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Posts posted by Park

  1. It's not fun. I am not that old (except to Liam). SWII was putrid. Weird baby-like supreme being contemplates naval and turns building to gold. WTF??


    ASM 268. Spidey took home a solid gold notebook. :cloud9:


    In my memories, it was fun. I have hesitated buying the omnibus for fear of becoming cynical and jaded so I will remember it as being fun. :sumo: Although I never did read all of the crossovers. hm


    Thankfully, Liam is not nearly as jaded and cynical so here's to hoping he loves it as well.

  2. Thinkin of a master plan

    Cuz ain't nuthin but sweat inside my hand

    So I dig into my pocket, all my money is spent

    So I dig deeper but still comin up with lint


    So I start my mission- leave my residence

    Thinkin how could I get some dead presidents

    I need money, I used to be a stick-up kid

    So I think of all the devious things I did


    I used to roll up, this is a hold up, ain't nuthin' funny

    Stop smiling, be still, don't nuthin' move but the money

    But now I learned to earn cos I'm righteous

    I feel great! so maybe I might just

    Search for a 9 to 5, if I strive

    Then maybe I'll stay alive


    I always liked the remix


    Old people. :preach:




    Were the Dr Frank and Muscleshark accounts ever banned or is he just a two-time HOS shill?


    I think he started as Muscleshark, threatened everyone in the Continental US, changed his name to DrFrankenstein, threatened the rest of the known world and then was banned?


    I think. I could be wrong about the banned part but not the threat parts.

  4. Rocky, both Sean and I voted, "no" and we claim you as a friend.


    Many who consider you an enemy voted, "yes".


    Just some food for thought.







    (thumbs u


    I wrote, and then edited out, and am now writing again,


    you're creeping me out with the low brow gremlin only posts.



    It is a terrifying amount of restraint. Samuel Clemens would be impressed.





    You're doing fine work here Green. :banana:

  5. Not too hard to figure out that it was a Canadian deal. I have been bitten in the butt by Canadian shipping a couple of times. Mostly because I am a typical American and assume everyone is American. So I have said things like "I can do that for $35 shipped." Only to find out it was Canadian shipping and I spent almost all of the money from the sale on the shipping.


    To me, it is incumbent upon both parties to comunicate. But ultimately, as a Seller, you have to live by the terms of what you said you were going to do, regardless of whether you take it in the can on shipping costs. And both of the Canadians were quick to remind me of what I had committed to when I asked if they could see their way clear to splitting the difference.


    I think the same thing goes for buyers, and if you did not deal with the shipping up front, then it really kind of boils down to it being whatever it is. Sucks, but I don't see any other rational resolution.


    I think I shall buy something from you when I go on vacation to some exotic locale just to see the Heat Miser's temperature rise.



  6. Always take a minute to read the rules of the sales thread. Most of the sellers on here have the costs and terms up front. The problem is sometimes ( and not refering to you), people start hitting books without knowing the shipping terms or location. If the seller is not clear on shipping costs and methods, send him a P.M. and ask.


    Having to mention in your sales thread that you're located outside of the US seems like a no-brainer to me - especially if you state that shipping costs will be "exact postage" :shrug:


    (thumbs u


    I think that everyone should list where their location is when selling. There are members here from all over the globe. I don't think we necessarily need a rule but just some more common sense.


    I don't think anyone is going to have a cow if someone asks what their location is in a selling thread. I am all for rules but don't want to have the rules become so unwieldy that it makes it unattractive to sell here.



  7. GRRM will start in about 4 - 5 weeks.


    I'm thinking about going right into King's Dark Tower series & then the Stand right after GRRM.

    The DT series was my favorite until I read A Game of Thrones. You have some very solid reading lined up. (thumbs u


    I've sat on the King sidelines since high school. I've been targeting these for a long time. I'm feelin it now.**




    It doesn't count when you're pimping yourself out for the OOCT. :rulez:

  8. Is tinkie1100 a boardmember? (shrug)





    hm Come to think of it, I have been displeased with my cellular carrier lately.



    :gossip: He is intimating that he may add his cellular carrier to the Probation List. Juxtaposing another even less related purveyor of services with tinkie1100 who does not appear to be a Boardie, and is thus ineligible for the PL, is a time-honored comedic technique.


    Is 'splainin the joke a time honored comedic technique too?


    More of a public service. Caira is a little obtuse sometimes.





    In the rough and tumble world of comedy when faced with a Darwinian moment where we can slow down the bus and go for the fart joke, I prefer to put the pedal to the floor and dare the forum to keep up.


  9. The first seven episodes I have found to be very patchy. The dragging out of the Sophia story only became effective with the end of episode seven. The farm setting has dulled the atmosphere of the show and they need to move on and out of there to pick up a more dramatic pace. It would be interesting to see if the show has retained viewers through these episodes.


