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Mr. Spider-Woman

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Everything posted by Mr. Spider-Woman

  1. Thanks for the responses, everyone. I'd love to have a full run of Night Nurse (I already have Shanna the She-Devil #1-5 and Claws of the Cat #1-4) but prices for #1 and #4 are too high for my budget. I picked up #2 and #3 for a steal years ago when few people cared about the character.
  2. Thanks for the grades, folks. I probably would've called it a 6.5 but I play fast and loose with my personal grading standards.
  3. Thoughts on my copy of Night Nurse #3? I've also asked about Night Nurse #2. Thanks.
  4. I'm considering selling parts of my collection that no longer fit my goals but before I do, I'm curious to see how well my amateur grading skills compare to folks who know a lot more about grading and comics than I do. Here's my copy of Night Nurse #2. Thoughts? I've also asked about my Night Nurse #3. Thanks in advance.
  5. Would this be the sort of thing CGC kept track of? Do they have a database?
  6. My initial thought was maybe as high as 8.0 but after reading everyone else's comments I agree it's probably closer to a 7.0. A very nice book.
  7. It is a very nice book. Too bad about the major flaws, though. Glad you got the grade you expected
  8. I must be really bad at grading because I was thinking this was a 5.0-6.0 but I also can't see the creases from the pictures.
  9. That's too bad. I've never had a true local comic book store. There was one the next town over when I was 10 or 11 but I wasn't buying new comics back then. For about a year or so there was one on my commute to work before that job ended. Otherwise, I've almost always been 25-30 minutes away which is too far. I wish I had a LCS nearby where I could get to know the owners and other regulars and have people to talk comic books about.
  10. The only goal I've accomplished is completing the 1990s Guardians of the Galaxy with annuals and spinoffs. l'm actually in the process of refocusing my collecting goals right now. I'm giving up on trying to collect a wide range of Silver Age Marvel titles in low grade. Instead, I'm going to try go collect everything Fantastic Four, everything original recipe Guardians of Galaxy, the 1990s Namor, the Submariner, and specific eras/runs of Captain America. I doubt I'll ever get everything FF but if I can get every issue from 25 up in low grade, I'll be happy.
  11. I spent an hour going through $1 boxes at a comic book store while visiting family recently. I didn't find anything spectacular but I picked up Fantastic Four #248, some other random FF-related books, and a few issues of Namor, The Sub-Mariner. It was definitely not worth my time but it was fun. I haven't dug through boxes like that in a long time.
  12. I've been looking for a copy of Marvel Action Hour: Fantastic Four #8 whenever I stop at a comic store. Haven't found one yet. It's certainly not rare but I'm guessing the print run must have been low. It's not available at mycomicshop.com or Mile High Comics either. I think there's a single copy on eBay but with shipping it's almost as much as buying a complete #1-8 run.
  13. I just read about the black-and-white D23 variant at Bleeding Cool. I'm not sure how I feel about Marvel printing 30 copies of a variant specifically for super special fans. On the one hand, it's really awesome if you're one of those 30 fans. On the other hand, what about all the other fans who aren't special enough to get a copy? (On the third hand, I don't pay much attention to variants so this may not be unusual.)
  14. I've said it before but I'll say it again, I'm insanely jealous of all of you who find decent or better comic books out in the big, wild world. I've never come across anything more than a stack or box of worthless 90s dreck, usually without bags or boards and often with more rips and creases than you can shake a stick at. This fall, if I can find the time, I hope to start hitting garage and tag sales on weekends in search of comics. Maybe a flea market or two if possible.
  15. The most copies of any single comic I have is two, usually because I accidentally bought a second copy without realizing it. That happened this month with Sgt. Fury and His Howling Commandos #32. I forgot to update the want list I carry in my wallet, so now I own two very low-grade copies.
  16. Here's a question for people with experience selling on eBay. If you search completed listings and see lots of copies of the comic book(s) you want to sell listed but none selling, or maybe just one sold in the past few months, what do you do? Do you go ahead and list yours just in case someone happens to be looking for it? Do you put it aside and wait a few months, then check again? Or do you assume it's not worth the time and effort and toss it in your worthless pile to be donated or otherwise disposed of? I ask because I've got three or four big plastic tubs filled with random comics, books, DVDs, and other items I've been holding on to for years thinking they might be worth selling on eBay eventually. Now that I have some free time, I've discovered none of this stuff is selling. Or if it is selling, it's selling for a few dollars. I suppose eBay is filled with people like me hoping to make a few bucks off their unwanted junk.
  17. Thanks for the tip. I'll keep an eye out for the trailer.
  18. I've read the first issue but don't remember anything about it. I've always wanted to read more. Is the series collected in trades?
  19. I hope it's okay to revive this topic. I'm in the process of reorganizing and decluttering my comic book/collectibles area. I took the plunge and bought 10 DrawerBoxes (short boxes) and will be slowly moving my collection from regular short boxes over the next few weeks. One issue I've run into is a small number of Gold Key/Dell comics in my collection. They're too wide for the DrawerBoxes. They just about fit in one of my regular short boxes, which is slightly wider than the others. I'll probably end up keeping them in that specific box because I don't have very many. How do other people store their Gold Key/Dell comics? Poking around here and elsewhere online it seems magazine boxes are a good width for Gold Key/Dell but it's hard to find a place that sells just one magazine box. There are a few on Amazon but they seem a little sketchy with only a handful of reviews.
  20. So it's speculation driving up the price of "Spider-Man Noir" rather than Spidey fans trying to get their hands on a limited series they missed back in 2009? Regardless, can I ask for opinions on when the best time to sell is in a case like this with a movie announced but not coming out until December? I'm sure many of you have a lot more experience trying to time this sort of thing.
  21. I've been checking eBay recently to see if any of the modern comics I no longer want are worth anything. They're not, it seems. But I did see the Spider-Man Noir limited series from 2009 selling for considerably more than the other three "noir" titles (Daredevil, Wolverine, and X-Men) published around the same time. By that I mean complete runs of the those titles sell for peanuts while Spider-Man Noir #1 on its own has sold for over $100 recently. Anyone know why? Some of the eBay listings mention "first appearance of the Spider-Verse" which doesn't seem particularly noteworthy to someone who has no idea what goes on with Spider-Man these days.
  22. No picture, but I bought a $5 copy of Sgt. Fury and His Howling Commandos #32 this afternoon. My first SA purchase in a long, long time.
  23. I thought eBay required sellers to accept PayPal. Has that policy changed lately?