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Everything posted by DiceX

  1. Be careful. You'll get an invite to be beaten with a wet noodle for saying spoon-words about him.
  2. How do you think I reacted to this? Without absolute positive proof...like the scan... ...that he came on today and admitted was the same scan... ...what a .
  3. So to summarize, you're mad at us for calling you a d.u.m.b.a.s.s because you were a d.u.m.b.a.s.s and didn't want to listen to anyone and try to understand that you were a d.u.m.b.a.s.s. So now this morning, you actually investigate what everyone was telling you, and you come to the conclusion that you were a d.u.m.b.a.s.s, and you make an apology that isn't really an apology, it's to make the people that were calling you a d.u.m.b.a.s.s less credible for calling you a d.u.m.b.a.s.s So you're upset because the word is fact instead of an opinion? I'm having trouble with why you had to PM me.
  4. Post's like this make it very easy not to give a hill of beans about what anyone commenting in this thread thinks. Seriously a lot of you folks must have no life outside the boards. I don't owe any of you an explanation....I will provide some details that came to light last night after I quit working and then move on. FOR THE RECORD.... I am guilty as charged for using the same scan. The claims being made were so outrageous in my opinion that I never bothered to consider the fact that I may have used the wrong scan .Around midnight last night I took the time to read through all the pages of this thread, and actually looked very closely at the scans provided...I have to concede here...I used the scan of the wrong book, it looks exactly the same to me as well .I simply did not even entertain the idea that Krypto Spidey's claims had any merit what-so-ever hence, I kinda came out swinging as I have a tendency to do.This was also wrong on my part. The 8.5 slab in question purchased from Krypto had in fact been cracked out and sold as a 9.0 at Wonder Con, if this is a crime...oh well . I had 5 copies of this book at one time recently and still buy every copy I can get my hands on for a good price . I recently had , and sold 6 Batman #232's for the same reason, they are popular, and sell quickly for a modest profit. I have contacted gentleman that purchased the raw copy mailed out to him yesterday, early this morning ( obviously he will be receiving the wrong book ) and advised him of my mistake. He will either keep it, or send it back for a full refund. His opinion does matter to me very much, unlike the opinion of some of the derelict's and their comments made here in this thread. A lot of this thread is simply not construtive in my opinion. This might be hard for some of you to grasp as "collectors" out there, but I have sold well over 4500 books this last year alone on Ebay, with well over a thousand transactions.... mistakes do happen, I made one, I am human. Does this make me Danny Dupcheck as one boardie compared me too...no . My selling record here, and on Ebay is nearly flawless, and for good reason, I care about my customers, I am also an honest person. Sometimes the wrong book gets sent to the wrong buyer ect... Thank you to those of you that judged me by our experiences....the rest of you don't matter, at all . A few of you that I thought were friends....I was wrong about that too. I hope this provides closure here, if not...oh well. People make mistakes, let the 1st one of you that is perfect step up and start throwing stones. I respect what is at stake here....however a lot of these post's are ludicrous . So to summarize, you're mad at us for calling you a because you were a and didn't want to listen to anyone and try to understand that you were a . So now this morning, you actually investigate what everyone was telling you, and you come to the conclusion that you were a , and you make an apology that isn't really an apology, it's to make the people that were calling you a less credible for calling you a . And after your long post, I still think you're a . Are you still here Dice ?....you are a spoon with out a life, and probably one of the internet tuff guys that likes to sling mud, and profane comments from your mommies computer ? Calling me profanity from behind your computer, very funny... I can read the profanity you are calling me when I respond to this post of yours as it is not "spooned" out, and yes I will remember this.This is my last post on this...I am done. You don't have to like my response...it is what it is. If you have a larger problem with me, take it up with me individually by pm . I am done on this thread, those of you that have no life...continue on....knock yourself's out . Words are just words unless they ring the truth. Why so touchy? Did I hit a nerve? If you were man enough to check out what I, and everyone else here, was trying to tell you last night, this would all be over. I started out on your side, go back and read if you want. Once your true colors came out, I changed sides. You really have some issues, man. You're the one that needs to get laid.
  5. Frank, if you want to make personal threats, I'd appreciate if you'd be man enough to make them here in front of everyone. Saying you're going to kick someone's and calling them a coward in private is pretty ironic, if you think about it.
  6. Post's like this make it very easy not to give a hill of beans about what anyone commenting in this thread thinks. Seriously a lot of you folks must have no life outside the boards. I don't owe any of you an explanation....I will provide some details that came to light last night after I quit working and then move on. FOR THE RECORD.... I am guilty as charged for using the same scan. The claims being made were so outrageous in my opinion that I never bothered to consider the fact that I may have used the wrong scan .Around midnight last night I took the time to read through all the pages of this thread, and actually looked very closely at the scans provided...I have to concede here...I used the scan of the wrong book, it looks exactly the same to me as well .I simply did not even entertain the idea that Krypto Spidey's claims had any merit what-so-ever hence, I kinda came out swinging as I have a tendency to do.This was also wrong on my part. The 8.5 slab in question purchased from Krypto had in fact been cracked out and sold as a 9.0 at Wonder Con, if this is a crime...oh well . I had 5 copies of this book at one time recently and still buy every copy I can get my hands on for a good price . I recently had , and sold 6 Batman #232's for the same reason, they are popular, and sell quickly for a modest profit. I have contacted gentleman that purchased the raw copy mailed out to him yesterday, early this morning ( obviously he will be receiving the wrong book ) and advised him of my mistake. He will either keep it, or send it back for a full refund. His opinion does matter to me very much, unlike the opinion of some of the derelict's and their comments made here in this thread. A lot of this thread is simply not construtive in my opinion. This might be hard for some of you to grasp as "collectors" out there, but I have sold well over 4500 books this last year alone on Ebay, with well over a thousand transactions.... mistakes do happen, I made one, I am human. Does this make me Danny Dupcheck as one boardie compared me too...no . My selling record here, and on Ebay is nearly flawless, and for good reason, I care about my customers, I am also an honest person. Sometimes the wrong book gets sent to the wrong buyer ect... Thank you to those of you that judged me by our experiences....the rest of you don't matter, at all . A few of you that I thought were friends....I was wrong about that too. I hope this provides closure here, if not...oh well. People make mistakes, let the 1st one of you that is perfect step up and start throwing stones. I respect what is at stake here....however a lot of these post's are ludicrous . So to summarize, you're mad at us for calling you a because you were a and didn't want to listen to anyone and try to understand that you were a . So now this morning, you actually investigate what everyone was telling you, and you come to the conclusion that you were a , and you make an apology that isn't really an apology, it's to make the people that were calling you a less credible for calling you a . And after your long post, I still think you're a .
