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Golden Pete

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Everything posted by Golden Pete

  1. OP is Alex btw...yep he's a thief alright! SO everyone here that is stuck on my use of "could have" is because I'm referencing something from page 1 of this thread of what @mattn792 has said about my trnasaction with him and I quote word for word here, "EDIT: Let me add one more positive too -- I slightly mis-addressed the shipping label when I sent my books; Peter flagged this when I sent him a photo of the shipping label for tracking purposes. Entirely my fault as I had read the shipping address wrong. I was able to get in touch with Peter's local PO, explain my mistake, and they took care of it so that the books were delivered successfully. But had Peter wanted to be devious about it, he could've played the "nope, never arrived card", and we could've wound up in a urinating competition. But there was no hint of any deviousness like that." No further comment.
  2. Hall Of Shame worthy? If so then do what you all like. It's fine. I would never keep a refund plus the books; hence the $828 that I have sent. And I spoke to PayPal again today and the $927 he sent on the 28th is still pending and it is pending because it is a echeck it can take 5-7 days to clear. The $828 that I have sent that was not pending that he keeps bouncing back is probably because he is stopping payment of his echeck to force me to send these back to him; that's fine. So when he bounces the echeck to effectively open a PayPal case which is currently closed... This is clearly a waste of time for me to keep coming on here however much I enjoyed the great conversation on here; so I just listed the facts above and we wait as this is what Alex clearly wants to keep dragging out this situation. I tried to do what many suggested here by just sending money to him to make it right now that I did that everyone is saying the contrary. So I digress. People have said to do this and then when I do it...oh man you messed up Pete why you doing that you forcing money down his throat. Then someone will say just back off and when I back off why are you not more motivated get this resolved. I have tried to do the "right thing" and now just keep the items and live with the slabs and getting them reslabbed on my own dime and to just move on and not keep dragging this out weeks more by sending items back. So every time I bend I get knocked back and no problem, I get it. However, it seems I can do no right so you guys please do whatever you want! Think of more things wrong that I'm doing. So you all do whatever you want and it is clear to me I will be on here forever! I love it here! I'm out. And now continue the lambasting of Golden Pete..
  3. I promised I would show more bugs slabs if I found some and I forgot about this one because it's so minor compared to the Captain Carrot, but I now remember I did send this one to Alex back (pic #4 was sent to Alex) in June when I sent a bunch of pics to him regarding the white/marks/scuffs/scratches to inner well. This is a prime example of what I was talking about there being these bug exoskeleton things just free flowing in the open top cgc poly bag ( I thought I tossed most of the bugs from the slabs but here are some more and they are much smaller than the bugs in captain carrot slab as these are not whole insect exoskeletons but small pieces) Pic #1 small bug exoskeleton piece on lower left side Pic #2 This bottom of from slab flipped up so you can better see these tiny bug exoskeletons that are on the outer case from the inside of the open top cgc poly bag (bug pieces to the very left right in the bottom corner and one towards middle. Pic #3 front slab image Pic #4 This is the original pic I took when I was looking more for white/marks/scuffs/scratches that was sent to Alex back in June in that batch of images sent to him. If you look very closely towards the bottom inside of case you can see the very tiny insect pieces at bottom of case. Honestly, this is pretty insignificant as far as bugs but when you have like 10 or so of these slabs that have bug bodies inside the poly bag it does adds up, but this is one I never wanted a partial for as I didn't think it was big enough to complain about, but it is very educational and I thought I just note it here for educational purposes only not to complain. Because these slabs are mine No more complaints from me!
  4. You're absolutely right; I should have kept my mouth shut about the slab problems because it only added to the communication break down and the few months of disappearance did not help my case. I should have not come on here from all that time off and opened a PayPal case because quite frankly my "panties" were in a bunch because I felt like I was being accused of receiving a comic I never even ordered and the other issues that were present in the first order. I'm over it and I have apologized here and to @AlexH several times over the past few days! probably dozens and dozens of times. I now see the light! I understand what the great @Domo Arigato was imparting to me with his wisdom of how to navigate this problem; I alone created. Thank you all that have posted here with awesome advice and input it is all appreciated and one day maybe I will become a seasoned veteran while I navigate @mattn792 @KCOComics @crassus @DocHoppus182 @redb87 @MyNameIsLegion @Turnando @thehumantorch @greggy You all showed me to calm down take a deep breath and now I enjoy being here in my very own probation thread and I'm keeping the slabs as a constant reminder of the mistake I made! @AlexH said earlier today here that he does not want unhappy customers...Well, now I'm a super happy satisfied customer! Thank you @AlexH
  5. I also came out gun blazing and did everything right for someone that disappeared for awhile at least after a day when I calmed down after being accused of receiving a book I never ordered. I apologized. I sent payment for everything. I again apologized for my noobish behavior. I again sent payment for the items I had And remember for these past five months I had over paid by almost $100 for the items that Alex sent (missing those 6 slabs); $99 to be exact. I'm eating the costs of the reslabbing. I now love bugs! And now I want to face my punishment by staying on here as long as everyone thinks I should And I'm keeping the books that I paid for as a reminder of my responsibility. I paid for these books in full ($99 extra to be exact) when I opened the PayPal claim and now that's it closed. I still have paid for these books in full! These are my books and my punishment alone! I'm not asking for anything. I'm doing what's right and what's right is I keep my property that I paid for in full five + months and running and don't complain just enjoy what I have. I'm not making any excuses. Alex, obviously doesn't want to finish the rest of transaction which became clear after I sent him an entire $1650 paypal. And that is his right. And my right is to retain my property and if he wants to keep me on here then so be it. I'm no longer asking him to apologize for wrongly accusing me of receiving a book I never received. I'm over it. I'm moving on.. And this is the simplest way to solve this; we both walk away and that's that.
