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Posts posted by Park

  1. I have decided to allow you to Richarddup whenever you care to. I will notify you, however, when you have, in fact Richarddedup.


    Oh, I do it a lot. :cloud9: You are gonna be busy on the notifications.




    By the by, I only put Richard so I wouldn't get a strike for masking like I had originally intended.


    Just to nip that in the bud before anyone named Richard takes me to task for thinking I was trying to subtly and passively/aggressively take a swipe at them.

  2. Seem like it might have help you in this situation.

    So to summarize: If he didn't want to receive a nasty PM from RMA, he should place him on ignore?


    While I would bet that you are good at your job, that isn't what he said.


    Nasty? I didn't realize you saw the PM?


    So I get this massive run on PM attacking my character, ethics, morals & intelligence. It was an amazing piece of work considering that he really wasn't even on my radar for the most part. Basically questioning how I could live with myself being such a morally & ethically corrupt person. I actually had to go back & reread what I had posted.


    I sent a reply asking him not to PM me again because I wouldn't be reading anything else from him. He sent me a second PM berating me in the Subject Headline,

    I've bolded the parts that would make such a PM "nasty" IMO. Maybe objectionable PM is a better phrase if you don't like nasty.


    I would go with unwanted.


    Nasty and objectionable are the same thing. You have already decided that you know the content and tone of the PM without having seen it.


    While I have no reason to doubt Boomtown, I haven't seen the PM.


    Even if the PM is irrefutably objectionable and just plain dickheaded, it just proves RMA may be a Richard. :o:o:o


    Sure it gives you one more feather to put in your hat on your charge to prove to the Boards RMA is a Richard but when the hell do you give up and let people just be a Richard?



  3. I'm sure none of the parties defending RMA has ever received one of his run on PM's. I think I made 2 posts in his earlier blowup. One consisted of "don't get him started again". The other was questioning whether his blowup had damaged himself more than Lonestar Comics. Never called him a name or attacked him in any way.


    So I get this massive run on PM attacking my character, ethics, morals & intelligence. It was an amazing piece of work considering that he really wasn't even on my radar for the most part. Basically questioning how I could live with myself being such a morally & ethically corrupt person. I actually had to go back & reread what I had posted.


    I sent a reply asking him not to PM me again because I wouldn't be reading anything else from him. He sent me a second PM berating me in the Subject Headline, who knows what he had inside the pm. I can just imagine some of the PMs sent to people he publicly dislikes.


    I would take "don't get him started again" as a swipe. How else can you take it?


    I would have told him to take a flying leap in the PM and put him on ignore. (I am guessing you don't know that the ignore function stops all PMs)


    On the second PM, send it to the moderators and publicly tell him to take a flying leap.


    I won't debate the merits of the PM since I haven't seen it but unwanted is unwanted.


    I just found out that if you have someone on ignore their PM's never make it through. I didn't think anyone could stop a PM.

    I had someone on ignore by accident and they had to have a friend PM me to tell me so.


    Seem like it might have help you in this situation.


    Accident??? Pffffftttttttttttt. That is not what the restraining order says ya big jerk.

  5. I feel really sorry for the guy that signs up here as a new member and a diehard Maxx fan and finds this thread. :eek:


    Talk about walking into the world's largest sausage measuring festival and contest. (sorry Sharon)




    Worse for him if he stumbles into your Beyonder love fest thread. :sick:




    I have scared everyone away from that thread. No one wants to play with me anymore. I'll just be the kid in the corner with the mismatched clothes eating boogers. :cry:



    Whose boogers? :ohnoez:




    It was just rubber cement. Trying to impress the chicks with my suave ways. :banana:

  6. I feel really sorry for the guy that signs up here as a new member and a diehard Maxx fan and finds this thread. :eek:


    Talk about walking into the world's largest sausage measuring festival and contest. (sorry Sharon)




    Worse for him if he stumbles into your Beyonder love fest thread. :sick:




    I have scared everyone away from that thread. No one wants to play with me anymore. I'll just be the kid in the corner with the mismatched clothes eating boogers. :cry:


    A role with which you have some passing familiarity, I assume.


    Passing familiarity my azz.


    Poster child circa 1976 until about 1982. Mix in white hair with glasses and the hand me down jeans w/ patches on the knees and any 70's era dork shirt and voila. Just add boogers.



  7. I feel really sorry for the guy that signs up here as a new member and a diehard Maxx fan and finds this thread. :eek:


    Talk about walking into the world's largest sausage measuring festival and contest. (sorry Sharon)




    Worse for him if he stumbles into your Beyonder love fest thread. :sick:




    I have scared everyone away from that thread. No one wants to play with me anymore. I'll just be the kid in the corner with the mismatched clothes eating boogers. :cry:

  8. The bottom line is that haters want him gone, and they follow him around to goad him into engaging all of them at once and making himself look like he is frothing at the mouth, because they want him gone. The real question is whether he will stop taking the bait before the haters get what they want.
    I don't see much following and goading in this last round of frothiness.