    As far as characters are concerned - pardon the pun but they need new blood. They could do with killing a few off in one go:


    Lori - whiney and dull.

    Andrea - just annoying.


    And Shane. Yes, Shane - his constant macho posturing and cow eyes for Lori begins to get on the old nerves after a while.


    I think the female characters have been really let down by this show and it desparetly meeds Michonne to show up fairly quickly and inject a cutting edge.




    I can just see the group spending the next 6 episodes packing.


    This isn't Desparate House Wives either! It's a Zombie movie and people die. I can also do without Dale's precognitive abilities and the whole Shane issue. Shane needs to go, the show is having to create filler in order to extend his character which at the same time is creating a ripple effect with the story.





    I don't think they kill Shane for a while. I think he whacks someone else though. hm


    I do agree that the female characters have been weak. I do think Andrea started becoming more like the character she is in the books. Carol is just there and Lori is annoying. Probably more realistic considering what she is dealing with but meh I don't like her.


    Maggie has been very cool though. I dig her.

  10. I feel like they are spending to much time on this carl deal, but there may be a reason that I don't know about yet.


    I'm betting he is revived in the next episode, but by the time they find that girl they have to hit her over the head - and it's all dramatic and emotional.


    I can't believe they're stretching the missing Sophia girl for at least 3 episodes now. Now both kids are in dire circumstances. Guess it's not too hot to be a pre-teen on the WTD show (or a baby, per the scene of the bloody car seat...ack)!


    I think using Sophia's search allows the time to develop the other characters in the show. The book is completely character driven using zombies basically as a prop.


    Keeping them all in one general area let's the focus remain on the characters. Who here that has read the trades has NOT begun to like Shane? That's pretty cool for someone that was a throwaway character in the books.


    Darryl is also much more interesting this season and I couldn't wait for him to take a dirt nap last season. Andrea is a wench. I actually don't like Lori very much.


    I think they are going to flush out the characters a bit more over the next few episodes and then start whacking them. Then use the last few episodes to begin introducing new characters for next season.


    One thing about the Grantland article, there is no goal. There is no destination. There is nothing to head towards. We don't know where they are going and neither do they. They are just trying to survive. That is why I think it will continue to be a great book and television series.


    Oh yeah...



    Dumb thought just popped into my head...what about Shane turning into a Governor type character? Either Shane and Andrea run off together and come back or maybe a Shane and Andrea led revolt at some point that has the same results as the books? Just random thoughts.




  11. I'd list him at the top as well followed by the guy who should already be dead by now. I like Shane's character but I I wonder like someone pointed out that Rick's character seems to have suffered.


    In the comic Rick dealing with Lori/Shane and then how he reacts to Judy is part of Rick's character. Now I tend to side with Shane and almost want Rick out of the picture. The scene outside the church with Shane/Lori really hit this home. Other then the Zombies and everything that goes with that what internal conflicts does Rick have? Seems like a lucky SOB from my point of view. His family unit is intact and he is surrounded by potential zombie fodder. Nothing like the comic in that regard.


    That being said. I LOVE the show. This is a grade A attempt to bring Walking Dead to the small screen.


    "Like the man in the stall said to the guy waiting, give me time." - Al Bundy


    Remember, TV Rick knows about the pregnancy (I'm pretty sure that's what was whispered to him). Which means TV Rick either knows Lori had an affair, or will when the birth timeline gets revealed (like in the comics). I think it will blow up soon on the TV show too.


    I've never really thought that Lori had an "affair." She definitely thought Rick was dead on the show and, I think, thought the same thing in the comic. Her husband's died, she's now a single mom and the world's gone to Spoon. She's an emotional wreck and here is Shane, Rick's friend who she knows and trusts. It happened. My recollection is that she thought of it as a one-off while Shane was the one who secretly pined for her and now had the real chance.


    I also gotta say that I like TV Shane better than comic Shane. More rounded and we're more involved with him. It will make it that much more touching when Carl knocks him off.


    I agree with everything you said. You're right, I shouldn't have used the word affair.


    I also don't think CDC guy whispered that to Rick. They hardly knew each other and I can't remember if Shane and Lori talked about that at CDC while on tape so don't know if CDC guy even knew. I think the whisper was more like "there is no cure" or "you will regret leaving here" or something more philosophical. Not "Watch for out for Shane, he banged your wife." 2c


    Here I disagree. Remember, the price of admission into the compound was that everyone take a BLOOD TEST. You can definitely tell a woman is pregnant from bloodwork. So it makes perfect sense for the doctor to find out she was pregnant, and whisper to Rick, "I analyzed everyone blood and your wife is pregnant." (thumbs u



    I think he told her that Lori was pregnant also.


    I also think the TV series is taking more time to develop the other characters where as the book just developed the other characters along the way on Rick's journey. They are flushing them out now. I think it is fantastic that we get to enjoy essentially the same story yet so different at the same time.