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Everything posted by Boba

  1. If done right, it will be a neat way of opening up the DC Universe, if done wrong it will feel bloated. A lot of it will definitely depend on editing and storytelling (obviously). I enjoy most funnybook movies, but I still have reservations on a stunt like this for a solo hero's franchise. In my opinion, it's gonna be a lot of awesome imagery, but too much at once too. I'm hoping for the best. There is no way all these characters are going to receive equal screen time, but rather be brief appearances. Especially with all these movies rumored to be announced at SDCC, and wanting to tie the universe together, you can only do this through references and appearances. I hope you're right It does makes sense
  2. It still doesn't justify that statement. Case-in-point Dark Knight But I get what you're saying. Marvel has been more consistent up to now.
  3. I get it Chip, and no hard feelings really - it just got to me today I guess. But if your stating facts about firsts I think 1st superhero comic and fist female superhero are some pretty substantial "firsts". Marvel may have been there wake-up call but DC was there first. Marvel was no slouch either. They deserve a lot of credit for reviving the genre.
  4. +1 where is the "burn" emoticon?? , seriously though, there isn't any real hostility between fans of the two publishers amongst boardies is there? That's a bit silly.. Why bother with that? There is a lot good stories to enjoy from both companies anyway. +1, I love what both companies are doing with their films right now. It's a really exciting time to be a comic book fan, I say enjoy it all while it last as everything is transitory. Here here
  5. When I was a kid, my friend collected Marvel and I DC - we fought constantly about what company's comics was better. We we're kids. Granted, he sold me his Marvels and I loved them almost as much as my DC's. Anyway, my point is they both have made tremendous contributions to the genre and both are deserved of respect. I don't see what purpose there is in adults knocking what other adults like. That's kids stuff IMHO.
  6. Well, he did end his post with 'Peace' so he has that going for him, right? It always cracks me up how Marvel guys always have to take shots at DC. They just can't let it go. Whatever . . .
  7. And you felt you had to say that in this thread where rabid DC fans congregate. Nice . . .
  8. Amen to that! Ditto that (worship) . . . and don't forget Wonder Woman too
  9. After sleeping on it I think I was confusing a #15 that also came up for sale after I had purchased an identically graded copy a few weeks earlier. Same situation - same venue Heritage. So it wasn't 3 it was 2. It's still weird how 2 books I have been looking for, 2 copies of each pop up for sale like this. I hope a #16 comes along soon. I totally missed a 5.0 that went for peanuts back in February.
  10. I bought the previous one on Heritage and I thought there was another between this one and the one I bought - but I can't find it on my little iPhone. I'll try find the other one later.
  11. Heritage (thumbs u Try the new link.
  12. I can't find one for a year, and then in the course of a month 3 of them in the same grade appear http://www.ha.com/c/mobile/view-item.zx?saleNo=121427&lotNo=11378
  13. When I was there, I recall there being some turmoil - I think Dubay had left, don't recall why. I was doing stuff for Heavy Metal and I had sold a story idea to Archie Goodwin at Marvel for Epic (unfortunately I never completed it, as I moved to LA to work on a movie) and a guy by the name of Chris Adams was running the place for Jim at the time. I will attest to the fact that we had a lot of freedom, basically I "created" the story based on an outline Chris and I drafted in his office, I went home drew like mad and returned with finished pages that were then lettered with a story Chris wrote. It was very weird. I think had I continued to work for them, it would have eventually evolved into something a little more conventional, but who knows. I wasn't really built for doing comic pages, and I ended up rushing the final installments of the story and wasn't very happy with the work I did later on. The best pages were the ones I did for the first issue my work appeared (Eerie #121) but many of them were lost years ago, but I have a lot of the ones I didn't finish and I am actually re-working (finishing) them when time permits. I have no plans to return to comics right now, since I make too decent a salary in advertising. Maybe someday though. Thanks for the compliment on the work.
  14. I wish they were mine, they're from the Hepcat raw bar Sometimes you can get a deal on those HA Sunday auctions, especially in the summertime when people are frolicking out and about and tend to forget to bid on things.
  15. I hear ya Ron. I too am a relic. This page was done in 1981 for Warren's Eerie a year before Dark Crystal's striders.
  16. M.A. goodness The cover on that #61 is a masterpiece
  17. The headgear looks way too big on her in the left pic and the overall outfit looks bad. I don't sympathize with the badly made eagle on her chest. Have they ever seen armors from the Hellenistic period? They made beautiful and esthetically very appealing armors/ uniforms. Let alone that she probably shouldn't fight in a white long cloak. Looks cheap. Not slick at all. I agree these looks kinda cheesy, but the close-up headshot in profile has a very menacing look that I think is cool. The costume, I agree, needs work, but a valiant effort still.
  18. Showcase #37 is one of the best covers in the entire run, IMHO (thumbs u That's a sweet copy! You hardly see any of these over 4.0
  19. Obviously the seller of the 4.0 on the exchange knows he will get his price sooner rather than later, and considering how rare the book is, 7500 for it will probably look like a deal in six months, and even at that price is the lowest priced publicly available blue label that I can find right now. The one at the auction may not fetch that but I can easily envision a final sales price range of 6600-7200, with a very real and likely chance that it will crack 7k, for the reasons stated above. As for the back cover scans doesn't comic link provide upon request ? -J. -J. Pulled the trigger on it
  20. I can't say I can remember that (3-4 years ago anyway) but maybe I'm not aware of how many were being shopped around. Every one I saw got snatched up chop-sweet. I remember losing a 7.5 on eBay for I think it was $11,000+/-