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Everything posted by Jesse-Lee

  1. Motion Picture #110 - 7.5 War Fury #1 - 4.5 HoS #4 - 6.0 Strange Tales #114 - 7.0 FF Annual #6 - 8.5 2 points this round - three bullseyes!! I needed that! Got a nice triple emoji from Mike, so I was hoping I did well!
  2. Did you buy them or were they free? If you bought them, how much did you pay? Do you like them and want to keep them? Will you feel regretful if you sell them? Would you rather have a few hundred or so (to maybe $1k+) dollars, or the books?
  3. This is easily one of the coolest things I've seen not only on this site, but just related to TMNT memorabilia in general. Congrats!!
  4. League of Comic Geeks does a nice job. Here's a link to their entry for Hulk 1 (the Red Hulk run) for example, and if you look on the right-hand side, you can see the other covers and click on them to learn more: https://leagueofcomicgeeks.com/comic/3204979/hulk-1
  5. That's probably a pretty good price for a 1st print. For what it's worth, CovrPrice shows VGs at about $211 and and Fine sale in 2023 for over $300.
  6. Oh sorry, I thought this was one of your sales threads and that was a reflex.
  7. Oof, I really crashed this round... More Fun #102 - 5.0 +3 Harvey Library #1 - 3.5 +3 TTA #11 - 6.0 +2 Spidey #38 - 7.0 +2 HoS #92 - 8.0 +5 (ouch) 15 points in round 2, after 5 in round 1...
  8. This showed up today - so glad I was able to score this one for retail. I don't buy a ton of modern variants, but this one I had to have:
  9. I was able to get this at retail (which was actually $50 - ouch), and now that I have it in hand, I am really glad I grabbed it. One of the coolest Joker covers I've seen, in my humble opinion:
  10. I agree - so far it's only the second time it happened to me, which is good. The first time, I went back to one of my favorite stores from when I was a kid (it's the store where I first bought The Killing Joke, Year One, TDKR, etc.). I was pleased to see it was still there, and I went in and it looked a bit like the beginnings of a hoarder situation. But I dug through piles - not bins, actual piles - of books for about an hour and pulled 15-20 books. Nothing was priced, so that was a red flag. I took them up to pay, and the guy at the counter said, "oh, glad you found some stuff - the owner will be back in about 45 minutes, so you can either wait around for him to look them up or you can just come back later to pay." I just laughed and said thanks anyway. It was a huge bummer.
  11. I've shared this one before, but it fits here - I wasn't outright banned, but I definitely haven't set foot in the shop since (and never will). This was just over a year ago: I was the only one in the store, and I was having a nice chat with the owner while I was digging in the bins. I had pulled a couple of books, including an X-men 244 newsstand - 1st Jubilee - marked $16 (but the owner said he gives 25% off any books over $11, so it would be a $12 book); and a Teen Titans 20 - 1st Crush - marked at cover price - $4. So as I'm digging, the owner says, "let me do a quick lookup on the ones you have there, just to make sure they haven't gone up crazy recently." Now for me, that's the cutoff for me ever going back to a store. But obviously in the moment I said "sure, here you go," and handed him the books. His store, his rules. He looks up the Teen Titans, and yells over to me, "Well, I'm sure you know this is the first appearance of Crush and it's a $20 book." First of all, of course I knew it's the first Crush, that's why I pulled it. Second, I didn't think it was a $20 book (and it isn't - I looked it up myself after and it usually sells for between $9-13). I said, "oh yeah? I guess I'll pass on that then." To which he goes off on a rant. He says "I've been starting to look stuff up the past couple of months because everyone comes in here trying to 'screw' me (except he used a non-CGC-board-friendly word in place of 'screw')." He goes on to say, "I'm an honest person, and it seems like everyone else wants to be dishonest. How would you feel if you were selling something, and someone bought it for $4 and you found out it was worth $20? You'd be p-o'ed." I told him, "I'm not trying to F you, I just went through and found stuff I wanted based on what your price was." He said that's being dishonest and looking to screw him over if I know that something is worth more than the list price. I disagree on that point - I'm not his employee; it's not up to me to pull books that he can then reprice. I mean, it's his prerogative to do that - it's his shop - but that's the last time I'd set foot in there. The other point is - if he had a book marked $40 and I bought it, and then found out that it actually usually sells for $20, can I get the difference back? The answer to that is no. So at this point he's turning red and I'm feeling my calm start to slip, so I say, "I guess I'll just take these two then." I had the X-men 244 and a $4 Wolverine run filler (which incidentally should have been a $1 or $2 bin book, but whatever.). He rang me up for $16, I told him to have a nice day, and I left, never to return. So he lost a repeat customer over what amounted to a $10 book he could have sold for $4. And he sold me a $30-40 book for $12, which is weird because he looked that one up too.
  12. Based on my performance, I have to stick with what works - which means I now have to wait until I've been warned twice that grades are due before I actually submit them. Sorry @CGC Mike...
  13. Thanks - I've been having an LCS lucky streak. Paid $8 for the Starslayer (although there are a couple of issues with it, but probably worth double that or a little more in condition, and it's the first time I've found it "in the wild"). Got the MCP for $1.
  14. Small $24 LCS pickup over the lunch hour today:
  15. Oh wow, I did a ton better this time around! Popular Comics #66 - 4.0 +1 Archie Comics #39 - 7.0 Bullseye! Thing #15 - 3.0 +4 (whoops) Incredible Hulk #5 - 1.5 Bullseye! Marvel Spotlight #10 - 8.0 Bullseye! 5 points probably still isn't good enough to be near the top, but I feel a lot better about it than the last contest.
  16. Went to a great and fun local convention today to hunt some stuff. I thought it might be fun to break down what I got based on where I grabbed it and how much I paid... First booth in the door - I got these in the 5 for $20 bins. The Batman 6 has some pretty rough gouges in the cover, like someone scribbled hard on a piece of paper that was directly on the cover (hence why it was in the 5-for-20). But even as a Batman collector I actually still didn't have this book, so I figured it was worth the $4 until I get a high grade copy. The Batman 286 is lower grade, but there's no way I'd pass on an intact copy of that book for $4: Second booth had some wall books, priced books, and then a couple of $5 and $2 bins. I got these from their $5 bins: And then these from their $2 bins - the Power Rangers is low grade, but again, for $2 I figured it was worth it: Next booth, I hit the $2 bins, and I got these 3 books (marked as $3 each, but they were actually $2): The dealer at that table also bagged my purchases in this sweet vintage Marvel 25th Anniversary bag, which was pretty awesome: The next booth I went to had $5 bins, so I got these - the Batman 615-619 were packed in one bag together for $5, so basically $1 each: The final booth I bought from had a bunch of 3 for $10 boxes. I got 16 books, and he gave them to me at the 15 book price:
  17. Wow, thanks! Something else I need to keep an eye out for!