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Everything posted by showcase4

  1. THE #1 PLATINUM AGE COMIC BOOK - The Yellow Kid in McFadden's Flats dated 1897. It's historical importance, rarity, and demand is unmatched by any other comic book from this era. I get chills just looking at the images of this great great great book!
  2. Buster Brown and His Resolutions ...very large and historically important - the 1st nationally distributed comic book
  3. That's a nice looking VG-!! Looks better than my fine copy! This book had a beautiful spine and real nice rear cover....there was a non color breaking crease that ran the length of the front cover --- hence the 3.5 grade Diagonal from above the "I" in "weird" to the right of the ten cent price? I can sort of see it. Even with that 3.5 is still too harsh. yup...your eyes are workin' real good today. I was also disapointed with the 3.5....I was thinking more like 5.0 ish
  4. That's a nice looking VG-!! Looks better than my fine copy! This book had a beautiful spine and real nice rear cover....there was a non color breaking crease that ran the length of the front cover --- hence the 3.5 grade
  5. and another classic bought / sold from last year ( I think I wish I didn't sell this one! )
  6. this book I bought / sold last year...thought you guys would appreciate the great cover art ........
  7. Jack, I have no idea what a "sepulchre" is, but assuming it's an environmentally friendly holder, archivally safe and providing encapsulation which offers protection from airborne polutants and moisture, coupled with a clear plastic front and back for viewing, addtionally containing info that confirms a condition grade and restoration check summary by nationally recognized experts on the subject......I wouldn't have it any other way for the 2nd highest graded copy of Reform School Girl!
  8. Even if it's not a comic book, I sure don't mind looking at the cover!
  9. ...not exactly a recent purchase ( bought last year ), but I thought you guys would appreciate this...............
  10. Platinum Age Key --- This is Comic Monthly #1 by Embee, dated January, 1922. This is one of the most historically important comics of the entire Platinum Age --- the 1st 10 cent monthly newsstand comic book.
  11. extremely rare copy of Comic Monthly #12...the final issue from December, 1922. No one can accuse Embee of printing too many of these.....
  12. I have never questioned the status of Detective Dan as the 1st of the 3 books....may be more of a historian question. Bob B. should be making his way to this post sometime today I would think. Hey Bob, can you take a stab at answering this? As for the Detective Dan referenced in the Scoop article...I was the 2nd highest bidder, but someone out-sniped me in the last 2 seconds. It was painful, but these things happen.
  13. If you could give me a specific reference I would be most appreciative. I did a google search but the only sites I found that said this were yours (your museum page, your eBay About Me page, etc.). . how's this....... http://scoop.diamondgalleries.com/scoop_article.asp?ai=6484&si=123 and this.... http://www.teako170.com/chronology.html all 3 books were 1933 issues by Humor, but only Detective Dan is referenced as "the 1st" (newsstand comic, original art comic, single theme comic) This is a dream book for collectors of historically important books such as your truly
  14. sorry I'm struggling with posting images without you having to click on the attachment ( above ), but this one is well worth it. This is one of my favorite Platinum Age books ....and it's not a key. This is, to the best of my knowledge and others who I have checked with, the NICEST KNOWN COPY of ANY issue of Comic Monthly by Embee. This is issue #5 from 1922 ( as were all 12 issues- printed from January to December) All Comic Monthly's are extremely condition sensitive, as they have very thin soft covers. When these books rarely surface, they are typically in G/VG condition...on a good day. They are notorious for having sizable spine splits. This copy is a stunning VF 8.0 unrestored with off-white pages ....enjoy.
  15. Detective Dan is universally recognized as the 1st of the Humor books by every written comics history book and article I have read / internet search / knowledgable dealer or collector I have ever spoke to.....so unless all those sources are wrong, yes I'm sure . As far as distrubtion numbers..that I don't know. Based on how few copies of this book there are out there, I would think Humor did not set any distribution records
  16. Detective Dan is the 1st printed of the three, and therefore is the universally recognized key of the trio. As a collector, I break down my books into 3 different desirability categories: semi-key, key, and mega-key. Within this personal rating system, Detective Dan is a mega-key , and the other 2 would be keys. As far as which came next after Detective Dan....I don't know. The order that you have placed them in could very well be correct. I know if a Happy Mulligan ever surfaces , I sure would be aggressive in trying to add it to my collection
  17. SPECIAL MUSEUM PIECES....the 3 books in the attachment (above - just click) will ultimatley be displayed in The Victorian Age Comic Book Museum (info in my website found below- click the "musuem info" tab ). These are 3 of the rarest and most historically important comic books of the entire Platinum/Pre-Golden Age era. Detective Dan Secret Operative no 48, Detective Ace King, and Bob Scully the Two Fisted Hick Detective. All 3 are from Humor Publishing Corp., and were printed in 1933. These were the 1st newsstand comic books with original art, the 1st of a single theme, and the direct inspiration for the conversion of Superman from a fanzine evil character into a comic book superhero. All 3 of these books virtually never come up for sale in any venue...they don't get much tougher to find than this.
  18. the book on the left ( click attachment above) is called Brainy Bowers and Drowsy Dugan. It is the 1st newspaper compilation comic book from 1905, and quit scarce.
  19. This is the copy (click attachment above) of the VF restored Yellow Kid in McFadden's Flats sold on Ebay last year for $10,500. I miss it very much
  20. interior pages of Comic Monthly ( click the attachment above)....please note that use of word balloons, which should keep everyone on this thread happy
  21. This is a copy of Comic Monthly by Embee from 1922.(click on the attachment above ) Only 12 issues were printed, and all are rare. Comic Monthly was the 1st 10 cent monthly comic book
  22. Hey Bob, either Buster Brown is a midget, or that is one big turkey!
  23. Yellow Kid Maybe people think that colorful nightshirt is a cape.
  24. Jack, to the best of my knowledge, there is no McFadden's Flats reprint. It seems strange that some obscure books from this period have been reprinted, but not this one ( again, as far as I know ). Perhaps you are onto something.....find a need and fill it...one of the keys to wealth! If you print it, they will buy