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Frisco Larson

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Everything posted by Frisco Larson

  1. GREAT grab Surfer!!! It's funny, this book was fairly easy to find in the mid 90's. I had a nice copy and saw plenty of other nice copies at shows. I've seen very few for sale in the last 10 years or so. Ok, who's sittin' on a big stack of 'em?? West ..... I'm lookin' at you brother As usual Jimbo, your memory is impeccable. Here is a shot of the display case by the cash register in my comic store from the mid 90's, and look what is sitting in it Thanks Billbo, but I can't help but stare at what's sitting NEXT to it Hey .... I bought that Young Allies #2 Then Billy got it from me. It's the famous CFO copy
  2. GREAT grab Surfer!!! It's funny, this book was fairly easy to find in the mid 90's. I had a nice copy and saw plenty of other nice copies at shows. I've seen very few for sale in the last 10 years or so. Ok, who's sittin' on a big stack of 'em?? West ..... I'm lookin' at you brother As usual Jimbo, your memory is impeccable. Here is a shot of the display case by the cash register in my comic store from the mid 90's, and look what is sitting in it Thanks Billbo, but I can't help but stare at what's sitting NEXT to it
  3. Chet Kozlak. Oh, I see someone figured it out. I can't believe you didn't know that Billbo Ya know, ya coulda asked the guy who sold it to ya
  4. Billbo, I purchased the artwork directly from the buyer who got it from Chet Kozlak himself. I still have the catalog from the collection and it states this about Kozlak: "Chester Kozlak illustrated various adventures of D.C. characters from 1942-1947 - Flash, Green Lantern, Atom, Wildcat, Hawkman and Justice Society. To assist in his illustrating duties, Chet was often given comic books, tear sheets and art to use as character guidelines." That is why the collection contained art from such D.C. legends as Jack Burnley, Joe Kubert, Sheldon Moldoff, H.G. Peters, Irwin Hasen, Paul Reinman, Hal Sherman, Mart Nodell, Hibbard, Blummer, Young, Mayer and Kozlak himself. Enjoy the artwork pal, you were about the only person I'd sell it to
  5. GREAT grab Surfer!!! It's funny, this book was fairly easy to find in the mid 90's. I had a nice copy and saw plenty of other nice copies at shows. I've seen very few for sale in the last 10 years or so. Ok, who's sittin' on a big stack of 'em?? West ..... I'm lookin' at you brother
  6. Killer copy!!! These books have some of THE best Everett artwork of his career. They're generally pretty tough in grade too.
  7. Same to you Jimbo Thanks Billbo!! I hope you had a great Christmas (thumbs u I hope you had a wonderful Holiday Jimmiojumpnjive (thumbs u i'm sure all my geekopotomiirorovianovites had a GREAT x-mas. I did!!!! I hope you did too Billy boy (thumbs u
  8. Same to you Jimbo Thanks Billbo!! I hope you had a great Christmas (thumbs u I hope you had a wonderful Holiday Jimmiojumpnjive (thumbs u Thanks Ricardo!!! I hope you did too
  9. Same to you Jimbo Thanks Billbo!! I hope you had a great Christmas (thumbs u
  10. Since I find myself doing most of my posting under this thread, it is here that I'd like to wish everyone a MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!
  11. YAY!!!! Thanks for the update Matty!!! I've been looking forward to this book from the very first mention of it. I will buy several copies!!! Everyone here knows how busy you are and nobody expects you to put your life or work on hold to finish this time and money consuming labor of love. Of COURSE we all want to see it done, but most of us understand how much work is going into it and the fact that you will likely NEVER recover all of the time and money you put into this project. Therefore, I personally will wait patiently for the day of it's release (thumbs u ....the Gerber's were worth waiting for....this will be too. GOD BLESS.,.. -jimbo(a friend of jesus) (thumbs u VERY true!! And think what fun it'll be to use the pedigree book to help spot pedigree copies in the photo journals!!
  12. Even though it's a bit hard to see, I like the roasted flesh on the brander's shoulder that's been sheered off of his face by the Torch's mighty uppercut. I also like the idea that one branding iron might not be enough to achieve the desired effect, so they had another one on the fire ..... just in case!!!
  13. YAY!!!! Thanks for the update Matty!!! I've been looking forward to this book from the very first mention of it. I will buy several copies!!! Everyone here knows how busy you are and nobody expects you to put your life or work on hold to finish this time and money consuming labor of love. Of COURSE we all want to see it done, but most of us understand how much work is going into it and the fact that you will likely NEVER recover all of the time and money you put into this project. Therefore, I personally will wait patiently for the day of it's release (thumbs u
  14. Thanks David!! It's good to know that SOMEONE appreciates my sarcasm at 2:15 A.M. (thumbs u
  15. It gives one pause to consider if that cover image of Robin being surrounded by a bullseye is an accident ....
  16. first of all, fantastic books everybody. I mean no disrespect, they are just beautiful. But, I can't help but note that bondage covers work better with damsels in distress IMO than with cowering sidekicks. I'm just sayin'. Your mileage may vary +1 I know Billbo. The dyed in the wool DC man that you are MUCH prefers Robins ability to get to the "bottom" of things, as on the cover of Batman #7
  17. first of all, fantastic books everybody. I mean no disrespect, they are just beautiful. But, I can't help but note that bondage covers work better with damsels in distress IMO than with cowering sidekicks. I'm just sayin'. Your mileage may vary I agree Bronty. I can only guess that Schomburg was attempting to mix it up a bit. I HAVE heard collectors complain that his covers became too "similar" after a while. Either way, at least we were spared seeing Toro's face thrust between some bad guys butt cheeks ala Batman #7 (thumbs u
  18. love it jimmy! Thanks Billy boy!! Let me say that your run of Marvel Mystery Comics has been a joy to see on these here boards!! It's a RARE treat indeed to see the entire run in the collection of one person. I'd guess not many collectors have accomplished that goal
  19. It's ok I guess... If you are into those sort of books. Hehe Thanks Gator, but me thinks you've been on one too many road trips with Parker.
  20. WOW!! This is awesome for a variety of reasons Can anyone explain why the label DOESN'T read 10/39??
  21. Whatever happens, don't use Billy's scanner. I'm pretty sure I just pee'd a little