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Everything posted by showcase4

  1. I'll take a 9.4 TRUE unrestored all day long over a pedigree 9.6 of the same book that is wrongly encapsulated in a blue label, as "slight glue".. .. is AKA "slight restoration"
  2. 1st of all..THANK YOU for helping contribute to this post. As for your 2 books here...WDC&S all day long
  3. No contest here at all. Action #1 well this thread is going to die out soon if there are too many "no contests", as the whole point is to compare 2 very comparable books so they can be judged with split decisions as to which would be a better choice and why. I think this is a lot closer as to what I'm trying to do here with this thread.....this a real toss up for me / both sold for around $15k.....which would you choose? (I think I'd have to go with ol' Cap Marvel) ...or
  4. These 2 books both sold a few years ago for the exact same price- $57,500 this offers the choice of a high grade key, or a low grade Mega-key. Which one would you choose? .....or for me, I wouldn't care of the All Flash was a 9.8, I'm going with Action #1 !
  5. same price / different genres / 1 restored and the other unresotred........ which one would you choose? ...or I'm doin' the Duck !
  6. both of these books sold for exactly $13,800..... which one would you choose? ...or I'd have to go with the Tec on this one....but barely!
  7. ...and my "highroller" pick of the day, both of these books sold for exactly $126,000 in 2002/2003 seperate Heritage auctions. So, with big bucks on the line here, which one would you choose? ...or ..for me..big time no brainer - Marvel #1
  8. ...and another example of how to contribute to this post ( hint hint ), which one would you choose? ( same price for both - $10k ) ...or now this one is tough for me...there is just something about Wonder Woman that doesn't do it for me.....I'm going with the classic cover - Supsense 3
  9. let's try again, and hope that others post as well! Which one would you choose? Once again, Heritage Auction sales for virtually identical prices: ......or this I'm going with the Sandman on this one!
  10. inspired by the fact that it was such a "hot topic" in another thread recently, I thought it would be enjoyable by all to have a thread dedicated to asking the age old question - "which one would you choose?". Just 2 simple rules, and of course the goal is to see posts from as many of you as possible, since the combinations are endless....and imgaes would be most helpful: Rule #1 must compare two GA books to each other ( apples to apples ) Rule #2 both books should have a similar present day market value So, to kick things off, which one of these 2 would you choose? ( both have sold at Heritage for virtually identical prices ) ...or I'd have to go with the Amazing-Man...how about you?
  11. I'm just glad, after seeing the Geppi Museum, that there are a few comic books left for the rest of us !
  12. Pay copies at Sothebys. Courtesy of FFB. Thanks Norrin...these images are great check out the snow white back cover of Marvel #1....just amazing for a book that old !
  13. Are "pay copy"s' floating around out there by many different publishers, or is a publisher who creates a pay copy as rare as these pay copies themselves?
  14. Here's a tip. And I mean this nicely.. A lot of people were bothered by your last thread with a similiar title. And I know that you talk about NUMEROUS things in one thread but if it's something specific that you are wanting to find out you're not getting into many households. To improve the ratings on your broadcast, I recommend that you create a new thread with a title that asks Seeking Scans of 1st panels/Submariner in MPFW The people that might be able to help you the most aren't going to bother even looking in this thread. Good luck Hey Mica, My last thread was not in existence to win a popularity contest. I was seeking knowledge, and found it...so did a lot of other Boards members. I think YOU are the one who was bothered based on your attempts to encourage people to re-direct the discussion to Esquire's Platinum Age thread...a failed attempt at that. Unbeknownst to you, I recieved quite a few PM messages regarding the OO vs. Supes thread, and they were ALL positive...members found it educational, fun, serious, and thought provoking all at the same time, based on the collective responses that I received. If you READ the 1st post of this thread, you will see that the name is in jest. Had you left my previous post alone, and not been a contributor to it being locked (a safe assumption), perhaps this thread would have been called "Motion Picture Funnies Weekly questions". This is a Golden Age thread in a Golden Age forum, and my questions are 100% limited to a Golden Age key book and other books like it.... it can be called whatever I want......thread naming does not have to meet Mica approval last time I checked, nor does it have to specifically match the subject of the thread. The Boards are a double edge sword...they are a great place to get info and find popular opinion on various subjects, but with that comes the attacks and comments from class A jerks hiding behind their fake Boards name ( not directed at you ). Sometimes I think it's just not worth it...like when I read your post. Other days, I find the Boards to be a great thing to be a part of. Like it or not, I am now a part of this online community, and I'm here to stay. If my threads don't meet your approval.....there are plenty others to choose from.