    Nope, just Bosco calling him a "scummer."


    My memory might be fuzzy, but I sat through the catfight and I don't recall Nick calling Rocky a "scummer." Did he cross the line of poor taste and judgment in his argument? Yes, certainly. Should he have just shut his mouth and let it go? Most assuredly. But the main point he was making was that Rocky's behavior impacts people's willingness to deal with him on a business level. As dismissive as Rocky or anyone else might be of this point, it is undeniably true (and would be true of anyone else who engages in polarizing behavior on this board).


    Bosco's point was still an opinion. People certainly rub people the wrong way and it affects the possibility of doing business but that is not unique to RMA.


    The funny thing is this hobby is rife with people dealing with complete crooks and unethical dirtbags to get the books they "need". The key there is my list of dirtbags is different from your list of dirtbags for the most part.


    Shut his mouth and let it go applies to many, many situations on this board as well.

  9. Really?


    He's a petulant blowhard who get his jollies from "winning" internet arguments - either through outright bullying or by dissecting every single minute detail of any previous post and then following it up with a wall of text designed specifically to make other people leave in exasperated disgust.


    Take out the "wall of text" part and how many members can we use that paragraph to describe? Even with the wall of text, there are several that fit that bill. Petulant blowhard describes 95% of the members on this board.


    He loves playing the victim, he revels in other peoples' dislike, and his constant need for attention, his self-aggrandizing posturing and tendency to carpet-bomb any thread within a 2 mile radius of the Copper forum makes these boards a shiittier place to be.


    Playing the victim= Poster I don't like defending themselves from my point of view. I know for a fact that he doesn't revel in other peoples' dislike. It is probably the #1 cause of the wall of text and defending himself and that comes off as "playing the victim". He doesn't make the boards a shiittier place to be.



    And, yeah, I have him on ignore - which, unfortunately, doesn't mean that I'm not subjected to his drive-by jabs & patronizing snarks in pretty much every thread of interest.


    At what point is the burden not on me to "go away", but rather on him to start acting like a friggin' decent human being?


    I can't even begin to possibly think of another poster that has more drive-by jabs and patronizing snarks thrown at him than RMA. There are so many patronizing and condescending azzhats on this forum that it is kinda weird.


    I can make a list of about 20 people ( you aren't included on that list) that I think are patronizing and condescending and are in dire need of an infusion of "acting like a human being". I can certainly make a case that they make these boards a shiitier place to be as well due to their presence. I choose to ignore them because I enjoy this place.


    I'm not about to let someone's words on the internet take away my enjoyment of this place. I can take away the power from the people I don't like or get along with or I can contribute to this place being "shiitier" by complaining about those same people non stop.


    The disconnect here is that one side sees RMA as the complainer and the other side does not.


    The day RMA steals someone's money or books, I will be the first in line to ostracize him. The day he does something immoral or unethical, I will be the first in line to ostracize him. The day he kicks puppies and clubs baby seals, I will be the first in line to ostracize him.


    I won't ostracize him because he is condescending or patronizing or just a generally overall obnoxious, annoying azz. If I did that, I would have to leave the boards because this place is full of them. I would have to place myself on ignore as well because I have been as much of a knob as anyone else.


    Also, I am fully aware of the whole quote thing I just did is RMA esque. I do hate to admit it but it is really helpful. But holy cow, it takes too much time.

  10. Great post. Most of RMA's detractors are suffering from the same dogged determinism that RMA is chided for. They can't let him go. They are just as much like a dog with a bone as RMA himself is. The problem is that they can't see it, because they are too busy saying "Look at RMA, look at all the threads he is in causing trouble," rather than saying to themselves, "Why am I following this guy around and pointing out what a I think he is?"


    It is almost always patently false. He is not causing trouble. He is zealously, vociferously and aggressively debating all of the points that he feels are worthy of his efforts. If you don't like it, go away. I did. Go find the last time I really engaged RMA. It was about the comics distribution system. I thought he was full of mess, but he kept on steaming along. Finally I gave up. He is still my friend, even though I think he was cuckoo for cocoa puffs for thinking that he knows exactly what may or may not have happened with pallets of Silver Surfer #4s circa 1969.

    What thread was that? Sounds like a good read. :cloud9:


    It was in the SA section and it was interesting and informative.


    Of course, I think Fingh got naked and RMA killed seven baby seals either in deference to the au naturel Fire God or maybe to just make a point. I don't remember. :blush:



  11. Well said indeed. I also don't understand the hate. The way some people here talk, RMA is akin to Hitler + Satan + Charlie Manson all rolled together into one evil ball. :screwy:


    I'll continue to defend him against the grave dancers.

