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Joe Krolik-migration

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Everything posted by Joe Krolik-migration

  1. So? We're all obviously up anyway. Isn't that what all normal comics fans do at this time of night? Hey...do you realize that this is more posts in one night than I've posted in the last...what....three years? Yikes!
  2. Actually, what we were thinking of doing is to recreate the whole, entire original order which would not only fix this problem but probably elicit spasms of euphoria from some of the folks who've been dumping on us. BUT.....I am sad. Why am I sad? I am sad because Ryan won't call me. I sit, I pine, I cajole. Yet he refuses to call. Why must I torture myself like this? Why? WHY?
  3. Appreciate the effort. I'm still out of the loop on Larry. Anyone?
  4. Better than the few soap operas left out there, no?
  5. Whoever this Larry guy was he must've been a real.....well....I don't know what, because I don't know the story. But he just caused CBT to bolt, so he must have been something "exceptional". Anyone care to elaborate?
  6. @ Andy70: Ok, so who's this guy Larry? Never heard of him. Looks like your post was deleted by someone. (Hello moderator? Having a good time?) This should be good.....
  7. Actually while you guys have been jumping all over me, Ryan and I have passed a few e-mails back and forth. I tried to call him just now on both numbers he had provided in his orders, but they went to mailboxes or were not accepting calls. So I gave him my number and am currently waiting on a call. yes, even at this ungodly hour I am dumb enough to be waiting for a phone call of all things. yeesh....
  8. Hey I like Pie: I love the stop sign. How did you post it? I tried to post a shot earlier but couldn't figure it out because it kept asking for a URL and there was no specific url to put in the reference. Incidentally, for those of you who continue to jump to conclusions, there is a substantial history with good old Paul that goes back much further than that incident would indicate. I'm not going to go back in time to rehash the whole thing, but suffice it to say that they were looking for an excuse to make a posting like that and we fell right into it.
  9. No one noticed him off in the corner because there were many customers at the time, staff was busy assisting those customers, and no one was paying him any attention at the time. Besides, you would think that the sign on the pile would be enough, no?
  10. Yes, good old Paul. He forgot to mention the part where his dad picked stuff from a stack of books clearly marked as don't touch because they were being worked on at the time.
  11. Again more good points. Fyi, I just sent Ryan a note personally including the screen shot so he could see what it is and mentioning that it sure would have been easier to speak personally on the phone or something instead of doing this type of thing. Remember, I wouldn't have known about it except someone card enough to tip me off. to Comixcollector up there: e-mail me at the address I gave and I'll send you the shot. Happy to.
  12. Yes, we thought about that, but sure as shooting if we tried that someone would say we rigged the shot. So you can't win.
  13. Check my last posting about getting the screenshot. It establishes the timeline. And thanks for the kind words about being brave. I appreciate it.
  14. One more thing: A couple of folks mentioned stuff about disbelief up there. Anyone who wants to see the screenshot I couldn't figure out how to post is welcome to e-mail me directly and get it so you'll see my timeline is indeed correct. The e-mail is comics_america@ mts.net. Thanks.
  15. Hi guys: You should know that I would never have been aware of this campaign if someone hadn't alerted me to it, because as a rule (and don't take this the wrong way), there just aren't enough hours in the day to be here and do everything else that has to be accomplished. Anyway, here we are, and I'll take a minute out to answer a couple of the comments above: To Brangent: Looks like neither of us had any control in this case, either buyer or seller. That's why we harbor a secret dislike for technology because of these types of things. To r3d star: You make a valid point via a vis opportunity, but I would like to ask a question: When, despite the best efforts of both parties, a satisfactory resolution to both doesn't happen, does the other party go off and try to run a smear campaign about you or your organization? Is that an honorable way to handle a situation? How can the person who does such a thing possibly undo what's been done? What kind of person does that, regardless of how that person might feel? Yes, it does indeed suck for both parties.
  16. Hi gang: Normally we don't get involved in this type of thing, but some nice folks pointed out what Ryan was doing on the site here, so we felt it was only fair to respond. Here is text from a reply I sent to anyone notifying me of this. It's missing the screenshot which shows the dating and separate orders, but anyone who is interested is welcome to e-mail us and we'll send it along: [ Begin text: Without checking anything else about the order sequence, I assumed that there was a server glitch. Apparently not so. Or it could have been a combination of things, because the order was originally started on the 13th. We did the update on the Tuesday, which was the 15th, and it should have taken on that day. He then picked up the cart on the 16th, subsequent to the update, so we suspect that he saw the updated pricing and then decided to pick up the cart and formulate the amended order. We have a piece in our terms of service that covers that type of situation, and stipulates that abandoned carts which are subsequently picked up must be done so at prices currently in effect at the time of pickup. What we're trying to figure out is how the items added to the pickup didn't register properly. We did in fact offer a reasonable alternative (at least we thought it was reasonable). The alternative was one "set" of what he ordered at the price stipulated in the original order there, plus one set at the correct pricing which should have been in effect. He would have gotten 2 copies of each book, there would have been a blended average price there which would have still been substantially less than the updated pricing, and he'd be able to resell them at a reasonable profit. He declined that and came back with the single set offer. Incidentally, the way to avoid this problem is to place pre-orders for any issues that someone wants to speculate on. Pre-orders carry no limitations of any kind, and we're happy to ship them. The problem with pre-orders of course is that if the book(s) don't turn "hot", then you've got a lot of books that are being received with little upside. End text ] I appreciate the fact that Ryan included most of the communications between us. I thought that we were always polite and respectful, but you'll note that as soon as we declined his offer, he got steamed and went off on us a bit. Personally I don't see the purpose of a smear campaign, but I guess there's always one person in the crowd who has to do this kind of thing. And of course it subsequently attracts all the folks who like to jump on board with some of the comments you see above. So before everyone goes on the "chucks and sucks" bandwagon, you may want to try us out and see for yourself. Anyway, thanks for listening.