  6. Welcome to my probation channel! So how is everybody doing on here? I'm doing swell. How is everyone's night /morning going so far?
  7. You is/was @KCOComics as he suggested I pay up in some previous posts. I just cut & pasted that for you because he also asked for the cliff note version. I'm not trying to extend a transaction and by sending the items back this extends it for potentially weeks as this would be going from USA to Canada. I want to own up to my part of the deal and keep these slabs with the issues and that's that; he's paid up. I have mentioned it here already; you all made me see the light. I'm ok with the blemishes with the slabs! I messed up with communication. I honed up to it by attempting to pay for the entire two orders. And when that didn't work I paid for exactly what I have and nothing more nothing less. I asked for nothing else and dropped any other claims about partial refunds or what have you. I messed up and I should be able to now keep the slabs if I want to. Paypal case is closed. Alex doesn't have any further obligations to me or anything with this transaction. I'm trying to do the right thing here. I want this to end. I sent him the money. I think we are done. We can both go our separate ways and I can keep staying here in purgatory to serve out the rest of my time here in probation land. I'm fine with it. If Alex wants to prolong this so be it; that's up to him. I messed up. Now, I want to pay the price and stay here for how ever long everyone deems fit for me to stay here.
  8. Has it? Yes, not sure now because haven't checked, but I'm not one to take slabs without paying . Ask him @AlexH. He doesn't have dialogue with me.
  9. here are the rough cliff notes that I responded to @KCOComics: I basically did what you told me to do. Offer to pay up and I did and its been back and forth since. Very fast cliff notes: he refunded the 927 out of PayPal case, PayPal case is now closed, I could have kept the money and the slabs because he refunded out of the claim but I did what you said pay for everything which I did I even paid more at a total of $1650 US dollars, he sent it back, then I paid for the exact slabs I have $828 and it's been back and forth since. I have atoned for my mistake. I messed up. I made good. I admit it. I now love my slabs with the defects that I mentioned. I told Alex he owes me nothing more. I expect nothing more from him. I want to keep these slabs so I can suffer the consequences of opening a premature case. You guys helped me see the light. I now embrace this probation thread and I like it here!
  10. Yes. If there is a case open between you and the seller. The seller can accept a return because all PayPal can make the seller do ultimately is accept a return anyway. Now if the seller just refunds you the money as the case is still active; then the case closes, but the buyer does not get a notice to return the item back to seller. The case simply closes. The money goes back to the buyer and PayPal has no further obligations in this matter. Yes and Yes. However, I did not do that as mentioned in these messages here.
  11. Exactly! Well, said. I think we have. I made it easy for him to keep the amount paid in full and let's just go are separate ways! And I keep the slabs as a reminder to fulfill all obligations with no complaints in the future that are over a reasonable timeline.
  12. Big squirt to you my friend... You're doing great my friend. And when I say scammed let me clarify....PayPal told me this over the phone when I called today that since Alex bypassed the claim and just straight refunded without going through the actual claim return process as far as their concerned I could keep the slabs and the $927. And each time he sends me $828 back and I sent it back; I could just keep the slabs and the money, but like I said earlier I'm not doing that. I will take the "scammed" part out of any future post here! Thank you for your input and I appreciate you!
  13. I basically did what you told me to do. Offer to pay up and I did and its been back and forth since. Very fast cliff notes: he refunded the 927 out of PayPal case, PayPal case is now closed, I could have kept the money and the slabs because he refunded out of the claim but I did what you said pay for everything which I did I even paid more at a total of $1650 US dollars, he sent it back, then I paid for the exact slabs I have $828 and it's been back and forth since. I have atoned for my mistake. I messed up. I made good. I admit it. I now love my slabs with the defects that I mentioned. I told Alex he owes me nothing more. I expect nothing more from him. I want to keep these slabs so I can suffer the consequences of opening a premature case. You guys helped me see the light. I now embrace this probation thread and I like it here!
