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Everything posted by DR.X

  1. Once again this year there will be 4 bonus boxes available. These are available to U.S. residents " only ". Sorry people but the shipping is just ridiculous now, but you can still win one of the four main prizes and have lots of fun in here. The first person who posts the AFTER I post the flashing signal will win the posted book. You must post the hand held sign, so brush up on it and make some practice runs. I will post a heads up with the available prize, and a time window on these, so pay attention if that's possible. These can pop up and any time 24/7 so don't cry to me if you miss one cause your fiddle farting around. LOL. Remember, wait for the flashing signal. CONTEST ENDS Sunday Night the 20th at 6 Central Time.
  2. READ CAREFULLY!!! U.S. RESIDENTS ARE ELIGIBLE FOR ALL PRIZES. OVER SEAS AND CANADIAN CONTESTANTS ARE ELIGIBLE FOR MAIN PRIZES ONLY WHICH WILL BE IN CASH THROUGH PAYPAL. Please keep this in mind as we get started. There are four main prizes - available worldwide 6 Mystery Boxes - U.S. residents only. 4 Bonus Boxes - U.S. residents only. Daily Doubles ???? - U.S. residents only. CONTEST ENDS Sunday Night the 20th at 6 Central Time.
  3. The Rules ----------------------- read this dorks ------- 1. You get "one " guess ( read rule #1 ) at the four main prizes. Take your time to figure up a lousy answer. No changing guess's. 2. Numbers & names are entered onto a list as we go. 3. Closest people to the actual number weather higher or lower are the winners. 4. If your on a list stay there and cry. 5. Anyone can win the four main prizes, or a raffle prize if one shows up, or a cash prize if out of the U.S.A. All other prizes are for U.S. residents only. Shipping is just outrageous but here's for those out of the U.S. If you hit one of the 4 main prizes and you are a non U.S. resident, I will Paypal you $30.00 in Christmas cash as the rest of the prizes go out. I'll just save the book for another time, or contest. Shipping rates are ridiculous up in to Canada or overseas, but I still want everyone to have a chance to win something. This way you can buy what you like, and save me $25/30 in shipping fees. Trying to make it easier on me, and you. LOL 6. Shipping is on me in the U.S.A. Prizes are mailed out after the holidays, and tracking numbers will show up here, unless I'm off on a secret mission or face down drunk in a strip club. 7. One alternate prize per person. This includes Mystery, Bonus, or Daily Doubles. Please don't post for another one screwing around because then I have to reset for the prize and it mess's things up. It also might stop someone who really wants that prize from posting for it. Be courteous. 8. Please don't disrupt our sheets by posting crazy numbers either, and don't post for a prize and then want to give it to someone else. Let's have some fun in here for a few days. 9. Someone give Wolverine X a tranquilizer. We know how he goes off the rails at contest time. CONTEST ENDS Sunday Night the 20th at 6 Central Time.
  4. The main contest is the same as usual. There will be Four Main Prizes, 6 Mystery Boxes, 4 Bonus Boxes, and maybe a " DAILY DOUBLE", or even two this year. I had to change the end date to Sun the 20th at 6 Central. I have a huge container that I save coins in all year. At the end of the year I cash it in. You know the program. Try and guess the amount of coins on display for the FOUR MAIN PRIZES only. The rest of the prizes are spread out randomly over the contest, and are won by posting to the various signals that pop up anytime 24/7, so pay attention and start drinking, and take a minute and read. And you must post the hand held sign, not type out " take it ". Fair is fair here. Thanks. I will post of picture of the change ticket from the bank, date and time stamped as it came out of the machine from the bank, after the winners of the 4 main prizes are announced. CONTEST ENDS Sunday Night the 20th at 6 Central Time.
  5. O.K. folks, we are just about ready to get started here. As usual, lets keep the nasty stuff out of here and have some fun for a few days. We do have a few women on here so lets be civil. Contest will end Sun night the 19th at 6 Central so figure out your schedule. LOL. I had to piece meal this thing together after the soft ware disaster. Be patient, we'll get it rolling. And don't get your undies all in a twist if you get your peanuts busted, its all in fun so get use to it, and roll with it. I thought for as many years I've been doing this we would have more people, but the old crew seems to be fading away, as new people pop in. Oh well. Feel free to spread the word to the other dorks in other forums and get them over here to play. We have lots of new people that joined this year. Get them in here to get scathed and maybe win something. Don't matter to me how many posts you have, just join in, its open season. Remember, no matter how wretched your guess is, everyone does have a chance to win something here, so get involved, somebody wins this stuff every year. No play, no pay. Take your time and read the rules and check out the prize lists. No need to be the first one to guess you have a few days to think about it. I try and tweek things a bit each year to make it more interesting wether you like it or not. And please hold off posting anything till I get everything up and running and post the change. Alright, here we go..................... CONTEST ENDS Sunday Night the 20th at 6 Central Time.
