is happening, however the law is on the commercial landlord side not the commercial tenant.  where as the private tenants has every single tenement law on there side.  I happen to be also a landlord since i own a 2 family home.  If my tenant decides not to pay the rent, even though they STILL have there jobs, I cant do anything about it, yet I still have to pay my mortgage.  You know what my mortgage servicer said to me today when i called to tell them what is available to me since i am unemployed?  They said i can delay my payments for 3 months, but after that they are due in  a LUMP SUM payment otherwise i get a negative remark on my credit.  Try telling that to a tenant.

  11. 7 minutes ago, shadroch said:

    I'm a small business owner and have been since  before the Comic Distribution Wars. 

    The Federal Government will step in and help your business in a matter of weeks. The odds are you won't be responsible for the rent while you are down nor any of your expenses. Meanwhile your employees will be lucky if they get $2,000 for their lost income. Now is not the time for them to be spending money on hobbies.

    Winter is coming.  Perhaps it will be like winter in Florida, but I think it will be more akin to a South Dakota winter.  Hope for the best but prepare for the worst.  Time to turtle up.

    Unfortunately when it comes to commercial rules and laws like rent verses the people rules and laws like mortgages and rents are totally skewed towards the people.  As for myself and my employess, being in NYC area, 2k  is less than what they make in 2 weeks and barely covers the rent let alone the other expenses.  the other 6 weeks?....  thats the problem.  But "IF" you can spare the change, then help a local business

  12. 12 hours ago, TTony said:

    Maybe not for the next couple of months.  :mad: Just saw about a 10% drop on a 7.5.  Is that common across all grades?

    definitely a buyers market. "IF" you can spare the cash...  negotiated a few deals off ebay that seemed not doable a few weeks a go

  13. 3 minutes ago, comicdonna said:

    I don't like  names written on the cover of my books.   Also, it's a big risk cracking a 9.6 book of this caliber, getting it signed, witnessed and re-graded.  

    point taken on the regrade risk.  based on the pics posted that 9.6 book looks the same and if not better than the 9.8's i just got back from the todd father signing. (still trying to understand some of these grade calls between 9.4-9.8... O.o  low risk, high reward here?  

  14. On 3/4/2020 at 12:01 PM, TheDuke001 said:

    New club member! I bought this raw and had pressed and cleaned. The thought of getting a incredible return in my investment keeps playing with my mind though! I have thoughts of selling, but afraid I will have immediate sellers regret! 



    Awesome score!!!   Roy thomas is doing a signing at plastic comic con in august.  get it signed before u sell it.  Add a romita SR. too...  ;)   But only sell it if you need the money or are retired and want to enjoy life.  otherwise....  it will only go up in value...