  7. The greatest griefs are those we cause ourselves. Female logic. Oxymoron. There is no such thing.
  8. Sorry. I was asleep. I'm here now, don't worry. Dice to the rescue... I have minions now!
  9. Just you wait. I hear Archie can suck the dimples off of a golf ball.
  10. I'm not trying to egg you on in this situation. But last time something blew up, you threatened people, promised to F their mothers, and all sorts of irrational challenges. I'd recommend not going down that path again, and threatening fellow board members. Especially sending emails demanding someone's personal info, which CGC would never expose themselves like that without a court order. Just go the path of truth, and if anything after looking this book over you felt CGC made a mistake. It is very clear this is the same book. The only mistake was not revealing in the sales thread this was formly graded by CGC and pressed. I think that is what has folks up in arms, and rightly so. Bosco...Thanks for taking a rational approach here with this comment. You are right about "last time" I did blow up and I shouldn't have. I am not making any threats here....I am simply stating the facts....Krypto has defamed me publicly, if I have legal recourse I will in fact be taking that path. No threats....just hoping he is ready to back up his very big mouth . I have done nothing wrong here. Just because I have sold the books doesn't make me guilty, also have done nothing to him personally . I should know by tomorrow what recourse I have of a legal sort.I also have a call into someone that actually witnessed me selling the CGC 8.5 at WonderCon. Just give it up already. It's the same book. No, it actually is. No, seriously, just like many other board members I overlaid the images in Photoshop and they are a perfect match. You didn't sell it at Wondercon. You didn't sell it on ebay. You cracked it & tried to sell it here. You have no legal recourse. Why? Because it's the same friggin' book. It took 300 posts before this was posted? You are 100% dead on the money, man. Frank needs to bone up and take his lumps because the only person he's fooling is himself.
  11. I'm not trying to egg you on in this situation. But last time something blew up, you threatened people, promised to F their mothers, and all sorts of irrational challenges. I'd recommend not going down that path again, and threatening fellow board members. Especially sending emails demanding someone's personal info, which CGC would never expose themselves like that without a court order. Just go the path of truth, and if anything after looking this book over you felt CGC made a mistake. It is very clear this is the same book. The only mistake was not revealing in the sales thread this was formly graded by CGC and pressed. I think that is what has folks up in arms, and rightly so. Bosco...Thanks for taking a rational approach here with this comment. You are right about "last time" I did blow up and I shouldn't have. I am not making any threats here....I am simply stating the facts....Krypto has defamed me publicly, if I have legal recourse I will in fact be taking that path. No threats....just hoping he is ready to back up his very big mouth . I have done nothing wrong here. Just because I have sold the books doesn't make me guilty, also have done nothing to him personally . I should know by tomorrow what recourse I have of a legal sort.I also have a call into someone that actually witnessed me selling the CGC 8.5 at WonderCon. Ahem... :blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah::blahblah:
  12. I totally missed that one. Can you give the Reader's Digest version? The Question said he sold a TOS 39 to buy some rims. Then he showed pics of his rides. Well, turns out the pics of one of his cars were taken from a website. Turns out he didn't own said car and the pics were lifted to show off. Fail! I'm speechless...
  13. I totally missed that one. Can you give the Reader's Digest version?
  14. I didn't really see anything wrong with anything the guy did until he just up and lied about it. They're the same book. There is zero doubt. To try to convince anyone that they are different is insulting. Man up and get it over with, Frank. The sooner you do the sooner everyone will forgive you. Trying to stand your ground when there is no ground to stand is completely insane.
  15. Sure he does. He can always start to dig. You're a regular Karnak.
  16. K. The guy is being 100% deceitful. I was on his side until he started lying. Wasn't Frank involved in some controversial selling racket before? Seems like I remember him being in the middle of some trifecta of lies, but finally managed to clear his name. Perhaps first impressions are the best. Then again, comic collectors will deal with the devil if he's selling a book they want. Crazy.
  17. How come after your lengthy (poorly written) response, the only thing you've done is post a few gifs and funny faces? Nothing else to say about the matter? I stand on the fence with this and actually hope for you to clear this up as you seem like a cool guy and all that - however it's clearly the same book. I mean your passionate response was...we'll... dishonest... am I wrong? Are we wrong? I'm glad I wasn't the only person that noticed this.