  14. I am all paid up, but as far as @AlexH being satisfied who knows. According to @DocHoppus182 I should return the slabs. Why can I not just suffer the consequences of opening a PayPal claim in the first place and keep the items if I'm all paid up on it? I could have scammed many times during this long ordeal and I have not because @mattn792 knows I could have scammed him too, but I don't do that! And I want to suffer my bad judgement call because you all helped me see the light! @AlexH returns the money then I politely send it back because I should hold up to my responsibility!! What's wrong in that? Also reslabbing at least four slabs more than likely covers any shipping costs to Canada; so we're more than even and everything should be super fair for both parties. If it's not... next time I go to Canada I will meet with @AlexH personally at a con take him out to get some food and beverage of his choice and we can chill. I have also attempted to ask him to speak over voice chat or telephone because that is usually better than just chatting here, but hey whatever floats his boat!
  15. Where does it say I cannot keep slabs that I paid for? Technically when he refunded the 927 before the PayPal case closed; I could have kept the money and the slabs. I choose to not do that because for one that is wrong! If I want to have a change of heart and I want to own up to my mistakes and keep the slabs I should be allowed to do so. I paid for them in full. And if he refunds me; I just pay for them again. why? because that is the right thing to do to suck it up and accept the consequences and if someone believes otherwise then more power to them. I believe since I did not communicate properly when I was gone because of family issues; I should suffer the consequences.
  16. Yes. I would prefer that I suffer the consequences of the slabs and he keeps the 828 paid in full. I did not get a dime off from what we agreed upon and thats how it should be ; as you all have helped me to see the light. If he wants to have dialogue with me...I'm here. If not I will just chill it here in my own little niche thread.
  17. Domo, I like it on here ; it's like my very own little planet. I'll just stay on here for awhile longer and chill it.... I deserve it; no worries. @AlexHclearly does not want to hear form me anymore and I'm not going to bother him, but I'm sure he will see this chat. He's a reasonable fellow and I have no problem doing my time in here for the foreseeable future.
  18. And in the future if anyone sees me trying to buy some slabs from you just tell me to F off & that we can't trust you Chinese @greggy I will take it with stride and not bother anyone who doesn't want to sell to me!
  19. @AlexH Just accept the money already for the slabs that I have as we are all paid up. I'm now a satisfied customer. Paypal case is closed. You don't owe me a single dime. You owe me nothing. You will never hear from me again after this is completely over. You don't have to send any partials or reslabbing fees. We can both go out and enjoy our own lives. And if you feel I should stay on this probation list longer to learn my lesson to communicate better in the future; so be it. I resisted it in the beginning, because it was a shock to come back to this, but cool peeps like @Domo Arigato @redb87 @Bird @KCOComics @mattn792 etc. have helped me see the light and that it's ok to be on the probation list! I should be punished. I kinda like having my own probation nomination thread here where I can chat with other seasoned veterans!
  20. I'm currently placing all these slabs in mylite graded bags for the time being so everything stays reasonably contained within the closed bag and nothing can fall in from the top .
  21. Maybe I will start a thread where I attempt to get these bugs out because this is an older generation case that probably has a bunch of gaps I can try to slide something in there like you can do to take out newton rings, but I'm not sure if it would just cause more of a mess with these exoskeletons crumbling up in the slab; so will most likely just reslab once the cgc turn around times look better.
  22. I answered where I think it came from in a July 31 st email message that I posted here and I answered here last night when Matt792n asked about it in the threads. I think it came from Alex's storage unit, honestly as that is a logical assumption. As most of those cheap cgc open top poly bags had these same type of bugs exoskeletons in them, which I have since just emptied out those bags with the bugs. The Captain carrot is the only that I know of that actually had these same bugs inside the slab, but I will examine the other slabs later as far as anything bug related. I hope you all understand I'm trying to move on and I'm sure he wants to as well. I'm just going to deal with it and I paid for the slabs I have. I was going to send them back but the right thing for me to do as @redb87has mentioned here to suck it up, not complain anymore and take responsibility for this situation and I have done just that! So this will be a constant reminder to just drive on...
  23. Bird, If you want to voice chat lmk. Otherwise, I'm done with this. I paid him for the slabs I have. I have apologize. I paid for the second order as some have suggested here. I have followed most member suggestions here...I apologize again and again and I sincerely mean it as far as my communication woes. And the PayPal case is closed. I have paid the price publically here; I didn't run and I answered most if not everyones replies here and I learned from this. And if Alex wants to file claim through canada post for a not delivered item in June 1st that was delivered; so he can get some more money or whatever; that's on him and more kudos to him! I no longer have any issues here. I 'm ok with the slabs. I'm ok with being accused of taking a slab I didn't receive. Everything is fine and thanks to the chat forum here; everyone has helped me move on, thank you!