  6. Sucks to be you, bro. He said that last year, then clocked in late in the evening when he was on break or something, from some undisclosed location.
  7. nope just read the rules carefully so you get a hang of things. its all laid out pretty straight.
  8. who knows. we try and keep things civil, people are trying to win stuff and have some laughs.
  9. we do a pre contest thread every year to let everyone get boozed and riled up and blow off some steam. who knows how this is going to go this year with all the stuff going on with this Covid, lock downs, software glitch's and such. the contest always starts in a separate thread in general when it kicks off.
  10. Bingo, yet keep doing the same thing, and keep crying about moderation.
  11. I don't agree at all. I would hate to have my P.M. box flashing like the bat signal, and listen to endless whining and crying,.............. why me? I didn't do it.
  12. exactly...something not visible, or apparent, most likely brought it down... could be a dozen things. stain, water spot, inside covers, staple issues, torn pages, pieces missing, who knows. this guy sounds like a real pos.
  13. From the outside yes, but who knows what's going on inside. Same book looks like. Two distinct color flecks in the black top edge above the letter M and V in Marvel.
  14. Okay folks, here's the update. Had a fit all day yesterday as I fixed things once, then it reverted back to the old codes, and had to redo every thing a second time. I could pizz and moan all day but for what. I kind of pieced everything back together, so we will see what happens. I still don't have all the giphs loading right so there still may be a glitch but the show must go on. So bear with any delays once we start up. Some things still might not be in the right spot. Please be patient, like I said things may be a bit slow so don't start carpet bombing me with giphs and stuff until we see if we get things running smooth. So, hypothetical start time..............................later this afternoon between 5/6 I'll start loading the rules and prize list. Since things got messed up, and the start date, I am shortening this contest by one full day. We will start today, and it will end on Sunday at 6 P.M. Central time. We'll try and squeeze it all in in three days instead of four. Best I can do, so lets hope the new software holds up. Oh and there is a major change for Canadian and Overseas contestants, so please read the rule change. Thanks
  15. not at all. I took those pics earlier tonight. it's our cloaking device.
  16. as I'm catching up in this thread I'm seriously thinking about becoming a " problem " drinker.
  17. Actually, I'm in Indiana. I had to jump state lines. Thanks for the deep concern, but actually we solved the street light problem months ago. I live on the end of the cul de sac. We actually have some great people down here and we all look out for each other 24/7. When its nice out we set up a fire pit in the street, and people come down here and have a few beers, or whatever. The street light was bothering us so we decided to just pull he shielding back and cut the live wire. It was a site to see. People running everywhere. We then installed our own private light switch on the pole so it might be the only one in existance. We control everything on this block, even the pole.
  18. Actually, I'm in Indiana. I had to jump state lines.
  19. I redid all my images for the prizes in my contest this morning. Went out and did some shopping and looked and they are all gone................" again ". who's the insufficiently_thoughtful_persons that thought this was a good idea with all the sales threads, and contests going on.
  20. Contest update. What a time for a software screw up. Thanks to those that kept me from breaking out some WMD and taking it out on a light pole in front of my house that has been irritating me for some reason. LOL I feel for those running sales threads, seriously. Any, I'm doing double duty now editing the prize lists and books and reloading them. There may be a thing or two missing as I kept most of the pics in a file, and believe it or not I was going to delete them all a few weeks back just to clear up some space, but Sharon talked me off the ledge so I kept them. Luckily, as all the books are packed and have no way of taking pics of them again, unless I broke them out, and that was not an option. Don't know if the Giphs I collect for months will even be available. This really sucks, as many of them are targeted for certain people and dorks on here. I have to do some running. Maybe we'll try to launch the contest later this afternoon, but it might be a bit of piece mealed together. No sense in holding off thinking this software will update. Who knows when that might happen. Might also just shorten things up by one day. More later.
  21. got it and thanks. I'm reentering the pics and trying to straighten things out. Thanks Fantastic Four for the info but I'd need to figure that out, and I'm not real computer savy, and a bit bent right now.
  22. I tried again this morning but the links still won't attach pics. You can't even edit and reload a pic, as there is no "edit" tab visible yet only the quote button.