  15. I'm probably pushing my luck with this request, but does anyone have pics or scans of the 1st few panles/intro of Subby in MPFW that they can post? I have seen the front and back cover many times over, but never an interior page image.
  16. Bill, you keep proving that you are one OK dude as far as I'm concerned...and you like the same stuff as me..Detective Dan and Motion Picture Funnies Weekly ! It appears that the few MPFW's that have surfaced over the past few years had an average page quality of light cream to cream, yet the OPG lists 8 out of 9 as having brittle pages. Does anyone know where the apparently inaccurate claim of all but 1 copy having brittle pages comes from? I want this book so bad I can taste it !! I've only seen two copies in person, but neither had brittle pages. If I find two, maybe we can make a deal for a Detective Dan? Detective Dan is a keeper, but as far as high quality trade bait, you find me a MPFW and I'll throw in some cash plus this:
  17. If I were to find myself with the wherewithall to amass a complete Timely superhero collection (an attractive goal), I would have little interest in MPFW #1. It's not a Timely, it's not a newstand comic, and was either barely distributed or not at all. An interesting piece of comic book history no doubt, but MPFW #1 has an appeal more in line with novelties such as the "Reign of the Superman" fanzine story, or the Ka-Zar pulps, than it might to Timely completists. The Annuals at least look like Timelys, and they appeal to me, but seeing how there is no evidence that they are anything more than reprints for Canadian distribution, I can see a Timely collector ignoring them. That is exactly how he feels. But I just disagree. If the guy in MPFW was called Fish Man or something like that, then fine blow it off. But it was Namor, the Submariner. Marvel #1 reprints the story and adds some pages. I would love to have a copy of both MPFW and Marvel #1. Two of the only books I have wanted badly and never owned. Just as an aside, the other two books are Detective #1 and Whiz #1. The latter I really am not as keen on as I once was. Bill, you keep proving that you are one OK dude as far as I'm concerned...and you like the same stuff as me..Detective Dan and Motion Picture Funnies Weekly ! It appears that the few MPFW's that have surfaced over the past few years had an average page quality of light cream to cream, yet the OPG lists 8 out of 9 as having brittle pages. Does anyone know where the apparently inaccurate claim of all but 1 copy having brittle pages comes from? I want this book so bad I can taste it !!
  18. I would have little interest in MPFW #1. It's not a Timely, it's not a newstand comic, and was either barely distributed or not at all. An interesting piece of comic book history no doubt, but MPFW #1 has an appeal more in line with novelties such as the "Reign of the Superman" fanzine story, or the Ka-Zar pulps, than it might to Timely completists. I find it interesting that you used this comparison ..wouldn't MPFW be very desirable regardless of its "Boston Theatres only" distribution, since it is a comic book? "Reign of the Superman" was a fanzine...so I can see why it could be considered a novelty compared to Action #1. It does not appear that MPFW would be a novelty compared to Marvel #1, as they are apples to apples -- both comic books.
  19. thanks..I REALLY want a copy of this book, so it's encouraging to know that every few years or so it pops up for sale. I have previously focused on 1937 and earlier comics, and I'm leaning towards expanding that time frame to 1942. As you know, a whole bunch of great stuff came out between 1938 and 1942...so I'm beefing up my knowledge for this 5 year time span. Aside from Superman and Batman as the obvious kings of kings, I would like to know how The Sub-Mariner as a character ranks with regard to demand and sustained popularity amongst others from the immediate era like Captain America, The Green Lantern, The Sandman, The Human Torch, etc etc. Is Subby right up there at the top of the list?
  20. Thank you all for your input...this is good stuff! One of the appeals of MPFW is that it contains the combo of: 10 or less copies (truly rare), introduces a key character, is pre-war, and has an interesting history behind it ( the whole found in the Publishers estate in 1974, and was distributed at Boston are movie theatres background is facinating to me). Can you think of other GA books that may have a similar combo of characteristics? Especially by MLJ ?( love those things! )
  21. ahhhhh...I see. Well if you were to ask 100 seasoned GA collectors what is the 1st appearance of Subby, how many would pick MPFW, and how many would pick Marvel #1? ( roughly )
  22. Very high on my wantlist right now is a copy of Motion Picture Funnies Weekly #1. My question is, what is more universally accepted as the 1st appearance of The Sub-Mariner--- MP Funnies #1, Human Torch #1, or Marvel Comics #1? Also, how often do the MP Funnies #1 surface, since there are only 9? known copies?
  23. this is the rear cover of Comic Monthly #1 from 1922...the 1st 10 cent monthly newsstand comic book....it interestingly advertises that replacement issues are available thru Embee for 11 cents
  24. this is an interior page of Buster Brown and His Resolutions....the 1st nationally distributed comic book