    No offense guys, but this is a lot of bunk. I can't recall anyone comparing RMA to to those folks. The thing I hear over and over, and I've said over and over, is that he just can't help arguing with people. He never lets anything go. Eventually, he, and sometimes those he argues with, becomes nasty. He's not just fighting the good fight here. He's fighting every fight.


    You guys may not see that, but plenty of others do. He devolves his arguments into personal attacks just as often as though on the other side. He is NOT persecuted. It just looks that way because he picks so many arguments with people.


    Aside from Jeffro's admitted hyperbole, how many people on this site can't let anything go? 50? 100?


    That would include you. And you can certainly say that it would include myself and Jeffro and a couple of others as we constantly pop up to defend RMA.


    The nastiness and the personal attacks are 50/50 as far as blame. Most, if not all, arguments on this site devolve into "Oh yeah, you're a ". To me, that is a total no go as the attacks are not unprovoked.


    Saying he is "not fighting the good fight here" is (and I say this with all due respect) totally arrogant. It bugs the snot out of me when you and other people claim to know what the good fight is or that you need to "protect" other boardies from RMA. Now you may not mean it that way but that is the perception that I get when you post things like that.


    Written communication is very hard and it is very easy to be misunderstood. Probably 1/3 of my posts on here contain some form of "oops, I didn't mean it that way and I didn't think it would be taken that way". Sometimes I am just an insufficiently_thoughtful_person and to quote an anonymous boardie "pole vault over the line in a leopard print thong". I don't have 20 guys telling me I am an insufficiently_thoughtful_person. They just usually ignore and turn away slowly.


    Fighting every fight? Now RMA is certainly not minding his own business and ten posters come in and throw their mess at him, but every fight? Is there not a large group of people that immensely dislike RMA and can't let anything go either? If there is any disagreement with RMA involved directly or indirectly on these boards, there is a pool of about 20 posters that invariably show up and say something. And yep, RMA will not let it go without saying something and we are off to the races.


    Should he absolutely, positively just let some of the snide comments go and let them stand for what they are as snide comments? Well, yeah. Who amongst us can walk away every single time someone says something snide to them? Can you?


    I never said he was persecuted. Neither has anyone else that I can remember. Saying he picks so many arguments with people is just not true. I am as guilty of hyperbole as anyone else around here.


    I am not saying that RMA is the perfect poster. I am not saying that he doesn't deserve some of the criticisms directed at him. I am not saying that he does not argue and/or debate. I am certainly not saying that he exhales fairy dust and farts rose petals either. He is who he is and I consider him a friend and will defend him when I think he needs the defense. Just like you would and just like everyone here does for their friends.


    I certainly don't do it blindly as I had RMA on ignore in the past so I am well aware of his "issues".


    I am responding to you for the most part directly Mike because you are vocal and don't shy away from discussion. I won't be horribly offended if your reply consists of the words "off" and "fudge" in any combination. I won't be terribly offended if you don't reply either. I don't have the patience and reason of comix4fun and other posters, so I may start throwing my own mess at you after a while because I can and I may have run out of things to say. <--------- Joking. :)

  12. Well, the vote's 31 to 18, it's been a week, and you all decided. I would have honored the decision no matter which way it would have gone. Despite the misgivings of my well-intentioned friends, when people invent things about you out of thin air, anyone is hard pressed to not say something about it, especially...especially...when they say it when you can't reply.


    (thumbs u


    Sooooooooooooooo. How'd that work out?


    Sean voted "no."


    I totally did. I had a strong sense of how it was going to turn out. :(


    I voted no too but if it hadn't been that argument, it would've been the next argument he got into shortly afterwards. Arguing seems to be part of RMA's ideal board experience.


    What a shame, he goes ape mess a month ago, telling anyone who disagrees with him to put him on ignore. Many of us did as requested. He then goes out & finds someone else to create a fight with as soon as he gets back. Hopefully the mods will get tired of his act & just ban him next time.


    There was nothing in the argument that was strike worthy.


    This was two Boardies that do not like each other and both were doing the tango.


    His "act" is defending to the death what he believes is the truth. While that may be grating on many people, RMA is not running around here picking fights constantly as is the perception.


    While his threshold for letting things go is at a different level than most posters here, the constant RMA "loves to argue" meme is the epitome of not letting things die. There are posters here that think RMA is a raving lunatic from the word go due to the constant RMA loves to argue posts laid out every time he says "I disagree".


    If you don't like him or want to listen to him, then, yeah, ignore him. Just like everyone else though, don't be surprised if he responds to the people that take potshots at him.


    I really do imagine everyone here thinks RMA is the "pointy knee" dude alternating between porn and looking for fights on the internet. He is just some random guy with two dogs that really, really, really loves to talk about anything and everything. Yeah but he is this and this and this...well so am I and so is everyone else here.


