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Everything posted by lordbyroncomics

  1. look, if we're ever all together at a comic con and I'm in an accident, you have my permission to give me a transfusion of mongoose blood
  2. annnnd, Kav just exposed himself as actually a real Scientist.
  3. The thing about the Golden Age Whizzer is just how bat-mess insane his origin is. He's bitten by a snake in the jungle so his scientist Dad does, obviously, what anybody would do and gives him a transfusion of mongoose blood. Hence, the Whizzer.
  4. Because we'll throw off the speculation caper of all those Howard the Duck #1 and Dazzler #1 inflation schemes!!! you KNOW this.
  5. Great stuff. If I got the credits right, you come up as "the most mysterious man in comics"
  6. Please scan and share an excerpt of this, Sir. That is as good as anything Jim Shooter ever created. Secondly, making it disappear for 5 minutes has all sorts of money earning potential. "I just severed my hand in your (enter device in any corporate owned business here), I'm gonna sue you!"
  7. I was, uh, actually not being serious with that! It's a play on an old trope used by bitter comic fans who would commonly use a variation of that scenario to say how much they longed for "mainstream" acceptance from non-comics fans, which I always found kinda curious
  8. Whoa! Comics aren't just for Kids anymore!! Seriously though Kav, I'm embarrassed to be seen reading comics on the subway or in public so it'd be refreshing if, for once, a comic could be, y'know, edgy and "adult". If you could just take that into consideration. Please.
  9. There was a Golden Age character (whose name I can't remember at the moment) who, quoting what I do remember from Jeff Rovin's Encyclopedia of Super-Heroes, "had the rather useless ability of stopping clocks" but not actually pausing time, when he'd shout 'Stop, Time!' presumably when busting into criminal hideouts. I think that would have to be the most useless power I could think of, unless it somehow could aid in stopping bombs that were ticking down or something.
  10. I saw on Tony Isabella's blog that they made a straight to DVD film about Charlton monster comic 'Konga', so there's hope yet for an Expanded Charlton Universe. Outside of Kav's fan-fiction I mean
  11. I don't have an eBay account or I'd list all sorts of imaginary comics you need, ol' pal!
  12. Considering all the curious things Stan *did* sign with characters he had nothing to do with, I'd take the Action #1 especially in that condition. Thanks Kav!
  13. I admit to loving and having a soft spot for Marvel reprints but have been somewhat surprised at how much this specific issue is going up for! I got this, and a bunch of Giant-Size issues in VF that I needed.
  14. Welp, not really a surprise and entirely understandable but they are delaying it. Just got this e-mail: SPECIAL EVENT MAY 1ST PREQUEL POSTPONED TO JULY 24TH 2021 Hi all, These are not easy times to be your friendly neighborhood comic con. After meeting with the New Yorker Hotel and with NYC health authorities, and after canvassing our exhibitors, we have decided that our May 1st date is not possible. Working with the New Yorker Hotel, we are postponing the show until Saturday July 24th 2021. The rules in force for May 1st (limiting the number of exhibitor personnel at each space, 1 per table, no more 150 people including staff, security, and exhibitors in the venue at any time), rendered it impossible run the show we all know and love. We would also have had to cancel the cosplay contest as it would place too many people in the event room at the same time. We were aware that conditions were not ideal, and were working with all precaution, but it is now clear that prospected reopening will not happen before June. If we cannot be 100% safe and have our usual open, boisterous, chaotic fun at the BACC, we must wait a bit longer until we can. By July 24th, everyone who wants to get a vaccination should have one, NYC officials are indicating that unless there is a dramatic change in the pandemic situation, the city will be open at something like normal after June. All ticket holders for this event (May 1st 2021) are automatically ticketed to the new date of July 24th, 2021, if you intend to come you do not have to do anything. If you will be unable to attend, we will refund your tickets. We want to thank all of you for your support and the faith you have in our show. We are postponing the show because events render it impossible to make it the show we love and one that offers maximum enjoyment with minimum discomfort or risk at this very difficult time. We do not want to be overzealous in our desire to reopen, nor haphazard in our caution, and have no choice but to follow the guidelines set by the City and the venue. We will have the show July 24th, we have have our Cosplay contest with great prizes, all our exhibitors are eager, and so many of you have applauded our reopening.
  15. When I talked to him in 2019, he said he was working on his autobiography called "Comic Books Saved My Life" so I hope that era is included!
  16. I talked to him for a little while in 2019 when I ran into him and he was totally cool and gregarious and used to promote concerts too, if I remember quickly. We talked about 1978 era QUEEN. I thought he was a very cool guy, self-made man.
  17. *groan* Coverless, you're pulling out those Henny Youngman jokes tonight!!!!
  18. Not sure it's ridiculous per se but I always loved this. From 1939, the Green Mask.
  19. I was 6 years old and vividly remember the Silver & Red Iron Man and Al Milgrom's HULK run which culminated in the Grey Hulk, who I was unaware of. I turned 7 later that year and had Marvel Saga and was captivated. I remember it vividly, but I remember 1986 for much different reasons than how older fans see it as I was unaware of DKR and Watchmen, etc.
  20. There's a lot of things to read, my man. The more you read and absorb, it's like a tapestry that all comes together and certain things are impossible to ignore, explain away or rationalize. Stan changes a lot and the changes coincide with corporate changes going on around and above him. Desperate to preserve his security and stability, Stan adheres to what the corporate investors want, and demand: for him to preserve the myth of him as sole creator since he will not ever try to rock the boat. If a freelancer like Kirby tries to claim any creation, it's potential troublesome for the corporate owners. It really is as simple as this. No one is trying to take away that Stan was a gregarious, charming, witty and oft-talented dialogue writer, clever with a word and a warm and inviting voice for fans all over. All of that is true. But Stan also lied and allowed lies and misunderstandings to grow. That is true, too. You can be charming and be loved and still be a B-S artist.
  21. Don't worry Kav... we already knew Stan wrote this, and I do enjoy his self-deprecating gag (which he does in other Silver Age Marvel Comics, like when he has Ayers think great misery to himself when Stan tells him they're going to be working together when the war is over, etc.) and it's part of his charm. But yeah man- I'm glad you're learning more about this stuff, seriously. No time like the present!
  22. Ravage 2099. NFL SuperPro. Adam the X-Treme. Quasar. Hypno Hustler. (though that would be admittedly awesome) Turner D Century.