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Frisco Larson

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Everything posted by Frisco Larson

  1. Wow, that is SO interesting to me!!! Seriously, I've never really given any thought or much notice even, to the concept of them being positioned under their name or lack of positioning under their name! I suppose that's just an aesthetic thing that either REALLY bothers you or it doesn't at all. Sweet copy you've got there by the way!!! Such a great issue too!!!
  2. Oh yeah, I knew you were just joking and that's how I took it. I was asking your take on why you think that info wasn't included on labels. I agree it would be nice if artists and writers were given label credit! I mean, they sure weren't PAID much for their work ... the least we could do is honor them going forward!
  3. That quick group pic above doesn't do the books justice! Here are some quick pics with my phone (not the best) that show them closer to what they are.
  4. I DO have a cool story about an original owner find that came thru a local shop a few years ago. I swung in randomly one day and in talking to the manager, he informed me of a Golden Age collection he was set to view the next day. We agreed to stay in touch. Leaving the parking lot, I phone my buddy, pretty excited about the prospect and offer a "might wanna get some cash together." Low and behold, the next day I find out the collection was purchased. This was Saturday afternoon, and in talking with him, he read off some titles and issue numbers in the collection to me. I heard an issue number I'd been looking for and he said he'd have the books at the shop nearest my place on Monday and that nobody else would see the books before me. Something inside me said not to take the gamble and I had him leave the book at the store location he was currently at (he graded and priced it for me and left it under the counter with my name on it) and that I'd swing over and grab it right then. He said that'd be fine because he was leaving and taking the rest of the books home to finish grading and pricing over the weekend. I thank him for leaving the book for me and tell him my buddy and I will be see him after work on Monday. I IMMEDIATELY leave my house and drive to the shop holding the book for me!!! Understand, this is a book I'd been wanting for quite a while and was having NO luck obtaining! I get the book, count pages, have him ring it up and off I go!!! I phone my buddy, saying that I felt odd being more aggressive than I'd normally be, but I got the book, and all is cool. I read off the list of books in the collection to him. Early DCs o'plenty!!! Superman 6, 8, 10, 14, etc... Batman 6,7, etc... Actions, Detectives, Sensations, World's Finest, MLJ & other humor, Fawcett & other superhero, etc. It's hard to remember it all now, 3 - 4 years or so ago. We make some tentative plans ... I'll get the Bat 6, he'll get the Bat 7 and so on. Well, we meet there on Monday after work (I beat him by 15 minutes) and come to find out a store employee leaked word of the collection to another collector, who came in and cherry picked as much as he could afford!!! Gone were the Supe 6, 8 & 14, the Bat 7 and a number of other very desirable issues!!! The manager friend apologized about the leaked info, but there's just not much to say about that, I mean they ARE in business to sell comics, so my buddy and I picked over what was left. I let him get the Bat 6 and I got the Supe 10. I actually backed off and let my buddy go wild buying, as he had an eye for selling some to help fund the purchase, and I DID get that initial comic from that Saturday phone call, which I NOW felt that I did the right thing or THAT would've been scarfed up by the cherry picker dude!!! The Saturday comic purchase is below, and I decided to get it certified. I also took a quick pic of my haul that Monday evening, which is also below. I DID end up selling the MLJ humor books and I think I sold the Sensation too, but I still have all the rest of the comics in the photo. A comic safari we'll never forget!!!
  5. What a fantastic story!!! Congratulations!!! An absolute DREAM come true!!! I hope I have one of those stories still ahead in my lifetime!
  6. Well done! Clearly, I'm mistaken, as this is evidence that the information COULD be included. What's your take on it @Professor K?
  7. Agreed! It's been a while since I've had any raw copies of either title, but his Fang Gow in early More Fun and his Barry O'Neill in Adventure (I seem to recall New Adventure as well) were some of the best artwork in comics at that time! It's pretty unusual that he didn't draw more cover assignments in his career at DC!!! I was very happy to get that splash page for the Dr. Fu Manchu story in Detective #27!!!
  8. I think a lot of his interior art is omitted on labels. It's probably nothing intentional, just a matter of a limited amount of space.
  9. Restoring it back to it's Colorado homeland? Are you opening a new store in Colorado called Bedrock City Central? I could see you doing that! Slowly taking over the country with funny book shops! Maybe you could buy Church's old house just to store your collection!!! I might be persuaded to be curator of the collection, as you'd clearly be too busy opening stores to keep everything freshly bagged and boarded. This could work! Oh boy, I'm excited!!!
  10. You Sir are always a positive force in all things Kirby related!!! Now if only we could get you to roll your eyeballs over this Ditko fellas artwork, THAT would be a great day! . . .
  11. These are just awesome!!! You've got a great collection here!!!
  12. Thanks! I know some people think I'm nuts buying these, but I really dig them and appreciate when someone else does too!!!
  13. And I would've bet folding money you were going to go in this direction ...
  14. Good eye Billy Boy! That's part of the reason I dig those La Prensa copies! Look at Subby on THIS one Park!!! Sub-Marinero!!!
  15. There's a 4.5 on the C-Link exchange that is from an original owner collection from my state, and I was able to get some books from the collection. VERY fresh copies haven't hit many hands in their lifetime. It's got a big price on it, but it may be worth it. Check it out! Congrats on your 2.0!!!
  16. Silver Streak Comics #2 to Star Spangled Comics #2.
  17. Ha! This reminds me of a meme I made a few months back ...
  18. I'll be right behind you, following your lead @bc!!! I think I've got a few Kirby splash pics already in the folder, but I'll see what I can do about snapping some pics of others!