    I don't know. I just can't understand the amount of hate (and it is hate) that RMA generates due to what he types on a message board.


    Oh well.

  13. There was a poll?


    Yes. It was for how many duck embryos lost their way into your belly in the Phillipines. The winning response was "Many balut were roasted in the belly of the greggy on that day, I tell you."

    The famous "Phillipines Pics". Greggy and hot chicks. :cloud9:


    Nicely done. :applause:

  14. Due to the repeat offenders from the list that keep creating shill accounts, I propose that once someone is outed as doing this that their REAL NAME and ADDRESS is put on the probation list.

    This will help us stop selling to these same assclowns that are lather/rinse/repeating us at their own free will.


    I've brought it up before but it's never taken root. We don't have to do it for the entire list. Just the ones that shill us and take us for fools.


    Debate this for a bit and put up a poll. I'm sure logic will prevail and we can take measures to keep the same few from doing it time after time.



    Any legal liability putting an offenders name and address out there?


    There are some really insane people out there and this Board is not immune to the crazy.







    But it was bad!!!! lol








    As a younger guy I did have fun reading it. The reason I really look back at it fondly is that it exposed me to all the cross-over titles I'd never read before. Secret Wars II got me hooked on X-Men, New Mutants, Captain America and more!


    It did the same for me as well. That is why I remember it as being so much fun. :)


    I am remembering some really stupid stuff right now like The Beyonder dating Dazzler? That is full on ridonkulous but for purposes of proving Fingh a hater, I shall refer to it as the Romeo and Juliet of 1985.



  16. I knew it was over when I read that Al Milgrom was going to have a substantial role in the creation of this miniseries. Such disappointment. For whatever strengths he possessed, this time for him at Marvel was not one of artistic excellence. Disappointed because the fact someone like Art Adams or John Byrne or even Bob Layton wasn't doing the art, I had absolute assurance nobody cared, it was a money grab, and it was going to suck.


    Pretty spot on, if I must say so.


    One wonders how much of it was painful for all concerned to write, draw, letter, color and edit. Shooter must have been drunk a lot


    My nostalgic remembrances say that you are a poopy head. :sumo:



  17. When I'm done, I'm sure I'd be willing to sell my SWII Ominbus.


    But so far, it's worth the money spent. It's pretty poor, at least the main story, but I have pleasant memories and some of the crossover books aren't bad.


    It's funny to look back and wonder what I was doing reading this and, say, New Universe, when there were so many other good books to be read. But I was 14, and as Park said, I think the other books would've been too dark and serious. Hell, I doubt I would've made it past issue one of Watchmen.


    I so wanted to like the New Universe books. I thought it was a great idea that those of us that weren't around in the 60's for all the new Marvel books could jump into all these completely new characters from the word go. So excited.


    I think I made it to about issue five with most of the books. It was so bad. And this is coming from the dork that had a yearlong woody for SWII. doh! Still bitter that those books were so terrible.



  18. Yes, I am like 20 months older than you are; please pass the dentu-cream. :P


    Yeppers. Starting my age with a "4" is creeping me out.


    Keep a lookout in the What Do You Look Like Thread in CG in a few months for my new Corvette and 19 year old girlfriend.



  19. It's not fun. I am not that old (except to Liam). SWII was putrid. Weird baby-like supreme being contemplates naval and turns building to gold. WTF??


    ASM 268. Spidey took home a solid gold notebook. :cloud9:


    In my memories, it was fun. I have hesitated buying the omnibus for fear of becoming cynical and jaded so I will remember it as being fun. :sumo: Although I never did read all of the crossovers. hm


    Thankfully, Liam is not nearly as jaded and cynical so here's to hoping he loves it as well.


    Secret Wars II was coming out at the same time as some really interesting indy stuff, Watchmen, Swamp Thing, DKR. My mind was being blown. I was just hopeful that it would be a fun fluff piece, like the first one. Instead, it was tragic. Most of Marvel's production from that era was pedestrian (and I enjoyed it) but SWII is really bad.


    I was full on into Marvel at that point as well. I was really getting into comics as a whole. I didn't enjoy readingWatchmen or DKR at that time because in my 14 year old mind, they were too serious and that wasn't what I was looking for in comics.


    To me, at that time, SW II was fun. It was ridonkulous but still fun. Not 50's and 60's DC ridonkulous but still out there. At that point in my comic book journey, I was exposed to all these other characters that I had not read about and it was fantastic. I hadn't yet read the first SW and this led me back to them. It also led me to trying out other books that I would not have looked at.


    So, for me personally, SW II was fun and led me to many other things in comics. I really am on the fence about buying the omnibus because it may very well be hysterically bad. Nostalgia may very well be covering up some bad writing and plotting but oh well, it's my nostalgia. :cloud9:




    You're still old.